Hello Everyone, @ejemai here with the announcement for the STACH Short Story Contest #19.
What is a Short Story.
A short story is a story with a fully developed theme but significantly shorter and less elaborate than a novel. It makes use of plot, resonance, and other dynamic components to a far greater degree than is typical of an anecdote. You can read it in less than 90 seconds.
Contest Rules:
•Write a Short Story based on the topic that will be given every week.
•Write an Original Short Story (Plagiarism will be flagged and reported).
•The Story must contain no more than 199 words.
•One entry per user.
•Story should be pasted in the comment section below, no links.
•Contestants are permitted to post their stories in an article on their blog, so they also get upvotes from the @stach trail.
Winners Selection.
Winners will be selected based on the topic, story plot, number of words and delivery as determined by the selected Judge. One word above 199, disqualifies the entry.
Contest Topic.
Write a 199 words story about MY VERY FIRST VALENTINE!
Share the experiences, good, bad or ugly.
For this special edition, I am putting aside a very juicy SBD loved-up prize pool. The story with the most interaction gets a 1SBD prize from @ejemai.
Everyone Wins.
Good luck guys!
Sharpen your writing skills and throw in some inspiring short stories.
STACH is a physical Accelerator Hub dedicated to decentralizing the offline by breaking the barriers to accessing the internet like light, internet and conducive working space.
STACH is supported by @Sndbox as a Sndcastle project.
I became first aware of Valentine's day and its meaning in my first year in junior secondary school.
It was that same year my mother heard me talking about it and slapped me for gradually becoming a spoilt child.
My whole existence was riddled with confusion that day.
Every other valentine's day after that just passed promptly without my notice.
Seven years later in my first year in the University I had my first real Valentine experience.
The day was going to pass like the ones that had gone before because I had given it no thought not to talk about making plans.
I got hungry and decided to go buy noodles downstairs.
When I got to the gate of the lodge, my year 1 crush was coming in to see his friend.
As usual I blushed and nearly fell flat on my face but I regained my composure miraculously and continued on my way.
He was in his final year. I guess he knew I was crushing on him. And I felt I didnt stand a chance. He was just too fine and I couldn't keep up with Awka girls.
That same day, his very first words to me were
"Happy Valentine's day fine girl".
I still dont know if I replied because everything that followed after that passed in a love struck haze.
We went out to a pizza joint in his car.
Men and brethren the relationship that kicked off on valentine's day lasted 4months.
I was naive and he was an asshole.
Ehyaaa.. Nice story
Awwnn nice story but 4months I think u both could have done better
Ikr... We could have but i felt i was taken advantage of. Had to shift.
my first entry!
Andrew and I met in drama valley. The underlying gathering was entirely relaxed as a shared companion presented us. I was genial, yet no ringers went off in my mind. I helped myself to remember my new love delineate chose a hand to hand fighting dojo was an all the more encouraging gathering spot to become more acquainted with a man than the pools of hot springs. Carlin and I reconnected seven days after the fact in San Diego at a meeting put on by the Psychologist Jack Gibb to investigate his thoughts regarding the wellbeing and prosperity of gatherings and the general population in them.
True love never dies. He is my friend and also my closet member of my life. we went to hilly area to enjoy life. he is so simple the honest man in my life! I am so sad he was died last month through heart attack. Which is wrost time for me I can express it in my word! Love you Andrew !
Nice piece
Here is my entry:
It was in February and it was my first, my first girlfriend and my first valentine. I didn't know what to get her so i went with different random gifts. Bought her perfume, credit card Lolz, underwear (although my sister assisted with this, could have never done it on my own. Too shy to visit a ladies store), a big white teddy bear, flowers, hand bag... all sorts. When she saw everything she smiled and whispered to my ear (babe you didn't have to, all I want is for you to love and cherish me everyday till...) it got me thinking, the best gift on Val is to remain loyal and loving to your partner not in the gifts you want to buy.
So fast😄😄
Lolz it's something that happened to me so I don't see why it should be difficult to narrate my ordeal... Thanks for reading
Here's my entry.
It was all like a joke, I mean my first valentine experience. I was very young and I didn't know what it meant to celebrate valentine. I only noticed people putting on a touch of red in their attire lol. I had a female best friend in secondary school and decided to show this said love to her by getting her something (I had no idea what I was supposed to get for her). I had to consult a friend and he was like "get her a perfume". I thought about it and read a whole different meaning to it, "does it mean she has body odour"? Well, I was just a casual friend to her and since it was my first time to indulge in something like that, I bought the perfume and a roll-on for her. I gave it to her after school and she was really excited and overwhelmed simply because she's never received a valentine gift before. I noticed our friendship elevated immediately after the gesture I showed her.
Perfume - ok, but roll-on deodorant?! Hilarious! You get an upvote from me for that!!
Lol, much thanks
Hello everyone, it's Kay on the Keys.
Here is my entry.
So on Valentine's day of 2015 I wanted to surprise my girlfriend, I planned to take her for a picnic, I packed for the picnic into the car, I called her later that evening, if she would love to step out possibly let's go somewhere out of the area, she said yes.
