Excellent post; and in your somewhat agnostic state offers more insight than many theologians are able to do.
That said, you summed things up nicely:
evolved among flawed and fallible unguided humans
Few have said this better.
As a Christian, I believe God had a Perfect Plan. As I think about Adam and Eve, pre apple, zero mention was made about the conjugal experiences of the two. Pre apple they enjoyed the freedom of fully bared skin without shame.
So, post the apple, they were cast out, and this is when God put the marriage clause in affect. It was almost a form of punishment for their disobedience. The woman would have pain in childbirth, the husband would work by the sweat of his brow. It wasn't exactly the primrose path engaged couples dream of.
Fast-forward through generations and centuries, as noted in the quote, flawed people rewrote the laws to fit their needs and greeds.
Marriage has so many benefits for the extremely fortunate who've found a common ground and made peace with the God-covenant in love.
As you note, divorce was an addendum to the original plan. It comes with many consequences, which few people ever discuss; including many caveats for remarriage that most people regretfully ignore.
Long story short, I really enjoyed reading your insightful post. I learned a thing or two.
Thanks for sharing.