So follow on your concept that the national debt is backed up by human labour.
The more people you have, the more debt you can raise, because you have more collateral.
If you want to be able to borrow more money, you need more people, and you need those people to be working.
Unemployment cuts into your ability to borrow, because the labour aspect is lessened.
There are two ways to increase your labour pool - you can breed it, or import it.
And here I'm assuming this is an American situation - so for America to be able to increase its debt, it need more people - a lot more people.
With birth rates declining among the middle and working classes, importing labour is the most viable solution.
If American debt is indeed backed by the labour of its citizens, and America is planning on borrowing more, to fund wars etc, then it is going to need a lot of Mexicans to come and work, and pay taxes, to back that debt.
It will be interesting to see how Donald Trump handles that.
Alternatively, you could just annex more countries :p
Have you seen the movie or heard of "free state of Jones"?
Unfortunately not
Free State of Jones
Hmm, seems like a movie I would want to watch sometime
It takes some time to pick up but I highly recommend it. One of those fact is stranger than fiction movies. All based on the life of Newt Knight, a real revolutionary individual.
I feel like the issue with immigration is the undocumented citizens. I am sure that most "illegals" are willing to have some form of ID, unless they are criminal in which case they benefit from anonymity. This goes into my mention of the need to identify and track labor and community efforts. The current system is clearly dated and needs to adapt to the situation, it will be interesting in how the new administration handles it but I tend to not think government is going to fix itself.
I agree the main thrust of the issue seems to be undocumented immigrants.
One solution is to make it easy for them to cross the border, gain documentation so they can work in the US.
They can then work legally, pay taxes, and take some of their earning back across the border to their families. That would solve so many problems for a lot of people.
Agreed, what do you think the motivation is to prevent that from already being in place? Out of curiosity.
I think that Americans just don't like the concept of Mexicans (or foreigners) being in their country. This seems especially true in the southern border states.
And this probably goes back to the early wars between America and Mexico.
Thank you for your insights, I had not taken that into consideration. Under those circumstances it may even be genetic, according to this study.