I have problems with the content. It was posted under gardening which I follow or I would never had seen it - it has nothing to do with gardening - As vegan and environmentalist I try to avoid content like your as it upsets me greatly - the industry you engage in not only causes immense suffering to those poor birds but also is one of the main reasons for climate change - while you might be a nice person otherwise what you do for a living goes against every fiber of my being - and as I was forced to be confronted with it as I follow the gardening tag - It was my reaction to having to see those poor birds cooped up like that in a life of relative hell - while it seems that you do treat them better than many and much better than we do in the west it is still awful and will give me nightmares for weeks-
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If that is the case I think there is a better way which I think you can do better handling this kind of issue. No notice,you just came and downvoted me. Atleast you inform me first as a warning. And moreso, the use of your words and sentences are just too unbearable for me which always ring in my ears for years. You just need to learn to be lenient with the use of your words and learn how to handle things like this next time. Finally,concerning my birds, you are not in any way in best position how to rear my birds because you are ignorance of how things work here. Thank you! @tygertyger
I was trying to be nice about this but ok - no I am not ignorant you are holding animal slaves that you exploit - I am aware that things are not always easy in nigeria and i also know that in comparison you treat them better that the farms in the west - but it does not change that you are harming the planet and animals - we are done here - THank YOu!
No problem. Continue......
I do not need you permission -lol - and to answer to your deleted comment no I am not ignorant - I am Vegan and believe all animals should not be farmed or eaten - they have their own souls , little lives and want to live. You hold them captive and then kill them - what is this but slavery - It repulses me - I am aware that it is normal in this world we live in but it does not make it right - as is just don't post it on the gardening tag as it has nothing to do with gardening and we most likely will never intersect again .
That's what you should have done or told me earlier instead of trying to be all-knowing. I deleted my message because I thought you said you we were done and you came back with all these epistles. Funny😂😂😂
Either you are a vegan or not, your own way of life shouldn't overrides anybody's way of life here. Just stick to your thing and I will also stop tagging gardening. Simple as that. Life goes on. Peace!
But that is the thing besides being very cruel to animals your way of life impacts us all = animal agriculture is the number one reason for climate change - even small animals like you chickens do for many reasons - it is also the humber one soil and water polluter and also contributes greatly to world hunger - so it is actually your lifestyle that is overriding mine as I cannot flee the planet from the damage you do - and then there is the animal rights aspect you override their life every-time you exploit them -Also I did say all of this in my first response to you- you just chose to ignore it - I have every right to dislike and down vote a post when the content repulses me - you were the one that could not handle that - as is if you avoid the tag you wont be hearing from me again unless we bump into each other in another way ...
Am done with you,I am not interested in your fairytale.🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️🤷🏿♂️