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RE: Thoughts on Suicide from Someone with Severe Depression Experience

in #writing9 years ago

The thing, though, with suicide is that the real victim(s) are always someone other than the one who commits the act.

Yes the person is dead. But the people who carry the repercussions are the those around them. When someone commits suicide the victims are the ones left behind to carry the grief and feelings of guilt.

What about people who don't think about who will find their body? I know a man who hung himself and his son found him hanging. Think about the trauma of that.

When people take their lives in a way that physically harms or kills others it's an extension of this 'collateral damage'.

Suicide almost always has collateral damage. It's one of the major reasons to try to reduce it or tackle it as a societal ill. If it were truly just a personal decision, we could just let it be.


You're right! Thanks for your feedback!