So I went over and picked her up, I had bought two same t-shirts one of each of us, which I have her one, she wore it because I was wearing mine, well I took her to a playground in Uyo popularly known as love Garden.
At the venue we found a space, thus we set it up well I brought out the drinks and the meats I roasted.
She asked me if she could choose a random couple at the playground to come join us to play games and the rest, I was happy to hear the gesture thus I supported the idea we found a couple possibly in their 22s and politely asked them to come join us, which they did happily, we had lots of fun, got to know more about each other.
I could remember vividly how it happened,it was the first day of January that year,i'd called to wish her happy new year,and the talk had gone haywire,"would you be my girlfriend"?,I had asked her out.
She was my crush and everything, and I'd always had a certain feeling around her, my friends would say, she did 'juju' for me,for I could talk about her nonstop,buy her gift and do her assignments,but I wouldn't express my feelings, perhaps she knew, for I was super duper caring and loving, any dumb ass should get the signal, but as smart as Vera was, she wasn't even paying attention,she wouldn't even notice, I was just her friends, like every other.
Vera hung up after my question and we stopped talking,she wouldn't even as much as borrow a pen from me,I became withdrawn, talking only when talked to.
She replied me on Valentine's Day, she sent a text as early as 2am in the morning,these were the exact words "maybe I couldn't process it, it's like a dream,the one you adore asking you out,i am sorry,I love you"
That was the beginning of an unending story, I don't think I'll ever forget val's day.
My first Valentine was when I was 9 years old, we made drawings and hearts at school, to give them to our classmates and friends. The teacher, a loving and kind woman, always taught us that you had to be cordial and kind to everyone.
When we finished our drawings we all began to give them to the people we considered our best friends. I remember that there was a boy who was very strong in the class that was called Paul, he always bothered the girls, mocking them and taking their things away, to see them angry.
Paul was not a bad boy, but at that age I suppose bothering the girls was his way of showing them that he wanted to be his friend. That day I remember that when I finished delivering my drawings to my friends. When I got up from the desk to go to the teacher's desk, when I came back I found a beautiful card from Paul telling me that he wanted to be my friend, and his favorite toy was a cart that he gave me with the card.
It's been more than 20 years and we're still friends.
jjajajaja muyy buen relato, me hicistes reir con Paul! saludos amiga!
Gracias amiga, abrazos. ;)
Que lindo relato amiga!
Gracias amiga, me alegro que te gustara. Saludos ;)
I can still remember vividly the very first Valentine experience of my life, although am not a playboy type of a guy and neither did I have a girlfriend back then but the big boys in school then were my very good friends. Actually me and the big guy's have nothing in common but the single thread that attached me to them was the fact that i am a good player on the pitch of football.
I grew up as a devout Christian and train up by also a devout parents who never takes laziness, reckless act and bad attitude for granted. So having a girlfriend or dating a lady was not in my agenda then.
February 14 of one particular month. Early in the morning, it falls during the school day just like this one. The big guy's which are my friends together with me were holding their presents well wrapped with a lovely red thread and a short note attached to it. Wow, i feel amazed and isolated because know body was expecting gift from me and also i was neither expecting gift from anybody. Students always think Valentine was all about boyfriend and girlfriend stuff attached with the girl giving sex inreturn to show her love.
Not long enough, my friends began to receive gifts of different kinds from their female girlfriends and the guy's also in return exchange their gits with them. It was colour and also a day of love in the air.
My friends felt i was not part of the fun in the evening, because there was a party organized for lovers to celebrate the day. I personally did not attend because i never have a girlfriend. The next day was Friday, my friends came back and discuss how they all enjoyed their Valentine with their various girlfriends after the school hour. They promise to get me one ,so as to make the next Valentine also eventful for me. The rest are story for the gods. That is all about my first Valentine experience.

To be sincere, I never considered VALENTINE to be a very special day. I usually never even notice the day and whenever I am reminded about it, I get somehow furious. I Ask myself, "Why would people just choose a day and call it a day of love?!"
I believe I did all this because I never fell in love.
This year, my friends, is my very first Valentine; this year I acknowledge VALENTINE, this year I call 14th of February (valentines day) , the day of love because this year I fell blatantly in LOVE.
How did this happen?
I really don't know how, because few years ago I never imagined myself feeling so helpless happy in love with anyone.
So, Today i am experiencing my first Valentine. I hope today would be everything I imagined about Valentine's Day.
Wow... I hope you have a beautiful memory of valentine celebration this year.
I hope so too.. Thanks alot
Here is my entry:
I was 20 years old in my sophomore year at the prestigious University of Port Harcourt, this was 2014. It was February 14 and as usual the ruckus about Valentine was high in the air, my lodge neighbors were already scheming how their day would go down. Every man got a Valentine and I was the odd one out.
Hence, my plan for that day was simple, ‘I'll attend lectures that day, return home cook myself a nice meal and watch House of Cards’. At about 4:30 PM, I returned to an almost empty lodge, everyone I know was out.
