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RE: Reflections on the 100 Days of Poetry Project #1: Challenge Design

in #writing7 years ago

Hello d-pend,
this challenge was a huge undertaking and you were never to know how it would progress until it actually was underway, to have over a 100 people taking part at the beginning is s huge no. to work with and evaluate.
This is your first attempt and I feel it is only natural that you would learn along the way, as we all did.
I personally did not involved in the classes because the hours were hard for me, having 3 kids under 9 and the youngest being 1, my time is mostly with them and the classes were always around our dinner time, but really that could not be helped. I believe you managed really well, but initially may have bit off more than you could chew, but that is life and as long as we keep learning and moving forward it is all good. I commend you for all the time and effort you put in and are still putting in, it is no easy task and very time consuming.
The poetry challenge for me was amazing, a hugely positive experience, it really made me take the time daily to sit with myself and be creative. What a gift that is as a mum.
It also came at a time in my life where I needed that outlet that poetry gives me. I have felt myself grow and I have loved getting to meet and connect with some of the other poets on here. It really is so nice to be part of something where you are growing and learning with others. The weekly critique was a great way to get to know the poets behind the poems. Although I only ever gave praise as I amnot comfortable giving negative feedback as poems are so personal, but actually I never needed to anyway.
Thank you so much for creating this challenge and giving me the opportunity to really develop my writing and sit with myself and express myself and heal myself through my words. I think I will write a post too about my experience in the challenge.