The Fantasy That is Black Panther

in #writing7 years ago

Black Panther just broke the $1,000,000,000 world-wide box office, and people are loving it. It is an incredible visual achievement that has a ton of heart, and eye popping action sequences. But director Ryan Coogler has embodied it with a much more stark message about the world than you might see at first glance. The world in which it fantasizes about.

With any superhero movie, the joy of the audience can be derived from the wish that they too had the superpower that the lead character has. We want to swing on webs like Spiderman, fly through the air and stop bullets like Superman, or be super rich and have tons of gadgets to fight crime with like Batman. But the fantasy of Black Panther is much more poignant. In the film, the nation of Wakanda is shown to be an uncolonized paradise, fueled by a hidden mountain of a precious medal, that has been shielded from the outside world and never forced under the boot heel of the white man by being colonized. It has been allowed to flourish on it’s own and has done so with incredible vigor.

At the conclusion of the film, the nation decides to step out of the shadows and offer aide and assistance to the rest of the world, starting specifically in a poor neighborhood in Oakland, CA and then at the United Nations. And while this is awesome, and a comment on the western world’s quick dismissal of what Africa has to offer, it’s also heartbreakingly sad. That there ISN’T a country untouched by colonization, outsiders, and war is all the more sad by comparison to this fantasy. It’s sad we can’t fly or swing on webs, but how much sadder still is it that this reasonable, worthy and wonderful culture doesn’t exist, and isn’t there to do the good that Wakanda is shown to be doing at the end of the movie.

What are your thoughts?


Fun, great post! Well done
It's an amazing movie ..
You know, really brings back childhood feelings
Makes you excited Haha

To me it's just a fantasy superhero movie. It doesn't even follow the laws of nature or physics, so I refuse to see it as anything but idealistic yet unrealistic sci-fi.

But it's the first movie ever to give black audiences a super high-budget, high quality piece of entertainment where they own the whole stage and narrative. And I can understand how this is eliciting emotions in a group of human beings who have been fucked over for centuries and are still getting fucked over all the way into the 21st century. Because Africa is still colonized and raped this very second.

Black American? Best possible scenario for a black person to be born into. Freedom and justice for all, lol. Yet the systematic oppression is clear for all to see around the world.

But Wakanda is fantasy. Not even Jeff Bezos plus Bill Gates together or any of the insanely wealthy white fat cats could establish a Wakanda. It's a fantasy like Avatar was a fantasy and it's affecting people in the same way emotionally.

Who do you think financed and made an absolute killing with this film? Africans? Black Americans? No, white people just sold you an impossible dream and took your money because this was the perfect time for this movie to blow up.

Racial tensions, fed-up black people the world over, the current overtly politically correct fashion by the white kids to try and play saviour to the blacks from behind their iPads and $2 000 laptops but achieving sweet fuck all.

Don't be fooled. Let the movie make you feel good in the moment. But it is not a what-if scenario and there can be no link between Wakanda being a viable prospect just because colonization hadn't taken place.

They have colonized your wallets long before " the decolonization". This movie was carefully engineered to affect people like this for the sake of profits.

Whilst you are correct they have sold an impossible dream...You really have to ask yourself if Africa had of been left alone as a continent to develop naturally would it really be unified or would their still be tribal and regional rivalry as there has been for thousands of years? It's a pretty derogatory statement to say white man is the primary cause of all the worlds suffering and misery...It would be fairer to say that the inherent human nature of corruptible power and the blind support of such corruption is the cause of all suffering and misery on the planet...Black, white, these are just social constructs. It is the foundation of emotions (positive, negative) that define us as humans therefor is indistinguishable by a certain physical appearance.
There will always be people that don't like and bigot other people for they way they look this is another fundamental minority inherent flaw among the entire population of the planet. But we really need to see the divisive tactics of Hollywood the media and their corporate master to socially engineer race as some ongoing issue which inadvertently makes it an issue...There really is no need to discuss racial inequality in the current western world because it really only exist culturally within the media...To base such cultural discussions off of individual victimization cases is extremely counter productive considering that individuals of all races are victimized for their appearance probably everyday..I'm sure there are white people who are beat up by black people simply because they are white and vice versa...But per capita this is happening in an extreme minority and is no way justifiable to label an entire group based on their appearance. To do so is to become the very thing you seek to destroy, a racist.

