I've been working on something behind the scenes for a while. Every time I start a new story, I am slightly annoyed by the fact that there is no easy and elegant way to link the reader to previous parts, or even previous stories connected to the new one.
And once a story is finished, it vanishes into the abyss. No amount of "Master Posts" can fix this, because even those have to be dug out of the many posts I publish.
I've had people tell me that they sometimes download my stories to their Kindle or even print them out. I was happy! People liked them so much that they wanted to keep reading them!
Some suggested I publish the finished stories as ebooks, to keep earning with them. But not only would that have meant a lot of extra work (most of the stories would need to be completely re-written to work as a book) but it would also feel kind of wrong. I published these stories on Steemit, for my readers on Steemit. Yes, they're still my stories (and I'm always slightly pissed when I see that someone copied them and posted them as theirs ...) but I gave them away for you to enjoy.
Now, to make this easier I made the older stories more accessible. I still have word documents of every story I've published here, complete with markdown formatting and everything. So I took those individual files and copied the stories into a markdown editor bit by bit, chapter by chapter, downloaded that and converted it into PDFs.
These PDFs are now freely available to download and enjoy in a special google drive folder!
Now you can:
- Download the stories to put them on your e-reader or print them out to read in paper
- Re-read stories you liked
- Share with your friends and motivate them to join Steemit, as there are a lot more great authors on here
I request from you:
- That you don't miscredit my stories. If you share them, say where you got them from. I put a lot of work and heart into writing them.
- Don't publish them on your own blogs, be it Steemit or somewhere else.
- Please keep commenting on my new posts, even if it's something about an older story. Just tell me which one it's about!
That's kind of it. I'll upload new stories into this folder when the last part of them reaches payout. There might still be some typos in there, as I didn't have the time to completely go over everything again, when you check out the folder you'll notice the mass of content.
The link will also be added to my profile, to make it easier to find in the future.
I hope you'll enjoy those stories (maybe a second time) as much as I enjoyed writing them!
~ Suesa
That’s cool that you share your write ups here. I will try to find time to read one of your stories.
Keep sharing 😊
I agree with this. Very cool that you sure. I may be new to the party, but do you also publish on Amazon?
Sorry, I don’t have an amazon.
Thanks suesa I like stories
I have been following you for a more than 2 weeks
Your stories tell the feelings of person as it is
Its good to know that I can read them all now
Thanks for that
I don't know why it is difficult for people to stay original. I can understand your plight @suesa. Keep your amazing work safe.
thank you now i can read your stories offline too
Great thinking! Yes, I imagine that would be quite frustrating. I am glad you found a way to get past that!
Now I lost my last excuse to not read something good during my Sundays instead of just sleeping the day off :(
Excuse the perpetual whining xD
PS - Pretty good thing to do, pity Steemit doesn't have an option to pin posts.
Yes, pinning this would be awesome
Lost in the Abyss... that is an issue with steemit, not being able to sort/filter posts.
It is great that you share your work with the people!
Thanks @suesa for opening the doors of new worlds
Thanks @suesa for your humility
Thank you for your effort to write, reorganize and kindness to share the stories to people here! You will be rewarded. God bless you and your family
Thanks @suesa; I've just started following you about a week or so ago, but from what I have seen you are a good and interesting writer. I will go back and read some of your old stories!
I dig your username :D
Thank you! :)
No @suesa, please don't start a book! That will take all your time and you'll stop writing here. Forgive me for being selfish but I just started following you and I want to continue reading your stories:-)
I just hope the copy and paste crew would stay off this one.
This is awesome! Good one, @suesa! I've been wondering how to get more of your stories... really want to learn from your writing. Thanks! ☺
As one of your obsessed readers, I want to say thank you so much. That folder has stories I never got to read and getting all of them in one place is just too amazing. Thanks Suesa! :)
plagiarism is a worldwide sin. Doing it this way will make it a good way to protect your works in the long run. Thanks for making your works offline for us.
That's really cool of you- a lot of people would have just thrown them right up onto Amazon.
Are you working on any non-steemit fiction projects?
I actually have two books published and am looking for a publisher for my new one. But they're all in German and, for now, I want to keep them separate from Steemit (mostly because I published them under my full name and it's enough to find my address and... Yea.)
Understandable! I actually have a fiction project of my own that's progressing rapidly- but I'm keeping details close to the chest right now. I'll have an announcement on Steemit eventually about it.
Paying credits and showing respect..Not too much to ask.
