These are all also excellent tips for any kind of writing. I often read books on writing when I'm not actually writing, always looking for ways to improve my craft. Recently, I read a book that really broke down the whole, "show, don't tell" thing, because the difference between active and passive voice isn't always clear (and, occasionally, passive voice is the best choice....the book talked about when to use it). It was incredibly informative. I've been writing most of my life, and there are always more things to learn about it, and ways to improve.
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I think I read the same "Show don't tell" book! It has really helped me grow and freshen my writing.
Oh yes, there are always ways to improve. And you must constantly, just like with any career.
ABL....Always Be Learning. Lol! It's a bit silly, but so true. If you are to become excellent at anything, continual learning is a must, even after you think you're an expert.