hmmm, does hub pages let you recycle content you had on another blog previously?
one strategy may to publish steemit first, and then recycle to hub pages.
I'm also considering the 200+ articles on my blogspot
hmmm, does hub pages let you recycle content you had on another blog previously?
one strategy may to publish steemit first, and then recycle to hub pages.
I'm also considering the 200+ articles on my blogspot
I've done some "upscaling" of previous blog posts there. But it involved quite a bit of rewrite.
They do have their own "cheetah-like" tracker that sends people nastygrams when it discovers duplicate content... they crack down on what they perceive to be "stolen content" pretty hard.
These days, I'm mostly considering a redo of some 1200 archived blog posts from Xanga, written between 2001-06-- updating and gradually setting them "free" on Steemit, over the next couple of years.
At the moment, Steemit holds the most promise, for me.
OK, so they don't let you duplicate your own work.
I got enough to do right here anyway ;>
thanks for the answer, and the description of hubPages!