My brother and I decided to paint our house. As we are painting we will explain step by step how to get your house looking brand new.
Things that you will be needing:
high pressure cleaner or sugar soap # putty knife # flat head screwdriver # paint # paint brushes # paint rollers # big Plastics # sanding machine # a brother
Things you should know before you start painting.
The concept might seem simple but it's a lot of work exspecially if you expect Excellence results. What you put in is what you get out. First of all you can't just start painting cause on the outside walls there is a lot of dirt, you will need to clean this first. It's the same as putting cream on before you shower, you just don't do it.
basically start off with cleaning the walls with the high pressure cleaner all the sugar soap.
When the walls are clean you may start by scratching out all of the old polyfilla and cracks that is visible to the eye, try getting off all the old paint that does not stick to the wall, use your Putty knife old screwdriver for this.
After you're done making dust clean up after yourself. Get yourself life and polyfilla which is also known as crack filler. Now start filling the cracks with a putty knife. Leave the crack filler to drive for one day. If you really want you may get a lawn chair a cold beer and watch it dry.
After a day of drying should be hard. Get your Sander and start by sanding down all of the filled cracks with 100 grid sandpaper. Make sure all the wall surfaces perfectly flat after the sanding. Rinse the walls gently off with water.When the wall is dry you can start with the painting. First lay down some Plastics and give the paint a good mix before using it. Use a smaller brush to paint all the edges and small spaces where the big roller brush cannot reach. Paint at least two coats and a third one maybe added if the bottom colour still shines through.All the small spaces and edges are painted you may start painting all the big spots. Ghetto painting tray and a big roll brush to finish off what you started. This is the most satisfying part of the job. Paint at least two coats and add a third one if required.Things you should remember.
Cleaning up while the paint is still wet is easier then when it's dry. Please make sure you don't paint any cats or dogs ashley the cats exspecially the cats, they don't like being cleaned.
Remember to paint in one motion, you are painting a house not a zebra. Double check for lines that was painted and fix it while it's still possible. Using PVA based paint makes much easier cleaning and save money because you can rinse out your paint brushes after you are done and use them the next time. we did paint white primer over the patched parts.I really hope this helps someone who is not as clued up as The Average Joe.
Thank you for reading this, it is deeply appreciated.all done
thanks once again... please follow @giantbear
I guess i should hire for you for my house too. Just kidding. Good to see you doing your job with your own hands instead of looking for painters. Followed you for more such posts.
thank. i,ll follow back
don't forget to roll a spliff before you start painting
i don't want to paint rainbows. hahaha