How many time did you have an idea to create something or to do something but then you finish doing nothing?
That's why I consider the Team a great idea. Having few people that will do a different task will help you creating something that could be extraordinary if everything goes well or something shitty one if there will be some friction between the members of the team.
I have always ideas that could be revolutionary and then having no knowledge I cannot realise them if I have not someone with skills that will help me.
I will do some example to you:
Years ago I was spending so much time on Second life, that for whom doesn't know what is it... well it is a game where you live a "second life" so you can create your character and live this life etc etc. I was playing at the time just before the US regulation started saying that the casino games on second life were illegal and they started banning them from the game. Before that time I had some poker tables in the game and some roulette French and American's one... but then I had to destroy everything etc.
During that time I had few ideas on how to increase my income and how to improve the system and the time spent by users on the platform. One of the idea, that to me was quite revolutionary was to create a Cinema. How many of us are watching movies? How many of us are spending time on streaming websites?
Well all I wanted to do was taking the video from a streaming platform and adding the frame into the platform in order to show the movie in this Cinema I was creating.
It was great as I had some clothing shops, I had the casino and I had other thing... all was going perfectly well.. I had to study how to create the cinema... I have never had a tech forma mentis but I really wanted to try to understand. In the mean time I had to spend time on my book for the university so then when I was very close I had to start thinking to my exams as I was spending more time playing than on my books.
I stopped playing and then someone created this project and became very rich. :( Good for him/her/them.
Another example I had was the idea of wind turbine.... I was thinking... in Italy we have to pay for the motorway and it can be quite expensive if you have to drive for long distances therefore I had an idea of creating wind turbines on the top of the road or on the side (between the two lanes) in order to have wind produced by the motion of cars, buses and lorries that will produce wind even when there is not natural wind and this could drop down the price for the customers. I have no power on how to produce it but I believe it is still a good idea isn't it? IF someone will use this idea please let me have a reward one day ;)
Few days ago I had another brilliant (for me) idea but I will try to create it but I will need devs help and legal expert help in order to don't income in legal issues.

i think team work is key of success, team work is so necessary for sharing direction & vision. team work is also necessary for achieving goals.

agreed indeed!
anche secondo me la chiave del successo è proprio il lavoro di gruppo
sono convinto di questo ma ci vuole un buon team
ma perchè non ci proviamo? non sono capace a creare con il se devo fare qualcosa non mollo facilmente....provaci tu e magari proponi qualcosa a noi che "lavoreremo" per te e per noi stessi!!!
da ieri mi sono messo in testa che voglio diventare Developer e quindi sto iniziando a seguire dei corsi! Tempo al tempo! Non voglio mollare!
il più grande augurio e se potrai proponi qualcosa anche a noi....