(Silnaday, cont.)
Irola – A’mara Complex – Commons
Saraca sat with her husband at the evening meal in the Complex restaurant, as they often did.
A man a good half-head shorter than her husband approached them, his aqua cloak flowing behind him. Julleon Dellan clearly had news, and Saraca instantly knew it regarded the Council of Peers.
“May I join you?” Julleon asked.
“Of course,” Saraca replied. “You have news of the Council of Peers.”
Julleon sat. “Turns out that Çtaráña is the country who is sponsoring the Neví prohibition bill,” he reported.
“Unsurprising,” Saraca replied. “They have never liked the Neví after they were found to be poisoning their forests.”
“The thing is, now X’lea are threatening to retaliate by bringing in an A’mara prohibition bill,” Julleon said gravely. “I hate to see my countrymen so anti-A’mara.”
“Tit for tat,” Ja’tel replied. “Unfortunately, X’lea have never been overly supportive of A’mara. How serious does this bill seem to be?”
“Similar to the Neví bill, honestly. Not likely to even leave committee, but there’s more support than we’d like to see.”
“We will have to continue to be above reproach in all our dealings,” Saraca said, thinking of certain elections coming up in various countries around the planet, and how she’d like to be more involved, yet they might have to be less involved instead. It worried her.
“I could see if I could meet with the representatives from both countries – on my own time, of course,” Julleon offered.
“I think that is risky. It could be seen as interfering with the Council of Peers,” Ja’tel said. “It could easily backfire right now.”
“Is there some social activity they are involved with?” Saraca asked. “Becoming friends with someone shouldn’t alarm anyone, even if they are Peer Councillors.”
“It’s a good idea. I will see what I can discover,” Julleon promised, leaving.
“He really is becoming something very good,” Saraca understated to her husband.
“Yes. It’s nice to see more A’mara from X’lea,” Ja’tel said. “Especially the Dellan family – with all they’ve gone through!”
“I wish there were enough to warrant a school there,” Saraca said, thinking about when Julleon first came to Irola with his aunt, uncle and unborn cousin.
“Yes. In time, I’m sure it will change again. The Dellans have an interesting legacy in X’lea. They’re worth keeping an eye on,” Ja’tel said.
“I agree,” Saraca replied.
They ate for a few moments in quiet.
“Abári!” came another voice.
Saraca laughed inside.
Her husband allowed him a little chuckle as his fellow countryman joined them.
“Ajabo,” Saraca said. “You have news of Iyva and Zilan!”
“They were seen boarding a ship for Varkevand!”
“Good work. You know your next task. Joen survived the Ilim City Diner Disaster. Perhaps he’s taking a little scenic detour for Iyva’s sake,” Saraca said thoughtfully.
“I will check out footage in Ilim City,” Ajabo replied.
Irola – Balan Center
“Do we really need to go down to the cafeteria for supper?” Belmara asked.
“If we wish to retain leadership of the Irola Balan, we need to be visible,” Fashi said. “We need to be abáris, but better!”
Belmara sighed. “How is training going?” she asked as they took a zip-lift to the cafeteria several floors below.
“Rurik is learning well,” he said. “I think he may be ready to be #3.”
“What about Elskie? Has he managed to secure her?” Belmara asked.
“I believe so,” Fashi replied.
“Good. I think it’s the most sure test of her loyalty to our cause,” Belmara said. “Are the A’mara aware of her departure yet?”
“I’m not sure. They’ve been concentrating on other things, as far as I can tell, such as solving the mystery of Zilan.”
“I can help you on that one,” Elskie answered as she joined them.
“How good are your gifts of telepathy?” Belmara asked nervously.
“I am not sure I can answer that question, Mestari, but I was in the Complex earlier. Trying to keep up appearances, you know,” Elskie said.
“Spit it out, girl,” Belmara said irritably.
“I heard Saraca and Ja’tel talking about Zilan. Apparently, he’s the same person that was once known as Joen Vaala,” Elskie said.
“No! Joen died! I was there!” Fashi exclaimed.
“They never found his DNA there,” Belmara reminded.
“Apparently, he spent a couple years in Joton training under Jarly himself,” Elskie continued.
“Traitor!” Fashi exclaimed. “Why has he never said this?!”
“He’s been Zilan for the past 13 years, since leaving Jarly,” Elskie informed.
“That’s why he’s always talked about how his life changed 16 years ago – it was the Disaster,” Belmara said. “Many lives changed that day.”
“Jarly betrayed everyone. He doesn’t deserve to be #1, Bel,” Fashi said.