In no time I made myself a delicious pot of Jollof rice, I turned on my generator and turned on my TV to watch my intriguing ‘House of Cards’.
20 minutes into my movie, I heard a knock on my door, a female voice came through. I went to answer the door, I met a pretty neighbor who apparently didn't go out for Valentine grooves.
‘I want to charge my phone’, she said. ‘Come in’, I urged.
Nature had a funny way of linking me and Vanessa on Valentine’s day. Vanessa was my Valentine and later my girlfriend.
My entry
Well she was one of the cutest girls in our class and I still can't believe we dated what she saw I don't know but I guess I must have been lucky, we started the day on an awesome note she sent me a picture and I still have it I wouldn't loose it
Later that evening around 5pm Nigerian time we went out to jabi lake park, we had fun I played a game "rope in the bottle" won her a cute Teddy bear, we went for dinner at dunes that was the most expensive dinner ever had trust me February 15th the next day my pocket felt it😉 but I was so glad it was my first ever Valentine's day, my second kiss... It was awesome
Here is my entry.
I was in 100level, sitting in my room in school, and a friend walked into the room with my elder brother and his girlfriend, Took me along with them to a nice place, then left me and the girl alone while him (my bro) and his girlfriend left us.
A game was brought (truth and dare game) defaulter will have to buy drink, game was played for a couple of hours... Game was fun as I 1 given a lap dance and I got a French kiss and eventually I got to pay a fine when I was asked to kiss my brothers girlfriend.
After the game and all the fun, we had to come back home but then our funds got exhausted... Lol. The girls had to complete it though.
We got back home and it was the after party... I was given valentines gift (boxers and a wrist watch) I was amazed because she isn't my girl friend, never thought I'll get a thing on that day, but then it happened. It was such an unforgettable that I so cherish her for what she did. She is so loved!
so I heard about our new Neighbor That rented the next apartment close to my room, but as usual I was uninterested because, that's not my 1st neighbor, and I cared less, it was Monday morning and I prepared for work, my work is the type we call early go, late come, so no chance for pleasantries, it continued like that till on Saturday, my day off and I was awoken by loud music playing from the next room, (my new neibour) I hissed at the thought of a new neighbor already disturbing the peace of my environment, so I wore my clothes and stormed off to his door, knock knock, knock knock again, he opened and OMG there stood in front of me, a gorgeous drop dead handsome young man, winks ☺, my type of man, then I started stuttering, em em OK can u please reduce the volume of your music?? I was so nice so I was crushing immediately. Then we started seeing more often and exchanged glances occasionally ☺, then time went by and it was a day to Valentine, I was in my room as usual and he came ,I asked him in and we got talking, one thing led to the other, and he asked me to be his val!! Wow I was so happy, then on Valentine's Day we had the most amazing outing.....and thus began the journey of our love.
Thanks for reading.
My very first Valentine
My first VAL taught me a vital lesson about relationships – NEVER ASSUME!
I was a secondary school student in an all-boys school. There was this girl living down the street, she was my friend’s sister and my first crush. In no time, we got closer and enjoyed each others company, always chatting and making out.
When our first valentine approached, I racked my head for what to give her, and alas, I remembered she likes Westlife songs. I bought their album, sat by our old stereo system and started writing down the lyrics of ‘My Love’. (silly loverboy!)
I wrapped the written lyrics in an envelop, added a romantic card, rose, cookies and sent to her via her junior brother. She enjoyed it, came over to my house and we made out for a long time. I was happy and felt I have landed myself a girlfriend, not knowing that I was only grooming her for another guy (smh!)
To cut the story short, a guy came along, stole her attention, she drifted, I confronted her, and she asked if we were in a relationship!
It took me a month to recover.
Well, everyone is dropping their experience, and here is mine.
It all started like a joke and it also ended like a joke too. Today makes it exactly 8 years when I started experiencing the power of love on Valentine's Day. There was a girl called tolani on my street, very beautiful and attractive. I have been looking for a way to lure her into my world, but hell nah! She gave me tough time that I had to let her be. Couple of months later, around January, her friend was celebrating her birthday in a popular lounge around and coincidentally, we bumped into each other while trying to place an order and I cleared her bills because it wasn't that exorbitant and I think that act out her engage in a conversation with me and that was how it all began and I was enjoying the roller coaster of her ride not until the twisted feminism of the slay queen syndrome got into her and every day our lives in that relationship is nothing but a trouble not until I saw another angel that understood the real power of and caring for an edible and strong fellow like me, I dropped tolani like I am dropping an "agbero" in Lagos and that was where my awful experience of Valentine's Day.
Happy Valentine to everyone!!!
My first valentine was during my senior year in high school. How we spent the day wasn’t so unique in anyway; still the regular movie and dinner thing. The only thing that was spectacular about it was the details of the outing. I am a Nigerian, but funny enough I was in England at the time and we met not long before now. I have always been a fan of the New England Patriots since I was very little. Normally, the routine had always been: go to the movies first before dinner, so you would have a bulk to talk about. We both just did the reverse. I was beginning to freak out; I didn’t know what to talk about. Luckily, he took me to one of my favorite restaurants for dinner. Coincidentally, the Patriots were playing against my date's favorite team.
