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RE: The Depressing State of US Infrastructure

in #writing7 years ago

Don't expect it to get better anytime soon. The military and security state is front and center and the majority of the money goes there. Just listen to "Mad Dog" Mattis in his speech about the National Defense Strategy and he states that the U.S. military is underfunded. And in case you haven't noticed, the military rarely, if ever get denied funds. But this is how all empires die, through over-bloated and unsustainable military endeavors. Then you must ask yourself , what the hell are they actually protecting if the country is turning into a third world "shithole" with crumbling infrastructure? Militarism Forever!

In case you haven't seen it, here is the most recent report card on America's crumbling infrastructure. These grades are not worthy of a highly developed, modern country by any means. This backs up the "shithole" comment as being fairly accurate.



Aret here any organisations that make report cards like that for other countries using similar criteria? It would be interesting to see how other nations compare.

Here's a chart that ranks countries infrastructure. The U.S. still rates high (in the top 10), but is higher than I would've thought with such a poor report card. Germany is number 1.