That's why I mention that there can be no link between colonization never happening and Africa ending up a utopia because of that. Humankind, every last culture, even including Buddhists, is a warring species. When the first Europeans landed in Africa, the tribes were slaughtering each other and have been forever. Like everyone else in the world. At the same time Europe was at constant war with itself, but Europe is a continent of scarce resources, so they came to Africa because there is/was an abundance from which to grease their war machines and amass colonial power.

During WW1, there were actually German and English gunships on Lake Malawi.
The French, Dutch and British fought battle after battle on the shores of what is now South Africa, all trying to capture this strategic and resource rich corner of the earth. While this was happening and before he ever set eyes on a white man, King Shaka Zulu played his role as the Genghis Khan of Africa. He overpowered and slaughtered every tribe he came across, took their land and property and forced all captured able bodied men into his army.

We've been at war since the first groups of humans started bumping into each other. Every culture, every colour, every religion. From China to the Americas, Europe to Africa. War has shaped everything about us. We are brutal, opportunistic and power-hungry by nature. And fearful and xenophobic. A psychotic combo for The Crown of Creation to have hanging around its neck.

Some may ask, why does this white guy have so much to say about these things? Because I am 45 years old, born in Africa, my body as it stands 100% constructed from the minerals of its soil and have been surrounded by millions of black people all my life. I have never seen the West. As a kid, I saw the horrors of apartheid with my own eyes and the long term aftermath of brutal and dehumansing occupation by imperialists.

So my perspective is a grassroots one, something I live and breathe. And I grew up dirt-poor by white standards, so my empathy with the downtrodden of any race is pretty strong. But I'm also realistic. Individuals and small groups of people are usually kind and even altruistic, but within a bigger group context or as a species as a whole, we are a bunch of assholes.

I would add one thing that we are more like a bunch of followers with a few assholes leading the way.

You left no stone unturned in giving details as to how colonialism raped Africa without mercy. It is only who witnessed firsthand and felt its long drawn adverse effect can be this empathic. It's sad memories my friend.

Its as if you read my mind

such a true statement

You have said nothing but the truth. I never even looked at it from this angle. Well done

nonsqtr I commend ur take on Black Panther - well said my dear chap and I hope everyone take note of your point, "white people just sold you an impossible dream and took your money because this was the perfect time for this movie to blow up"

We need more people like u sharing your worldview to help transform people's perspective on race. IMHO, there is ONLY ONE race, HUMAN, and our visual differences are merely biological and climatological.

writesbackwards excellent post my friend and I absolutely enjoyed Black Panther, cinema was completely packed and we all knew this was gonna be a box office killer :) I absolutely loved the movie and fell in love with so many of the characters - and the token white dude was pretty awesome ;) ... I was probably 1 of the few people laff'n soOOo HARD at the jokes which eluded many!!

Why did I go see Black Panther?

I have 2 be honest, my 1st reason was to support my West Indian brother and sister;

Winston Duke, who played supervillain Man Ape and
Letitia Wright (Guyanese) who played T'Challa's sister, Shuri

CREDIT: Let's give some credit to Marvel Comics' Stan Lee and Jack Kirby who created the character, Black Panther that 1st appeared in Fantastic Four #52 in July 1966

Useful! I subscribed, I hope for reciprocity. Offer for everyone! Checking subscriptions every other day

I agree Good Job Broo

i agree good job broo

That is the sad reality. Wakanda is our fantasy. Most times I wonder if we were not colonised, if there was no war, if we were more United how we would have been. Colonisation rubbed us of our dreams. I watched black panther and I watched again the second time. The director tried his best to portray Africa in a very lovely way. With thier own tech and all. Nice post.

I think the fantasy of this film is inspiring others around the world. The message was one of hope and that will get people to do things they thought was not possible. I have seen this film twice and may go again. Loved it.

Great read!!! You touched on so many great and important points. I also think the film is important because it paints a world in africa seperate of the ruined colonised view point of the west.

Seperate from their tired ideals of them as heroes to a dying land with backwards people who can do nought for themselves. Like we were never builders or creators.🤔🤔🤔

A lost erased history.