My tension was eased, the dinner didn’t turn out awkward after all, and we didn’t stare at the food trying to find something to talk about. While playfully bashing each other’s team, we had tons of fun watching the game and getting to know each other. The movie was awesome and the Valentine’s Day experience was memorable.
My first Valentine's Day was not very appealing, but if it was very beautiful. Spent a couple of years ago, I was walking by the Lake Maracaibo in Venezuela with my girlfriend (which was at the time) and we just sit on the rocks to enjoy the scenery. I remember that we decided to go out without money, only to enjoy what nature and the world we put in the front, everything beautiful that God has given us and that without much to find we could enjoy whenever we were together. It was my first and one of my most beautiful Valentine's Day so far. At that time I was the happiest person in the world, and believe me I do not changed by anyone. At the end of the afternoon only I knelt down, I smiled and sang a couple of songs to close all with a gold brooch. I was the luckiest man in the world taking to that beautiful woman with me. Pleasant and beautiful memories.
A very beautiful story, one of those that reach your soul!!!
Those are the memories that remain for a lifetime, very beautiful story.
Nice one :)
Awesome :)

I could still remember very well when I was in SS3 Secondary school graduating Student. There was a girl called Rukayat, she is beautiful, pretty and cute. Since I joined the school she was my first crush and I was shy to talk to her not knowing she has the same feeling as I. I finally built my boldness and comfort her to be my friend and she accepted immediatly, since then we act like couples but we were friend to everybody's mine they thought we were dating.
One day my friend told me to propose to her and I replied "I don't want to lose her as a friend incase if she reject my proposal", my friend told me never to dull myself because many guys are after her and I got sad 😔. I still stick close to her to some extent that she do called me when doing her menstrual and I will go to her house and stay with her throughout the day and through there she developed interest in me.
ON FEB 14th
She got to the class early before me because I was late then, without my notice in the public she knelt and said WILL YOU BE VAL AND MY LOVE FOREVER?. So I rise her immediately and hugged her with a big sound YES
Thanks to stach for this contest 😍.. Make me remember my Dear Rukayat.
You got to give it to Femi, an expert in the game. I thought he had a telepathic ability as he knew the next action of his 'specimen'.
"Boy you dey dull, Beatrice dig you die" he said.
He just confirmed my thought but scared to act on it.
Mr. Amori entered our class. 80% of his period would be about 'when I was in Ghana' story instead of Geography. Perfect opportunity to plan for Valentine on Saturday.
Earlier I picked a paper with her name on it out of 12 other girls in BMV game.
I was half running to school on Monday morning. I looked across the classroom to catch a glimpse of her while catching my breath. My glance was met with the most aesthetic smile and the world seemed to stand till. I was restored by a sudden uproar...Oh all eyes have been on me while I was smiling romantically at my prize.
It was Femi's voice I heard amidst the uproar "O boy, she don get your password".
Then he whispered "you go gist me later". With the smile on my face i answered "no i don't kiss and tell, especially not with her".
A long time after having met my boyfriend we had our first Valentine's Day, it was a very fun adventure given that although we already had almost a year of relationship, we were always nervous and very sorry. He took me to the best restaurant in the city and did everything possible to make me happy, we ate a lot of delicious food, we ate a lot of ice cream and enjoyed a very romantic evening under the moonlight and a beautiful Jazz background, in a long time I felt loved and loved by someone who really knew that he would be with me for the rest of my life. Today, four years later, we continue to celebrate Valentine's Day in the same way, with much love and feeling, full of the happiness of being best friends, the best boyfriends in the world. I love you my love.
Мy entry!

It so happened that on Valentine's Day, I was left alone in the student hostel.
I caught a cold and could not go to a cafe with friends.
It was sad, and I almost sobbed that it happened.
Sometimes I looked desperately out of the window and thought: "I now have a black streak in my life." Suddenly, the red balls in the shape of hearts shot up.
The balls stopped in the middle of my window and swayed in the wind.
What a miracle!
I looked out the window, but saw no one.
The ends of the ropes from the balls were tied to the trunk of a tree.
A little later there was a knock at the door.
When I opened the door, no one was there, but only on the floor was a teddy bear,
who was holding a note in the paws "I love you."
I looked around, but there was no one.
When the friends returned home, they saw that I slept with a bear in my hands and smile in my sleep.
The girls all asked: "Who brought the gift?"... I just smiled.
It was a timid Mishka from a parallel course ...
Lizzy and i met during our days in the university, i had liked her the very first time i did set my eyes on her. She was light skinned and beautiful. I always thought she glowed like the sun yet i feard she might get burnt when she walked under the sun. I had made every possible effort to be close to her and that included going out of my comfort zone to do anything she asked me to do. Oh ! How excited i was when the big question "what do you want from me " came on the eve of valentine, i had been bold ,i had told her my mind. I loved her and i wanted her.
