This post earned me 1.712 SBD's so that will be split between 2 commenters:
(again! Good on ya! Keep up good comments, keep earning, thats how it works!)
They get 0.856 SBD each.
This is part of my JULY EXPERIMENT where I share ALL my SBD's earned with one commenter and one resteemer.
Condition for the re-steemer to win is to make a comment with a good reason WHY you are resteeming. No re-steemers for this post.
EVERY POST I MAKE IN JULY WILL SHARE ITS SBD's I EARN, even if that means I make 1000 SBD, I´ll GLADLY share that with people who make constructive comments.
I explain why here
Don't forget to check out and resteem these posts, the pot is a lot juicier now!
This one about Future survival skills, becoming techno-literate is up to about 47 USD so I guess there are going to be 2 prizes of about 10 SBD each.
This one about the Idea economy is starting out but already over 8 USD.
Please comment and resteem, I hope to give ever bigger prizes to people who make an honest effort!
Thanks! I didn't even notice you had this give away going. Got the money with the link back here, and thought you mistook me for an upvote bot)))
All posts in July will be part of this experiment. On this one people did not seem to notice, but my latest posts are really taking off, with fantastic comments and much bigger prizes! (It's working ! It's working! Woohoo!)
Please do check those out!!