You know what? I just logged back in because I just had an epiphany about just how horrible these lies being told are. Fractional reserve banking has killed far more people than covid. It's the source of all wars. Then there's the AGW scam. Ten states worth of US soil is going to be taken out of crop production and dedicated to solar farms and wind energy instead. This when we're facing starvation next year because farmers don't have seeds to plant this year, or feed for their animals, can't get fertilizer, and all these 'supply chain disruptions' are blamed on covid - but they're really because governments mandated experimental genetic therapy on the people making and transporting essential goods, like food, and fire them if they prefer to stay human.
CO2 is fertilizer. The world is getting greener, farms produce more food, because CO2 is going up. CO2 isn't causing global warming. It's causing global greening.
And of course, the Covid scamdemic.
These people are literally hell bent on genocide and dehumanizing us. That's what altering our DNA will do, dehumanize us.
It's got to stop, or we're all going to die.
We need to stop the enemedia, like Twatter, Goolag, Fakebook, and News, and all the politicans, and banksters, so hard no one ever wants to even think about getting stopped that hard again.
They're genocidal. Dr. Evil tier psychopaths. There are laws regarding treason, genocide, and crimes against humanity. It's about time they get enforced.
Those treasonous bastards are shaking in their boots, make no mistake about it. They will swing from the gallows.