This film is so IMPORTANT and poignant for black people across the diaspora on so many levels that many people can't even begin to understand.

We can all grow and build from this.🤔

Great read!!! You touched on so many great and important points. I also think the film is important because it paints a world in africa seperate of the ruined colonised view point of the west.

Seperate from their tired ideals of them as heroes to a dying land with backwards people who can do nought for themselves. Like we were never builders or creators.🤔🤔🤔

A lost erased history.

This film is so IMPORTANT and poignant for black people across the diaspora on so many levels that many people can't even begin to understand.

We can all grow and build from this.🤔

I really enjoyed the movie. It was one of the few superhero movies where the characters and story actually captured my attention. The costumes and architecture were also brilliant.

I just loved this movie. I saw it in 3D and it was awesome, showed the class of Hollywood. I liked the gait of TChalla the most and shuri

Succes for you

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I didn't particularly like the movie, and I found the message you discussed quite comical since there is currently a strong colonization of Africa by world powers ongoing. France needed to return some of Germany's gold, and then all of a sudden there were French forces in Mali, a top gold producer in Africa. Coincidence? I don't believe in them. Stuff like that is happening all over Africa. The people there are being exploited and abused on a massive level, and the governments are horribly corrupt. I'm not sure what the solution is, but super powers going into take over territories is definitely NOT the answer.

Best cinematography, super in all aspect. Marvels done it well all the time. Nice post. Eagerly waiting for avenger infinity war on april 27.

Great post love

Saya berlangganan, saya berharap untuk timbal balik. Tawarkan untuk semua orang! Memeriksa langganan setiap hari

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The Black Panther... The first movie that i saw and turned two of my grown up friends into babies screaming Wakanda Forever everywhere they go. Its actually a great movie..

Nicely done. That was one of the main themes that struck me, too--that even if such a country did exist, the risk of being dragged down into the rest of the world's problems is very real. In the end, he took the high road, but his initial choice of being wary of other culture's jealousy, imperialism, bellicosity, etc. is also a valid choice.

It was a great movie...except the ACCENT!

The accent was tiring 😕😕

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The Black Panther... The first movie that i saw and turned two of my grown up friends into babies screaming Wakanda Forever everywhere they go. Its actually a great movie.. Lessons Learnt..

  1. A man with a good heart cannot be a King.. so very true..
  2. Tragedy brings out the good and bad in man (T'challa's father leaving Killmonger back in USA to cover his )
  3. Be careful the decisions you make in your present for they will be your past, and your past carves the future.
  4. Learn to be Compassionate to others (T'challa sparing the Ape King life)
  5. Fall in love with a zoologist; It would Save a life from animal attack

Superb movie.message is all about revolving around concept of hope,although tragedies makes one to be pessimistic but still hope is only tool to overcome your negativities and hope that one day everything will be right

I would like to see it, because for once it is not a reboot and a character I am not already familiar with.

I like your post. The Fantasy That is Black Panther

Hi! I wrote about it, a enjoyed de movie very much, and i think the message behind the action on it is clear about how the whole countries has to do and effort for helping each other. Be isolated in this global time is just a certain death of the entire earth!

I just love this movie.
At the end, when the king of Wakanda has offered technology to countries in need. My favorite scene!!

Particularmente a mi me gustó la película, aunque estuve un poco en desacuerdo con la actuación tan pasiva de nuestro pantera negra. Su actuación semejaba a un Dios, por su carácter ralajado y apacible, incluso mientras peleaba. Esperaba como más potencia o agresividad, como más instinto felino quizás. Pero en cuanto a la trama, particularmente me encantaría que eso fuera posible en realidad.

An amazing movie with great visuals, I even enjoyed the end credits with the changing visuals with the metalic sand like material

I hope black Panther marvel character I like very much deserves it sees the concerns.
avengers infinity war I'm waiting impatiently...

Seguro que a todos nos gustaría que nuestro país fuera un wakanda, con ese nivel de desarrollo tecnológico pero al final es una fantasía que soñamos se pueda lograr. muy buena película como la mayoría de las peliculas del universo marvel. a las espera de los vengadores infinty war.