It’s a girl!! The atmosphere was filled with joy as the sound of the baby’s first cry pierced through the open space in the hospital, everyone was there, there was joy and happiness as Sandra held her baby, she was happy she successfully brought the child to this world after 6years of being married to Paul, they had awaited a child and finally their prayers had been answered with the most beautiful gift ever imaginable, a baby girl but Sandra knew she had to go, she felt herself leave her body, she requested to carry the baby one last time, while she was holding the baby, she whispered into Alexia’s ear “be kind to people and always remember who you are,never give up, I love you” and with this last words, she started shaking and before the doctor could arrive, she was gone, a life brought and another taken , what a terrible end to such a beautiful beginning, they would have made a wonderful family.
Alexia grew fast, she was beautiful and very brave, she never let anyone run over her and she was a very kind girl,she loved her father very much but tragedy came knocking again, her father became terrible ill, he did not last 4 days in the hospital when he gave up the ghost,Alexia was 14 at the time, her life was about to change for the absolute worse.
The only relative whom Alexia could stay with was her father’s sister, oh , she was up to no good, she was searching for merchandise,she was into prostitution and that was the only money bringing job she had.
“I CANT keep feeding you, your old enough to take care of yourself or else you will starve” Alexia did not understand what her aunt meant by taking care of herself “I thought elders are to take care of their juniors till their very old”she thought, she waved the thought away and days went by and it was life as usual, she had stopped going to school because her aunt claimed not to have money for her tuition fees and other things, Alexia cried for a while about this but later she decided to come to terms with the fact that she was a drop out,everything was okay until Alexia’s 16th birthday, that was the beginning of her life’s torture.
Alexia was excited about this day, she remembered how much her dad used to pamper her on her birthdays and he always promised that he would always be with her, he promised but he did not keep his promise, Alexia’s aunt told her that she would have the best birthday of her life as 16th birthdays are the most significant birthdays ever, it is the time where true life begins, why did the sound of this send cold chills through her spine, she had no idea, she was not comfortable with this 16th birthday maturity but she waved off the thought, what’s the worst that could happen to her now, her dear parents are gone and her life literally unmeaningful, she kept preparing for her aunt told her to look very nice, but for what she did not know but she did her best anyways, what’s really the worst that could happen.
There was a knock on the door, that should be aunt May, she rushed to the door and opened it, she froze at what she saw, aunt May was there though but the people with aunt May frightened her guts, “Aunt, who are these people,Why are they here”, but her aunt said nothing, she held Alexia hand so hard, she could feel a muscle crack, May dragged her to a room, this room had been locked since she came to stay with aunt May, the one time she tried sneaking in, May caught and told her not to be in a hurry and that it wasn’t time yet,..Oh my goodness, what was happening? Why is Aunt May so quiet ? Aunt did I do something wrong?she asked innocently but her aunt kept dragging her, they got into the room and then the lights were on, Alexia was in another world, What is the meaning of this? , this room contained whips, canes and every other weapon of torture, there are referred to as sex toys, all of a sudden Alexia came to the realization that there is actually something worse than loosing your parents and it was about to happen to her, No, they won’t do this to me, no, no, no ,but it was no use, the huge men who came with May came into the room, they headed straight for her, she got up and tried running but heard her aunt’s voice for the first time and the words that she heard brought her to her knees, she had been with this woman for more than 2 years but never knew who she was living with.”there’s no need running, help yourself and be steady, do not waste your strength, you will need it” said May.
The men came and carried her up, she was placed on a bed and her hands and legs were tied, one of the men started romancing her and touching and this made her even more irritated at the whole thing, when he got closer and his ear was close to her mouth, she bit it so bad that she cut a part of his ear off, this angered the man, which is what she wanted but she had no idea of how this works, the man groaned in agony and turned and slapped her so hard, she felt her teeth loose, then he turned and looked at her aunt, she nodded with a smile, and the next thing Alexia felt was a strong stroke across her legs, she screamed but before she could recover another lash was given to her, she was being disobedient, and so because of this she was being punished. When the whipping stopped, she was being electrocuted, she was literally dying but the death refused to come in full, she cried until there was no more strength left in her to shout, then it stopped, the torture was over, her aunt brought her some water and calmly whispered into her ears, sleep tight peaches, and then left the room, she cried and cried until she slept off,
Alexia woke up with a fright, as ice cold water was poured on her body, she was dying, she could not feel her body, she could not think, she just kept jerking, and in this moment, she felt a very sharp pain in her private area, she could not really feel it and she did not know what was happening until she opened her eyes and saw a man untop of her and realized that she was being raped, then the pain came in full, Alexia screamed in severe pain but the man could care less, he kept humping on her like she was a piece of wood, she turned and saw her aunt standing by the door, looking with excitement at the pleasure the man was gaining and suddenly, she felt nothing no pain, no hurt, no sorrow, just hate, not for the people doing this to her but for her aunt, she swore in her that she would pay her aunt back, the man was done and he cleaned up himself and she was left like that with the blood, the pain and the hate.
Some few hours later, another man came in and did the same thing as the first, such pieces of gabbage , they had no regard for cleanliness, they could have atleast cleaned her up before the next person, did she really just think that, oh she hated her aunt even more now, when he was done he spat at her face and called her a whore, “wow,am the whore now?” she would get out of this ropes and show them what a whore can do.
