Hi @blog-fictions, as you may know @rentmoney featured you in this week's @pifc's Pay It Forward contest. We would also like to invite you to check us out and look to joining in to help others gain exposure.
Very well done and very valid points. Yes, many of these points are just as you say diversions to an already distracted community. We don't have cures for major diseases, because there is no money in a cure. Each time there has been a conflict there has been something done by the US goverenment that needs to be 'overlooked' or 'passed by' I'll even go as far as to say the US government is run by the parties, PAC and people like the Kochs and Rothschilds. No matter what a candidate says they have no say. Just like as a people we really do not have say. Along the lines of this, Venezuela just did one of the oddest moves I can recall in just about any history. They were heading for economic failure. What does the country do? They create a new type of money. The logistics of it is that of removing zeros yet suppposedly keeping the same value. Yet it's not, it's dropped and they are wore off. I can't seem to fathom this move. Definitely need to do more research on it.
As for Stanley Meyer, I think if at that time frame it is entirely possible. It is actually still a viable option if you have a pre 2000 vehicle. One of my friends, his family converts vehicles from petroleum based to water based. People now of course think they're crazy.
I'm still sticking with the earth being round. I can't get past cirucumnavigation. To start in New York fly straight until you reach New York again. How does that work with a flat earth theory. Or a village in Africa that sits on the equator showing the differences in the gravitational pull on each side. Yet when you do the experiment on the equator nothing happens. If the earth were flat there wouldn't be any polarization because at that point there is no axis, no rotation, so water would flow the same direction no matter where on the planet you're at.
Yikes this would be a great discussion. If you haven't found him yet or vise versa check out @zoomtruth. I think you 2 would get along wonderfully.
Thank you for your views...
Let me know when the next pay it forward contest is and I will join :)
I loved reading your thoughts and I think the Stanley Meyer case is mostly true..and so may be many more which we don't know about...
Regarding the flat earth even I think it's not possible but never believe anything what they show us...
And I think every disease can be cured..it's just that they would lose money after that and hence they don't bring it out..
Thanks :) I have to keep myself under control. I'm not a total conspiracy theorist, more of a just a realist. My friends and family think I'm just overthinking things. Just like with the news, it sounds bad you have to check out 4 news stations and 2 of them have to be foreign to get half the truth LOL.
Actually we run the contest every week. The announcement goes out on Every Tues and you have until Sat 11:59 pm CST (Chicago) to have your entry in. We have some that participate every week. Some once or twice a month. A normal week is 2 features up to a rep of 55 that you like and think needs a little help. Sometimes we throw in a bonus to keep it interesting, but that's it.
Here's the link to this week's contest. Week 21 - Pay It Forward Curation Contest
Thanks..I will check it out now :)
Awesome :)