But the reply was negative, it wasnt possible because she was two years older than me.
Heartbroken i was, i switched off my phone and locked meself up in my room. Then around 4pm on valentine's day i heard a knock on my door when i opened the door, there she was standing with a cake in her hand she had changed her mind and quess what? It was also her birthday. And that was the begining of an everlasting love.
So it was February 14th and I woke up with a mission. I promise I'd show up at her class on valantines day, she is beautiful, she didn't believe me and I had a lot to prove.
The department of medicine is so far away from the faculty of management science. No vehicle takes people to this long treckable place, so I walk all the way to her faculty.
I get there after a long walk to freedom. Her lecturer was teaching statistics, he thinks I'm his students and I late, so he asks me questions, lots of them. I answer them cause I'm a boss in statistics and this is year 2 stuff.
I get into the class, all the boys were hailing me cause of the way I was dressed (as a medical student) and the way I answered the questions and rI saw her, in my mind she is very impressed.
I struggle for a sit right next to her and I said to her finally...happy valentines day dear...she had this blank expression on her face like she didn't know what I was saying...
After the class, she has a lot to handle cause she is the course rep. so she has a lot of work on her hand, so I waited patiently for 2hours before my brain told me she obviously doesn't have my time.
She was having course rep. duties so I searched everywhere for her just to find out she wasn't in the building.
So oh well!! That's was valantines for me!!
I let down all the boys in my generation and I wasn't going to do it further by calling her...
Pure Awesomeness- My Very First Valentine
When you've gotten used to a perfect love, you wouldn't settle for anything less.
Such was the life of Linda, a girl who had given up on happiness after her man of 4 years dumped her. They had been together since high school, and the world expected them to get married
Alas, fate had different plans for her!
Finally, Eric came into her life in her first year in college. She ignored him for a long time because she couldn't risk her heart getting shattered again.
Finally she gave in and he showed her love in its most selfless form.
On Valentine's day in 1996, he proposed to her in the most romantic way:
"Please give me the satisfaction of spending every other Valentine's day with you for as long as I live. Marry me, baby"
He stayed true to his word and loved her immensely as the years passed.
Until some days after the Valentine's day of 2007 when he died.
Her heart is yet to recover for she is yet to see a purely awesome love, the kind Eric could give.
I had always prided myself as being emotionally strong; never too attached to anyone or anything.
Until I transferred to another high school and met the Vice principal. I immediately fell in love with him.
He fit every description I had ever fantasized about in my man. Also, very importantly: he was neither my classmate nor anywhere within my age bracket.
So I worked on my writing skills and kept showing him poems and short stories I wrote. He always encouraged me and gave the needed constructive criticism. He never flogged me. Everyone suspected us. I was happy!
On Valentine's day of 2009, I wrote a love poem which I titled "An Ode To A Wonderful Person". It was meant for him, but I was too shy to tell him that.
I took the poem to his office.
"Hello sir. I worked on this today. What do you think? "
"I'll go through it later, dear. Now, I want to ask you something"
Butterflies danced in my belly with anticipation "Go on, sir"
"You remember Miss Diane; you met her with me once. I want to propose to her today. What do you think?"
My soul burned
ow..so sorry
Memory of my first Valentine
Good times are never forgotten, especially when it comes to people who were part of your life.
When I was just starting high school, was a radical change in my life, I met new friends some very good and others not so good, I was was very popular because I liked to sing and at all the festivals I was one of the participants. When the month of February was approaching, the date of Valentine's Day there was a school-wide sharing, That day I was going to my classroom when my companion Omer he saw me coming down the stairs he ran towards me, He gave me a kiss on the mouth and a chocolate, although everything was very quick I had time to slap him, his prank was annoying me, but today I remember that day and I laugh of that experience, and I remember even more because that my friend died six years in an accident; I had the opportunity to share with him before your departure in a reunion of friendships where we took photographs and we remember that moment between laughs, I still remember that great person in the one that after adult became.
by: @edurley
I fell in love with Martin in high school when we were 15 years old, I was attracted by his beautiful black eyes and his sweet smile, always ready to help anyone who needed it. Our first Valentine he picked me up at my house and invited me to lunch, but he told me that first we had to go to a place where he was a volunteer and he had promised to collaborate that day.
We walked hand in hand and I was surprised that he took me to a nursing home, there Martin was received with great affection by the grandparents and introduced me as his girlfriend, that day I heard the stories of those wonderful people and played table games where laughter and jokes were lacking. Then we left the asylum and went to lunch in a nearby restaurant where we talked about how well we had spent and how much we loved each other.
That Valentine's Day left me beautiful memories and that day I learned to pay more attention to my grandparents, to love them and listen to their wise advice, because today at 49 I too will soon be a grandmother.
I invited her to dinner, ever since I met her I never stopped thinking about her, we shared nice moments because we worked in the same company and little by little it was giving an attraction between the two.