She woke up this morning feeling very energized, it was time to find a way to get out of here or else, this people would kill her, hide her body and probably do it to another young 16 year old girl, she must break out of this, she thought hard but she was cut out by the sound of the door opening, two men walked in and untied her and another woman came inside and asked that she be cleaned up, was this it? Her big break, let’s see where this goes, she thought. She was carried to place that had a shower but the smell that the room had made her want to throw up, when she looked more, she noticed a girl lying on the ground, she was dead and beside her was another body and the more she looked, the more bodies she saw, she knew for sure that she would die if she does not leave this place, all of a sudden, one of the men grapped her breast, he grapped it so bad it felt like he was ripping it apart, it hurt so bad but the more she struggled, the harded his grip got, she decided to try to play along but got no where, she was raped there again and then they left her in the bath tub half dead to bath herself for according to them, something really exquisite was waiting for her.
She died in that tub but in her unconsciousness, she saw a woman , she looked like the woman in the pictures her dad showed her, she looked like her mother, she was radiating light and she came closer to Alexia and held her face, and whispered to her “be kind to people and always remember who you are, never give up, I love you” and immediately Alexia woke up, those words sounded very familiar but she did not know where she heard it but it gave her new strength, she quickly cleaned and got clothes from one of the dead girls, she was disgusted but she needed to wear something, she tried getting to her feet but felt a very serious pain in her legs,stomach ,all over her body but she tried to focus on what’s important, she tried getting up again and this time, she used all the strength in her and when she finally got to her feets, she looked around and found a phone from one of the girls, she grabbed it and headed for a hole, she crawled through the hole and found herself outside facing the road, she was so happy,she crawled out and headed for the road, she shouted for help but no one actually listened, while she was shouting, a police car from nowhere pulled over, she was taken to the station
She explained her story and she was assured that it would be taken care of, a woman walked up to her and said she was asked to drop her at the airport, she agreed, on their way, the woman brought the idea that they should go to her house and change Alexia’s clothes before going to the airport, she was to be taken to an orphanage home in England, Alexia agreed but there was something not right about this woman, she was too nice. They entered a neighborhood, and she recognized this place, it was the road leading to her aunt’s house, she turned and looked at the woman, who also looked back and smiled and she smiled back, oh no, this woman was taking her back to her aunt, they were really going to kill her, she quickly came up with an idea, she acted like she could not breath , like she was getting into a coma, the woman ofcourse bought it and stopped the car, rushed out of the driver’s seat and headed to the passenger’s seat but before she could get the door. Alexia opened the door and hit her so bad, she fell and Alexia rushed off.
Seeing that the police were going to do nothing about this, she decided to stop her aunt and her crew on her own, she found a church, she had be sneaking in to sleep there, she would stay here till she was done with her plan but the priest caught her stealing food from the church kitchen, he pitied her and decided to be keeping food for her, so whenever she would come, she would just carry the food and run off, this happened for 2weeks, and through out this time , she was watching her aunt and her accomplices, she knew where they hung out and finally the day she was to take them out arrived, she went to the church to pray and asked for forgiveness, and there she spoke to the priest for the first time, he gave her the bible and told her that he's there if she ever needed someone.She hated humanity, everything was evil to her but today she would stop a part of that evil.
She headed first to a club where the first two men that tortured her hung out, she managed to get close to their drinks and she put in a sleeping substance for them, they finished their drinks and started heading home and she started messing with their heads, actually they thought she was dead, there was no way she would survive such, so when they saw her, they wanted to be sure that was not her, so she used this and lured them to an underground tunnel and when they got to where she wanted them to be, she came out, knowing fully well that they drugs would have effect then and just as she thought, both of them fell to the ground and passed out.
She finished with them and headed for the men that raped her, luckily for her they were friends, and they were together, she did the same thing as her first victims and carried them to the same place and did to them what she wanted, after some few hours, they all woke up to notice that they have been tied up, the first two victims noticed that she had cut their skin open in some places on their bodies and filled it with fungus bacteria, and the bacteria had already started eating them up and the other rapists had their private fussed between a grinder, Alexia appeared and they began to beg for mercy, this even disgusted her more and more, “did you have mercy on me?, did you have mercy on those girls you killed? But now you beg for mercy,” and in this angered, she crushed the private area of those two men and they died instantly she knew the other two would die eventually so she left them to suffer, she headed to the house, Sweet aunt May’s house, she was at home, drinking and smoking as usual, she went inside and immediately her aunt saw her she dropped the ciga and the glass of drink, she could not believe her eyes, frightened she lost her balance and landed on the floor and a piece of glass pierced sliced her neck and she struggled still frightened, she died with fear in her eyes, she would definitely rot in hell.
Alexia ran back to the church and told the priest all she had done and they priest promised to take care of her, he called the police and directed them to the scenes of all the killings and also to where the bodies of the missing girls had been kept.
Alexia saw a doctor and therapist that helped her deal with her issues, she always remembered what that beautiful woman she had seen told her “be kind to people”, she was not perfect, she did not forget what was done to her but she always tried to be kind to people.