“So, do I pass? I’ve done everything asked of me,” Elskie said covering her abdomen a moment, a gesture that made Belmara smile.
“You are Irola #5. I can’t put you above Halley without combat, I’m afraid. Her Kri’enden training is very good.”
“Thank you!” she said, giving Belmara a hug.
“Don’t. Hug,” Belmara protested, pulling away almost violently.
“Sorry,” she replied.
“Come, Fashi. I need a conference talk about a message I received earlier,” Belmara said, leaving Elskie with Halley and Rurik who had just come in.
They retreated to their quarters. “Thank you, I’ve had as much of touchy-feely as I can handle for one evening,” Belmara said.
“So, what’s this message about?” Fashi asked. “Or was it just a ruse?”
“I’m not sure Sheena is handling the Freebooter very well,” Belmara said. “She can’t work with Cruro. She can’t work with the A’mara. She can’t even tell me if Zilan is still there!”
“I think we may need to pay her a little visit. She may simply need an assistant – or training,” Fashi replied.
“Or a level of subduing. She’s very prideful,” Belmara said.
“Better us than the Curator,” Fashi said.
“That was my thinking,” Belmara said.
“Do you think Rurik and Elskie are doing well enough to hold down the fort while we’re gone?” Fashi asked.
“We can consider it their test to see if they truly deserve to be #3 and #5,” Belmara said.
“I hope you’re right,” Fashi said.
“She’s not going to go running to Saraca in her current state – that was part of the point,” Belmara said.
“You’re a genius, my love,” Fashi said.
“So, next ship? I think we need a vacation anyway,” she asked.
“Leaves tonight. Just enough time to grab a bag and let Rurik know he’s in charge.”
(to be concluded… after Sands of Survival)
If you have enjoyed this book, I would be grateful if you could put your thoughts as a review on Goodreads for me.
Other Chapters of this set
Acting the Part - chapter 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9
Building on Promise - Chapter 1
Acting the Part, part 2 - Chapter 10
Spice of Strength - Chapter 1
Acting the Part, part 3 - Chapter 19
Maps and Guides
- continents of Alacantis and Kranisis (five maps)
- continent of Almara (five maps)
- countries of Kri'enden and Yezi'im (four maps plus "other places")
- characters, pronunciation and glossary
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Rebound of Power: 850 T.C.E. Collection of Romance Terrenden is being terrorized by a previously underestimated Neví who, through the mysterious “Curator,” have been controlling elections all over the planet. In this collection, we meet some interesting women. Iyva - a homeless teenager in Irola whose untrained power leaves her close to death in Rebound of Power; Marc’la - a breeder of prized caballus in Kasago whose heart lives in the past in Friendship on Fire; Zukie - an abused widow whose heart is afraid to try for future happiness in Courage to Trust; Jenna - an elections assistant manager and masseuse who has a prejudice against A’mara in Elect to Change; Kami - a chola student in Varkevand who has been assigned to protect Ardin, a man who has his own reasons to distrust A’mara in Ocean of Empathy. |
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Acting the Part - 851 T.C.E. Collection of Romance The Neví have infiltrated the Terrenden Freedom Party. Dr. Jarly is on the run and the Curator still dominates the Terrenden stage. Famous actor, Derick Aiden has released his Neví expose film and now the Neví want him dead... In this collection, we meet more interesting women. Kauri - a simple receptionist who doesn’t realize one of her wildest dreams has come true; in Acting the Part Tirry - an elections manager who is always the bridesmaid and never the bride; in Building on Promise Zara - a chef who has all but given up on finding love for herself; and D'zani - who isn’t even looking, but has to chaperone her more vulnerable roommate; in Spice of Strength Soala - an heiress who is expected to marry, but refuses to marry someone she doesn’t love; and Moxara - one whose past griefs have locked away her heart in Sands of Survival. We also get updates on some of the lovely ladies we met previously. |
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Rise of the Neví - 830 T.C.E. In this series, the Neví begin their rise in power with the completion of several large housing projects that seem totally charitable, but also hide a great evil within. The draconian measures brought in the previous year has caused major distress throughout the world, perfect for giving the Neví a further foothold on the Terrenden stage. Will the A’mara, now removed from the Council of Peers, be able to shut down the Neví? Titles to include: Name of the Neví, Head of the Neví... |
Writing and artwork copyright myself 2005-2018 – all rights reserved.
If you are interested in helping me publish these works, please contact me on Facebook or Discord, viking-ventures#2883.
Lori Svensen
author/designer at A'mara Books
photographer/graphic artist for Viking Visual
verified author on Goodreads
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also on: Whaleshares, WeKu

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