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RE: When You're Sick of Everyone's Voice, Including Your Own

in #writing3 years ago

Oh, I'm feeling fine, bless you. Wrote this a couple weeks ago during a major storm and it really was the first bit of quiet I'd had in a month. Wasn't sure about sharing it but it's all I've got at the moment.

The problem is there's about 100 things I'd like to do in my time off and I've got about 5 free hours to do them in. And writing is slow. This post probably took four hours between writing and editing. I could split a cord of wood in that time, or make a couple of dump runs, or clear the storm-fallen brush from my mother's property, or replace one of the drafty windows we've been meaning to install in this house, or file my taxes.

So I miss it, then come back to it and discover there's nothing there; I'm out of practice. It seems like life would be easier if I could just give it up.

But your kind words encourage me to keep finding a way. Life's not about being easy, after all.