A few weeks ago my wife and I were out hitting a few antique stores and eclectic shops.
In one of our favorite shops I found an old five year diary sitting on a shelf. I flipped through it and found that every single date had been filled out.
Better yet, all of the entries were from the time frame of 1967-1971.
We decided to buy it on the premise that we were to read it and take a look at what was going on for this one person in these five years. I wanted to see what was so important to document to this person, what historical events had they been around for.
When we got home my wife began thumbing through the pages and came upon some really interesting entries for some significant events in those times.
After she had read a few out loud to me while I was doing other things, I came to the idea that she should read it and start a blog to document each entry. With each one she could add in links, videos, and audio from these significant events. And that's what she did.
Each week is being done now to catch up to the current day.
So far she has entered January 1st 1967 to March 12th 1967, more being added weekly.https://thisdiarybelongstoblog.wordpress.com/ is the blog link.
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