Wednesday Writing Prompt: Childhood Memories

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

What's a childhood memory you'll never forget?

I grew up a vegan in Kansas. The property around our home was rented off to cattlemen and so I was used to being surrounded by cattle. I remember when I was around seven years old we would go on these daily bike rides. On these rides there was this cow who would always follow me. I knew it was the same one because it had a tag on his ear with a number on it.

He would follow me on his side of the fence until the fence ended. When we turned back, he would always be there waiting for me and would race me all the way back home. We became friends, I even gave him a name. Then one day he just never showed up. That was the day I found out we were surrounded by meat burgers.

#WednesdayWriting #ChildhoodMemories