Summary by @tldr:
I can see them in my mind, rotating their post-apocalyptic hippie selves in the vacuum of space, somehow still sipping boxed red wine, their tongues bone-dry from the bargain basement tannins.' Gordon and NoNo were mere flesh-upholstered humanoids passively receiving JayJay's mouth frequencies.
He knew, that hidden in the recesses of this large metropolis, the crackheads and pill poppers were still up from yesterday, crazily, desperately trying to fall into a sleep, a deeper stupor, to try and dream just one more time.
The shut-ins, the psychiatric invalids, the recently bereaved and the permanently marginalized, and certainly, the furiously starving streetkids, kept searching for respite: a little corner in which to hide away from the merciless and unyielding world before eventually drowning into a pavement of despair.
In the 80s and 90s I was lost in a weed-induced fog, but since 2000 I turned to cursing a whole hell of a lot, and to vegan baking." He was led into a somewhat darkened living room, its walls adorned with mixed-media artwork depicting fantastic representations that bridged light and darkness, the triumph of the spirit and the degeneration of the will.
JayJay kind of knew the area, it was outdoors in one of the valley systems of Toronto - lush, heavily forested arms of small rivers and creeks that moved south from the Oak Ridges Moraine down into Lake Ontario.
'Stay where you are and follow me by the sound of my voice, I will leave the light for you.' As he moved away from them, they heard him mumble almost to himself: 'The subtle insights I have enjoyed, the tiny victories I have felt, I wish you all could know.' They saw him place the skull inside his shirt and could see him begin to climb the structure.
Eventually, the broken sounds began to coalesce here and there into actual words until, finally, everyone could distinctly hear the following: 'I am one of the freaks that you spoke of that chooses to leave here through the portal of death!' And with that, he let go of the girder and his body fell down the height of ten storeys into the darkness below.
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