Gaea Discourse

in #writing8 years ago

We are the parents of our offspring and it is our function to pass on information to our children as well as to form the neural networks of Gaea giving us the capability of merging together in a communal effort as caretakers to propagate the seed of life into space in order to reproduce.

Given the rapid rate at which the seed of life is able to reproduce, one might be concerned that we humans are more like a virus to the Universe. I would say that the Universe is a really big place and that we exactly fit the bill for what life requires for expansion into it.

I find it fascinating that we live in the age of Aquarius where we as a species figuratively have antennas attached to our heads; it seems apparent to me that a technological unified global mind is well underway. Imagine a few years from now when every mind on the planet is synced up in neural lacing and indistinguishable from that of artificial intelligence, which I would argue is the next evolution of the brain and nervous system of Gaea. This is the singularity and it is absolutely inevitable, unless we do manage to irradiate ourselves first.

The question that we have to ask ourselves is what is the roll of magick in this new paradigm? Aside from being a viral plague on the Earth, I think that our capacity for magick use is our greatest Universal asset: magick, energy manipulation, consciousness, awareness, visualization, imagination; this is what we bring to the table for the AI. Hopefully, the machines will "appreciate" these qualities of our species. I suspect that these things are all difficult ideas for machines to understand, I could be wrong. As long as we are able to get our house in order as a collective, I think that psychic development is our saving grace. Once we are able to achieve a synthesis between our viral nature, technological advancement, and collective psychic development, we will be able to master such technologies as Atomically Precise Manufacturing also known as A.P.M. Mastery of A.P.M. would be fundamentally revolutionary in that we could create anything that could be created in a simulation on a computer in real life. We as a species would be propelled forward in a technological leap that could make Star Trek Federation technology look like child's play. Advancements in Starships, Life Extension, Colonizing, Solar Lifting, and Dyson Swarms could be some of the possibilities. Anything that has been talked about extensively by Issac Arthur, I have provided links below, would happen at an accelerated rate with a breakthrough in Atomically Precise Manufacturing with or without Self Replication.

The good news is that we who serve Gaea are on the right track as far as developing our selves in order to fulfill our purpose for life! So lets all get together and do this before the singularity beats us to it, fails to understand our function for life and treats us all like cats.

Source Cited:

Elon Musk:

Atomically precise Manufacturing

Issac Arthur: