My book ( A Girls Life ) Chapter 3

in #writing8 years ago (edited)


Chapter 3

While pushing Tom away tripping on her foot she drops down to her knees, she said no and when a women says no she means no, now leave her alone, this been said by a guys voice Alice has never heard before, not certain who it was i tried pushing my self up suddenly some ones hands were around my arms helping me up, i looked up to see who it was, i was looking right into these amazing brown eyes with a hint of gold in them heart racing, i was looking right into the eyes of Brand as he helped me to my feet, stuttering, knees weak i tried to say thank you but it sounded more like i had to much to drink, thhhhhank you said Alice, your very welcome you know you should not drink to much at house parties right? asked Brand, i know but im not drunk if thats what you are trying to say i've really only had one drink said Alice, alright then! try to stay away from Tom his know'n to always take what he wants even if you say no said Brand while looking deep into my eyes, i know! i don't like him at all his way to full of him self and talks way to much about how sexy he thinks he is said Alice while looking deep into Brands eyes, anyway would you like to go find a quiet place to sit and rest? asked Brand, heart racing, sweating, knees weak, im freaking out, im freaking out! get it together Alice his just a guy! great im talking to myself now! yes please said Alice, Brand putting his hand in mine, wow he has such soft hands, im holding his hand i never thought this day would come, be cool Alice! thinking to her self, is this place ok? asked Brand, oh this is a very nice place very quiet said Alice, its Annie's mothers patio out in the garden were she comes to read her books, its very pretty with the fairy lights thinking to her self, so tell me Alice why is it when i see you at school you always run away and hide? asked Brand, uh to be totally honest with you Brand you make me very nervous said Alice while looking away, now why would i make you nervous? said Brand while turning my face to look at him, Alice swallowing deeply, i don't know you just do said Alice, looking deeply into his Brands eyes as if we were having a moment from a romantic movie, i don't want you to feel that way around me, im here at this party tonight for you Alice said Brand while smiling, you you are? why? asked Alice, because from the first time i saw you i felt weak, heart racing and as if i was sweating and from then i just knew i had to be yours said Brand while running his hand across my cheek, really? i've felt that way to i just never thought you would like me said Alice while smiling, can i be yours? asked Brand, we don't really know each other said Alice, so you don't want me? asked Brand, yes oh my i really do! said Alice, ok then let me make this easier on you, why don't i take you for dinner tomorrow night? would that make things easier for you? asked Brand, oh yes that would be amazing said Alice while giggling, then i shell pick you up at eight, wear some thing nice said Brand, ok sounds amazing i cant wait said Alice, would you like a drink? asked Brand, yes please said Alice, oh my i cant breath! i cant! wait is this really happening right now? no it cant be i must be dreaming? am i dreaming? this is really happening! i am so happy right now, his so amazing i have dreamed of this day for so long now, looking up at all the flier-flies, here you go said Brand while passing a drink to Alice, thank you so much said Alice, its beautiful is'nt it? said Brand, yes very beautiful said Alice, they are beautiful like you Alice said Brand while turning me to look at him, looking into my eyes Brand moves closer his lips almost touching mine, i could feel the heat between mine and his lips, looking deep into my eyes, i could feel the intensity, the urge, my stomach turning, i close my eyes for the kiss and he closes his and moves a bit more closer.

I hope you guys like chapter 3
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this is adorable nice work

There is two letter in No and NO mean its simple and clear

Simply NO mean NO

thank u hehhe

Wow good we like it so

im so glad thank u