I went to my house, took a bath and looked for the best clothes for the occasion, I went to look for her, when arrived and saw Marcela I could not even speak, my hands were sweating and I felt nervous. We were talking on the road, arrived at the place, entered and took a seat. Sitting there I had to confess my feelings and she also declared her love, we had a different night between stories and laughter. The night was over and we had to return to our homes, I left it and followed the road to my home; I arrived and parked my car, opened the door and my wife Anna was waiting for me, she screamed at me, threw objects in my face and threw me out of the house, at that time I had nowhere to go, just took a blanket and went to bed in the back of the car. I will never forget that…….
Valentine's Day
By @williamcarrasquero
I met him a few years ago, my mom presented it to me as my cousin, because he was the son of one of her cousins, and for that reason we were also him (someone strange to me). With the passing of the years in each family meeting we agreed, we talked about everything and we loved to dance together. Hector and I had a partner, and in the sight of all of us we were just cousins.
Little by little, he and I fell in love, we called each other on the phone and the desire to see each other was more frequent. It was already approaching what I call MY VERY FIRST VALENTINE! , fortunately, Hector comes up with a brilliant idea that day and invites me to share a lunch in a pleasant restaurant on the shores of Lake Maracaibo, we went sneaking around, we had lunch, we talked a little and from there we went to share a fun park located right there in the path of the Lake. Everything was beautiful, the day was in our favor, but the afternoon fell and everyone returned home. We do not mind having left our couples planted.
by @norkamoran
It was when I was in Junior Secondary School 3 somehow I got to know about valentine and made to understand that it is a season of love where people share gifts. The only person that came to my mind was my eldest sister Judith, studing at the University of Benin. I had missed her so much because she is someone I love and looked up to. I wanted to be like her in almost every way. Then i thought, what can be a good valentine gift for her. Besides February 14th was fast approaching.
About two day to vals day our neighbour's daughter had to travel to Benin from Asaba and it was sudden for me. I quickly drafted a note to my sister, telling her to manage the little money I was to use to get a gift for her valentine. Then wrapped my gift of ten naira 🙈 which was all I could save.
It turned out that after the semester ended my sister came home and was so full of thanks to me for sending her the ten naira. That it was a miracle money that came to her just at the nik of time. She told me that she made soup out of that ten naira. She needed money and there was no one travelling to send to our parents. I felt so happy because what I thought i did just for fun, turned out to be a saving grace for my sister.
Secondary school was fun, I loved going to school, not necessarily because I really loved learning. My clique of friends were the coolest, I loved hanging out with them. Coming from a Christian home, I never really knew what Valentine was all about talk less of falling in love. I got to witness what love was first hand from Jane, an influential members of my clique. I envied her because she had love, her boyfriend treated her like a queen. This made me crave for love.
I finally got what I wanted when Sam started showing interest in me. I had my very first Valentine with him.
That evening I sneaked out of the house to meet him, he was taking me for a friend's party. I was really excited, spending this evening with him would really be amazing. He got me a bottle of Smirnoff ice, I gulped one bottle after the other. I couldn't remember most of the happenings that evening. All I could remember was an exhilarating feeling that swept through my body as we partied. I woke up the next morning in a strange room, naked in a blood soaked bed, I had been raped.
I felt the elbow of my friend who told me, "look who just arrived," I looked immediately and saw that tall and brunette girl. She sat at the top of the class, her name was Miriam and she was new to my school, from that first day I saw her I was delighted with her; I tried to approach her but my nerves were attacking me. Then I realized that Miriam had become very close to a girl I knew well, I confessed that I was crazy about her and asked her to help me get to know her.
It turned out that Miriam had a boyfriend, but that did not stop me, so one Valentine's Day I stole some flowers from a garden, I went to school and I saw her talking with her boyfriend and some friends, I was filled with courage and I stepped between the people, when I had her in front of me I handed her the flowers and I kissed her on the cheek, that caused a long and harmonious sound that was heard in the whole environment, I looked her straight in the eyes and I said, Happy Saint Valentine, and I retired knowing that from that moment she would be for me.
Wow! Amazing! My very first Valentine day experience
It was exactly 3pm when I returned home after the day's stress, freshened up and had my lunch. Got a call from my friend to meet him, although he called in the morning, and asked if I would like to go on a date with him, which I accepted, I left the house to where he was, we went to see a movie, afterwards we went to a seat out, had a long conversation which made me smile althrough, then he gave me a Valentine gift, and a note, telling me how beautiful I was and how much he loves me, I was extremely excited because I have never received a gift on a Valentine day.
We held hands for what seemed like forever, that was when he did it, it was warm and lovely, I'd never forget the feel of his lips on mine.
Lovely piece dearie
My very first Valentine
“you have to remember where we where two month ago - W”.
I started to think and I remembered that two months I was having my first date with my boyfriend, so I went to the place and I found quite a surprise, a path make with rose petals, when I got to the end I saw a table with candles, roses and chocolates, and obviously there was W. with a big smile in his face, he kiss me and said:
“I’m no prince but I hope this was princess worthy, happy valentine’s day”
My Very First Valentine
My first Valentine was in JSS 1. This cute, small framed guy I was taller than gave me a plastic flower.
