**Starrwolf's Road Map to Probably the Wrong Side of the Unviverse** Chapter 23 Section 1.03
It was with great trepidation that the communion of divine-ish gawdheds made their decision. "We shall sing together the unspoken word and bring forth two mighty guardians.", decreed Akasha. "Their domain will be that of the Terraearth, and their power will be that which binds the Four Squares of Badassdom together. They shall be protectors and destroyers and fly the aether skies with fire in their bellies." With her intentions made, Akasha opened her maw and began to utter the unspoken word. The Four Gawdheds of Seperation followed Akasha's lead, and in an explosion of rocks, smoke, fire, and a little glitter, the first dragonheds were born.

I still have one you gave me duder. I think it's in storage with the rest of my belongings. I'll try and find it so I can shoot you a pic.