
A previous coworker of mine taught scuba diving in Thailand when he was in his 20s. This is kind of a cool look into what his life might have been like! On to check out your open water experience.

I admire your courage! To travel, to face the unknown, to meet new people, to trust your instincts! Great job @travelman, may all your days be filled with happiness :)

P:S The music from the disco was Daft Punk- All around the world...coincidence? I think not! ❤

You know what! I knew that, and had totally forgotten. That's why it sounded so familiar. Coincidence, I think not as well. I also think the song is on regular rotation at the restaurant, catering to the clientele. Thank for the compliement, that's very nice of you to say.

That is so amazing. I am very grateful for that! Love it.

You are amazing. could never tred water for 3-5 min. more less 10-20. good job.