It was quite a surprise because I wouldn't even look him in the face. I was very shy and my relationship with most of the boys around me was either one of childhood familiarity or 'you make me very uncomfortable'.
He made me uncomfortable. Not in a way that made me scared or angry but in a way that was too funny for a child like me to comprehend.
But the girls thought it was cute and soon, I became the JSS 1 girl who received a flower from a boy in JSS 1.
Love meant something then. If someone liked you, no matter how much you pushed him away, he would still try. He would try to sit beside you in class. He would grab your hand and hold it tightly despite your discomfort. He would feed you because he thought you wanted something for recess. He would stammer to say the L word but say it anyway.
I know none of those things made sense but in retrospect, it felt more real than now
Love makes you vulnerable, it's like giving someone the license to do with your heart whatever they deem fit. I never really believed in the thing called love, this made my life less complicated. But nobody plans to fall, it just happens. I fell for Chuka like a stack of dominoes. So sweet he was, I couldn't just resist him. Every moment with him was amazing. Valentine brought with it a romantic spirit, which possessed Chuka. He made me feel so special like I was the only girl in the world. For everything he made me feel, I was going to give him a special present.
That day, he took me to places I've never been to, he treated me to the best of cuisines, and the music was lovely.
We retired home that evening, and I gave him something I've never given anyone, the gift was given in love.
Looking back now, I wished I hadn't given it to him, I'd have kept it back. Something that valuable shouldn't have been given to the dog of a man, but the love of the moment made me lose my virginity. After that Valentine, I'd never been the same.
@missfaith life continues. Just let go, There're better guys out there
yeah, thanks
sorry hun, you were fooled, boys can be crazy and wicked at times.
many people lose their virginity on a Valentine's Day. it's something they do for love
Never gift something that valuable to a guy, no matter how much you love him.
I've learnt my lesson, thanks
when in love, people do stupid things. love makes you blind to your stupidity.
yeah, right
Love, love, love. I don't think I'd be able to fall in love again. It's just so fake and selfish. You shouldn't have been through blind.
Love cost nothing, but what we pay emotionally is massive.
Your story is quite touching, sorry you were treated that way.
love sucks at time, but we have to give it a chance
love is beautiful hun, you just met the wrong partner.
Story of my life. Don't worry, you'd find your true love.
Most people would pretend they love you because they want something from you
Cool story, in spite of what happened, love is still beautiful
ehyaa, sorry dear, it wasn't your fault. You never saw it coming
your experience is not something new, girls go through that every single day.
OMG, you shouldn't have. You were blinded by love
sorry dear
February 14th. A day that never ceases to flood my head with dreadful memories.
I was 15, it was my first valentine ever. I felt so excited because I was asked on a date to the special valentine school dance. I planned to wear the customary valentine colours and I had decided on a pretty white dress and a cute little red bow in my hair.
The dance wasn't till 6pm and I was really anxious. My date finally arrived and we left for the dance. For an hour everything was going splendid then it was time to dance. We moved to the floor with everyone else and I noticed several students staring at my dress, girls especially and I assumed they liked and were jealous of it.
The stares began to increase and whispers accompanied it. I excused myself to the bathroom to check on things. I discovered that the back of my white dress was covered in dark red stains.
I had gotten my period and everyone had seen. I was so humiliated I hid in the bathroom and cried my eyes out.
My date didn't even bother to check on me.
My first Valentine experience was cool; I was in my first year in college about that time when I invited my boyfriend over to my lodge to spend some time together. We made some food together and that was the fun part of the food thing. He really was a good cook. He watched movies, cuddled, and got talking for as long as we had things to talk about. According to Aristotle, simplicity is said to be the best sophistication. The whole valentine experience was so simple, yet so cute and sweet.
The funniest thing is that the valentine’s date paved a tradition for our subsequent dates. When we hung out casually we usually end up doing those exact things and order food together at the zenith of the entire outing. I love simplicity and I think that played a huge factor in why I loved my first valentine so much. I really love conversations on dates like this so I get to know much about the person I am dealing with before anything else happens.
My very first valentine
Hey stranger, I heard from behind. I didn't want to look back. I was almost sure the person was not referring to me... I kept on walking then I heard it again. At this point I had to look back.
What a dark skinned, handsome, well dressed guy. But as a sharp girl I had to keep a straight face.
He walked closer and started talking about how he couldn't get his eyes off me the whole time. He went on and on. But as I can remember the conversation ended with him asking me to be his val.
Valentine's day came, he was outside my house waiting for me. We went to an eatery, had dinner, talked for a while. Time was far spent and I asked him to take me back home. When we got to my door, he told me he had a confession to make. Then he started by saying his friends dared him to go out with me, that he didn't really like me, that In fact, he's gay. PLEASE SHOOT ME!. I was really pissed. I didn't know what to say so I walked into my room and cried all night.