This is just crazy convenient! I have already downloaded the whole map to go on both my tablet and e-reader. (makes it a breeze to read while in public transport here in Amsterdam!) Looking forward to it, since there has been a ton you wrote before I joined here. 😊
That's a good idea! Anyhow, i think we will have to come up with an idea on how to improve archiving and search options for steemit. Currently, it doesn't value stuff older than 7 days, which is a pity.
Admittedly it was a somewhat memorable plane ride, following the life of that crazy scientist and sidekick story. I say somewhat because my brain is physically incapable of remembering anything in detail, it seems. Write something about that. My shitty memory
The legacy of suesa :)
Just found out about your writings @suesca out of nowhere. I was bored, as I just finished eating lunch, so sipping my coffee i hit "writing" on the tags and whoala, i am here. I am enjoying reading some of your writings so far... and I downloaded it actually. Thank you so much for sharing your stories. I think am becoming a fan. ^^,
Good to hear ^.^ I'm happy about the positive overall response I got for uploading them in PDFs, seems like it was a good idea.
Yes it is. Keep them coming. uhm, no pressure though. ^_^
For a writer I feel that Steemit is absolutely perfect to build a following of people interested in your content. You have done a fantastic job @suesa, and you are a real inspiration to me as well, as someone that desires to be storyteller.
I must find time to read your stories
Of course! :)
Great job. Thanks for doing the right thing
You are right. some people actually copy and then post them their personal posts. i do actually doubt if you wrote them alone or a group work.
i think steemit should look a way of flagging out those cheaters. they do spoil this platform. @suesa don't get discouraged, we are here behind supporting you and always fan of your posts. be strong and focused. haters will always be there.
Moreover, i thank you for availing these stories as i did actually wanted to read them more and more.
"group work"? No. these are all written by me. The only "group work" involved is the person who gets them before I publish them to proof-read and point out mistakes.
Thanks. i think i will be helping you to notice those people. enough is enough
That's really great thing if you are doing this by your own. I am also interested in writing, and I write short messages from Quotes. Keepup the great work.
Nice post. I am new in steemit. I have read your post. You are writing good and informative stories and also you have good writing skill, it will be better if you publish a book ; that would be helpful for others. I will try to read your stories regularly because they are informative and interesting. Thanks
You don't need to be annoyed, you are doing the right thing and sharing the right view..keep on doingbthis.nice post@suesa
Very nic post
Hi @suesa! Good morning! Nice read. I'm sure I somebody read that much book in your photo, they'll be very intelligent :)
I just followed you in Steemit and in some previous posts I read my writing very often. the game of words and diction made me feel a scientific writing rich with elements of science fiction. I feel will be rich in a number of sciences including literary.
Paying credits and showing respect..Not too much to ask. Keep writing.
wow, thats a brilliant idea @suesa
I'm a beginner in steemit and i love story (short story, sci-fi , serial) etc. I am happy when i knew that i can can read the earlier fiction from madam suesa. Hopefully everything is made easier ..
This is a problem I've been thinking about as well. I have three years of a defunct podcast/blog, which I would like people to have easier access to, plus all the posts here. I kind of like this solution, but I also like the idea of making at least some money from them.
Understandable. I'm not sure how to fix it yet :/ This was the only thing I was able to come up with.
You seem like a very good writer....thanks for sharing some of your write ups here on steemit....I'm really going to enjoy reading them
That's really nice initiative to keep all the stories in one place, in book format. In this way, you will be able to reach more people, outside of steemit also.
This seems like a good idea, and a nice way to work around the limitations of the platform as it exists, now.
great post!
You seem to primarily post in Spanish, I'm unsure how I'm supposed to help.
Cool ! I always come back to part 8 of Dystopia to find the last part I want to read ! Cause you give the links to other parts. I was wondering how I will find the 9th one. And I have my answer. Smart idea.
That’s cool that you share your write ups here.
:) after all, it's not just about the money, I want people to enjoy my stories
I like this fiction, very good writing
Love to read it, thanks for good sharing
Never was it so easy to spot a spammer.
Good post! Visit our blog and enjoy the content, greetings :D
It's bad enough that you don't tag your posts nsfw. But spamming people's comment sections? You should re-think your approach to steemit.
Good post
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Copy/Paste comments that serve no purpose or the purpose is self promotion (including copying and pasting similar comments in rotating way).
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Bad Spam

Dont need glasses for that one 😂.
Good story .