in #writing7 years ago (edited)

were it started.JPG
The cone-like droplet hit the ground. Another impatient one followed suit. Gradually they became a group borne of the same womb. They rushed down incessantly as they slipped down the now slippery cheeks. The handkerchief tried its best but was damn inadequate. It had absorbed and was saturated with tears. Tears of pain. She wished, he wished, they all wished and I hope. She wished the casket was not for her friend, she wished she had given her the money; the money that was still hidden under her pillow from her friend's eyes. The eyes that were never going to see again. She bitterly wished cars never existed whereas her key was on the table. She had lost time. Her friend was gone as well. Tears rushed down continuously. The nostrils were not left out as they contributed their quota to the fluid party. He wished he had listened to himself. He wished he had done that which was necessary as he grew up. He wished he had sacrificed quality time and materials for the foundation. But hell no, he went for the easy way; the shortcut with short-term satisfaction. He sat down at his workplace, the stinky smell of emptiness all around him. But proficiency was no where to be found. He wished he could perform effectively. But that has remained a wish till date. They wished they never gave up. They wished they never abandoned the dream. The dream they've wanted to actualize against all odds, against all criticisms, against all winds of opposition. They had stood by it. But their legs were weakened by life's challenges, by men's ideology, by the fear of the unknown. Life gave them no chance to enjoy at least the air that seemed to be free. They got frustrated and gave life what they think it wanted and not what they wanted; they gave up the dream to a life of continuous regret. They wished they could go back but that required appealing to the earless time.
I hope:

  1. that selflessness would stem up from the eyes that readeth.
  2. that the resolve to do that which is required and necessary
    be borne in the heart that cares.
  3. that resilience and determination would never run dry as the hands of those that worketh see to the actualization of their dream.
    Finally, look at where you are, who you've become, and assess thyself. Travel back to the past, to where it all started and if need be, make necessary adjustments.