That day I woke up early because my boyfriend Frank would pass by me to go for a walk to the Andean paramo, suddenly they rang the bell of my house and it was him, who brought a beautiful bouquet of red roses, we hugged and kissed and very tenderly with specific words he told me how much he loved me and what I meant to him. After saying goodbye to my mother, we started the trip to Merida, it was a spectacular trip, I treated myself like a princess, everything was like a fairy tale. On the night when we returned to Valera he took me to a restaurant where he had reserved a special table for both of us, we enjoyed a delicious meal, the music of a mariachi that the same contract, while the group was singing, an innkeeper arrived with a cake that had a ornament red heart chest. The super excited took the heart and opened it telling me: MY LOVE DO YOU WANT TO MARRY WITH ME? I with tears in my eyes and my heart beating a thousand times I told him IF I ACCEPT! Today we celebrate 20 years of happy marriage and we love each other like the first day.
I still remember with nostalgia that day when our lips melted full of love to celebrate our first Valentine's Day.
I asked for permission to go out with my boyfriend and after so much insisting I got it.
We went to the cinema and then to eat in a very nice place in the city, there he gave me my gift and a letter where he declared his love.
On the way home, my father was waiting for me. When my boyfriend saw him, he turned white as a paper so he did not want to kiss me before he left because of the horrible pressure from the other side of the window.
My father finally told him:
"¡Son you are on the right way, you were responsible to bring her at the agreed time!"
My boyfriend breathed a sigh of relief because he thought that for some reason my father was going to claim him.
Today after 16 years we continue celebrating the love now materialized in our three beautiful children. We still paddle in the same way declaring our love that grows bigger over the years. I can only say: "Thank you, my God."
Each time I remember my first Valentine's day, i smile because it was actually a scam. 😂 😂
Back then in navy school, Valentine's day wasn't like the usual "lovers day", like we all know about. For the junior secondary section, Valentine's day is all about "exchange of gifts".
So, every Valentine's day, every students submit his/her Wrapped packaged gift to the Class Teacher. The teacher labels the gifts with particular numbers and also write down those numbers in a little piece of folded paper. There after, a lot is cast With those pieces of paper, for students to pick. Whatever number you pick, the gift item labelled with the number is yours.
It was Valentine's day, the teacher brought the wrapped packaged gifts out to the front class and we picked the little pieces of paper, whatever number you see, u locate d gift labelled with that number and it's yours. There was this particular gift everyone wished for because it was the biggest. Luckily for me, i was the one that picked the gift. My friends applauded me and were all eager to see what was inside. I was unnecessarily uncomfortable because the gift was to light but decided to wave every negative thoughts away.
I and my friends hurried to the Hostel, to see what was packaged for me, to my greatest surprise I opened it, only to see a pack of eclairs sweet and a singing Valentine card.
It was my biggest scam ever, my Nickname became "eclairs sweet". till I finished navy school.
February 14th
I always found St Valentine stupid. I saw that bunch of people walking hand in hand and it seemed silly to me that they were celebrating something that doesn’t exist: love. For me, love was always no more than a lost cause, one of the many faces of the lie and a way to disguise the loneliness that each one of us carries inside. I used to throw away the roses they sent me for Valentine's Day. I only kept the ones my father sent me, maybe because those were the only ones I felt mine. Never the chocolates gave me as much disgust as the chocolates in the form of heart and never a card had made me want to cause a fire like those that they sent to me at February 14th; Maybe because none of those gifts ever came from you. You were never a romantic, me neither, but sometimes I wanted you to hug me tightly, whispering to me an "I love you" but that never happened: as your gifts never arrived for Valentine's Day, only your farewell arrived. Only your flight arrived. What a coincidence that day was fourteen.
My first Valentine
This experience was actually something annoying in that moment, but now it gives me a lot of laughter. I was only 10 years old and I was sitting in a bench at the school, when surprisingly a romantic lover gave me the ugliest gift that I had received... it was a few tendrils extremely large, gilded and of an exaggerated design, used and extremely damaged, I suppose that the tendrils were from his mother . It was a moment really unpleasant and I felt sorry for the boy because he thought that with that gift I could fall in love.
After 7 years of that moment is when I can say a better Valentine's story. This was actually my first Valentine, because I shared it with my beloved husband. We took the habit to write a letter every 16 of each month. Our first Valentine was a super long letter with words that really came from his heart. I remember that moment while I am writing this short story and my heart goes back to the feelings of that day. Today I have shared 23 years of Valentine with my lover writer of romantic letters.
Bola was my first love and we have been dating for three months, when February 14 came along we wanted to make it a moment to remember. It was going to be our very first experience so we went shopping. I bought myself a tuxedo and she bought a red blouse with a black skirt to match. Surprisingly, my father was also in the mood to celebrate and asked me to bring a date for the occasion. I was happy I was not going to do a hide and seek love with Bola now that my father was accepting the fact I am growing up. Needless to say I was sixteen.
My father threw a lavish party and all invited guests were soon dancing to a host of Celine Dion love songs. I managed to sneak Bola into a quiet place but my father was smarter than me. Before we could get into some nefarious business, he plucked us out into the open. But one thing I would always respect him for was the way he preserved our dignity. But Bola and I still managed to share our first kiss; that has stayed with me till today.