The process of learning is a continuous affair that happens even when we are technically finished with laborious years of academic studies. Our minds are always open to discover ideas to better understand the World we live in, and this is generally considered as a good thing. One of the ways we often assimilate new information is when we listen to lectures or speeches presented by other people.
One of the major reason why oral presentations are often viewed as ideal channels for accumulating fresh ideas is because humans are susceptible to exploring or challenging ideas that they've never heard about. It might be a speech presented at a graduation ceremony, a segment shared at a wedding banquet, or even a discourse delivered at an important business conference - all the same, there's no shortage of where you can discover new things to learn.
Another crucial reason why speeches are frequently sources of inspiration for most people is that they animate people to exercise their creative and inquisitive capacities. Throughout history, society has frequently encountered a wide variety of challenges, thanks to speeches delivered by high-profile individuals ranging from politicians and philosophers, entrepreneurs and artists, to scientists and religious figures. Most people look up to such personalities because their words carry substantial weight that have the power to affect the way the public thinks.
Additionally, the thematic contents or subject in a speech is always suggestive of a person's public image, and so people would often respond with a surprise if a person they adore talks about topics that they've never thought would even discuss on the record. Thence, the power of a great speech should never be taken for granted,most especially when speeches have the ability to plant seeds of undiscovered learning within a person's mind.
Of course it can be burdensome for the average person to admit new information, especially if he or she is so rooted in their personal beliefs. But individuals who are open-minded and have the attitude of welcoming new ideas may have a better time adjusting to new lessons, singularly if such fresh concepts are able to help them gain a deeper understanding of a subject that they've previously had no knowledge about. If you contemplate yourself to be the latter rather than then former, then you're definitely someone who can make a difference in the World.
Cheers@tpot well written article about public speeches and its effect to you as a potential of existing entrepreneur. Although it touches one aspect of several other factors on speeches you have point out one vital aspect anyway.
All credit goes to > @oghie
Thanks a lot @digitalmind
Learning is a continual process. That I believe
Thanks a lot for sharing
Thanks a lot, i'm glad you you read it through.
Very Nice. Well written.
Thanks dear
es verdad asi es la vida
Thanks a lot @shila