This post was co-published at
Over the years, I've made many changes to this blog.

The site has reinvented itself a number of times. Going from a hand-built site that had a beautiful front end (but clunky code running in the background) to a full-service Wordpress blog.
The site used to have a weekly tagline, and I kept that up for years hoping that someone would acknowledge it. But it never happened.
And I used to post about writing technique and secrets. Honestly, I'd like to get back to that eventually. But now is a different time for me. A pivotal time, which may test my resolve, but with the potential for great rewards.
Up to the beginning of this year, I posted progress reports only on occasion. Lately, it seems like progress is all I have to talk about.
And that's a good thing.
It all goes to show that "News" is a plural word. For a time, it seems as if nothing is happening, but when one development suddenly pops up, more arrive before the first is even done.
I touched upon this subject once before. But now it is more true than ever.
So What's the Good News?

Well, I can't tell you. And if you're a regular reader, then you know why. But in case you aren't, here's the deal:
All I have are potential opportunities right now. I have nothing concrete to announce. But good things are happening behind the scenes. And it seems like every day sets a new record for how close I have come to achieving my dreams.
Apart from that, I am filled with a sense of optimism and hope. And this particular hope is a breed I have not experienced before. I tend to be a positive person in all situations, regardless. But lately I have been relishing the possibilities of making a real achievement, and leaving a glowing mark on the world.
And the feeling grows with time. I have had one or two setbacks during this period, sure. I've had to take a step backward here and there. Yet even my disappointments feel constructive, and, for the moment, seem to clear the way for even greater possibilities.
What is the good news I am sitting on? Well, I'll tell you when it hatches. Until then, any number of things can go wrong, and I could always find myself back at square one.
What Can We Do to Help?
My appreciation goes out to those who are praying and well-wishing for me. Whatever you're doing, it's working.
In the meantime, keep checking this space. Keep Netflixing. Let me know your thoughts and feelings about everything I post, and, most important of all, enjoy the lives you have. You deserve the same happiness and optimism that I am experiencing right now. And there's no reason we can't all succeed together.
Your writting so unique from others sir thanks for sharing i like so much your work
@talanhorne, I like your site, but I think it's better if you can add a new theme! I am not using word press themes! But there are a lot of attractive themes out there freely!
I've experimented with a few themes over the years. There is no one theme that perfectly fits the site.
Though if you have any recommendations, I'd be happy to consider them.
I like to read it like a newspaper type theme!@talanhorne,
Weldon sir . the great article.
good knowledge about for writing and it's very difficulty.
Have a wonderful day. Thanks @talanhorne
Very good article my dear friend and your writing is very good.
Very beautiful writing publishing news life post to you for thank you very much, and post a lot like and like post vote and comments and post share, I like this post a total of all see and this post to everyone can vote
Congratulations & you can see the success at the end. Nice post.

Now you are in the MinnowsPower Loyalty Member List...!!! @talanhorne
Exceptional news that you're archiving your goals everyday...!!!
100% Upvoted by @MinnowsPower
'The word is the same when used in both a singular and plural fashion. In fact, the very word “news” is already a plural form for the word “new.” Since the “news” tells you about all the various “new” things happening.'
you have lots of new things to say. hence it becomes news. excellent writing & valuable instructions. @talanhorne
reteemed & upvoted@resteemia
@talanhorne - Sir your intentions are pure, so you'll win at the end... I wish you all the best Sir... I like the way you write how you feel now...
@talanhorne, Yep...That's good news for everyone included here. Valuable publication context informative for publishers. Also can take good ideas to every businesses.
amazing blog posts sir as a fan i always enjoys reading your blogs sir.
" Good things are happening behind the scenes "I think you deserve more quality follower and more impact in your content, i hope you can a big success with your writes from here to some years. Regards
This is wonderful writing experience and valuable article.
That is Excellent article and great advice . the professional writing . Such a great experience .
100% like and resteem @talanhorne
Very interesting writing & publishing advice for business . You are awesome @talanhorne
it seems like every day sets a new record for how close I have come to achieving my dreams.
It's a good news, you're reaching your goal every single day & with this documentary one day you can feel how hard you made that success. Congratulations & excellent.
Interesting article i came across today quite wonderfully written the news will be fantastic keep believing :D
So amazing blog. This is great publishing & writing experience.
@talanhorne Resteem
Excellent blog sir... 🙂 really interesting i must say.👍
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Hello @talanhorne,
Extraordinary good article & good to hear you're near to share a success story. Incredible writing & thank you.

It is amazing and very enjoyable reading your professional writing method, my friend. And, thank you for sharing a lot of knowledge.
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Excellent blog! @talanhorne .Your blogs are very informative for me.
Weldon sir . the great article.
good knowledge about for writing and it's very difficulty.
Have a wonderful day. Thanks @talanhorne
i wish you great succesd for your dreams