Surfing with the Salty Queen under a Blood Red Moon in Malibu

in #writing9 years ago (edited)

It's a big swell day in Malibu.  The junk yard dogs are growling at each other.  "This is my backyard," the little short haired prick rants, proclaiming his local status.  The hissy- fitting and territorial stares are too much.  I share some whitewater in with a couple German tourists in way over their heads on rented foamies.  One of them crashes into me.  At least he apologizes in broken English.  I walk past Malibu Carl perched on his stair top throne.  He winks at me under those dark sunglasses clutching his his brown baggy tall boy.  He's a sipper not a guzzler.  Who am I to judge?  I head back to the car.  Munch some Goji, berries and watch the surfer babes strut buy.  A waft of nature's cure all wafts from the Spicoli van behind me.  They roast hot dogs and wax their quiver.  They're waiting too.  The parking lot Nazis head home from a day of milking the tourists.  I thought this was a State  Beach.  Where are my tax dollars going?  Don't get me started.  I walk past that Terry Gilliam look-alike with the holy grail cap on.  He's mumbling to himself as usual, terrifying the uninitiated, clutching his 10 year old customized Costco foamy.  Crazed, he smiles at me.  It's time.  I head in as the sun starts to set.  I paddle out, wave and nod to some familiar faces.  Don't know all their names.   Pat.  The whale dude who belly rides.  That old Gidget looking girl.  They're waiting too.  Patiently, I watch the last of the day crew drop in, fight and fend for their share.  The sun passes over the hills and that blood red moon rises up.  It's still.  Glassy.  Just us now.  Figures bobbing next to each other in the abyss.  I Breathe.  Stretch.  Absorb some negative ions.  I'm just a minnow.  A flea fart.  Then,  I see it.   The white water forming in the distance.   She beckons and I paddle out to meet her.   I turn, my back to her, the water pulls back behind me.  I look back.  Oh, it's a nice one.  Round and curvy  just like I like em'.

"You taking it ?" I query to the floating figure next to me.

"Nah, dude," it's yours.

Huh?  Fuck yeah.  I paddle in, digging at the water.  It's bigger than I thought.  She lifts me up and takes me on her breasts.  I dive in through the precipice, working my way down her waist.   Take me, spank me, I've been a bad boy.  She relents.  I'm in.  No turns on this baby.  I'm riding it straight down the line.  Hard.  Fast.  She barrels me, frothing around me.  I grab my rail and hang on.  I'm not getting off unless you throw me off.  I cut down the face and enter back in.  She takes me, cradles me, loves me.  I surrender to her, my Salty Queen.  I disappear.  I am not the money I make, the thoughts I think.  I am pure consciousness.   I give you my soul.  Take me deeper.  She cascades over me, immersing me in her womb.  

She whispers, " I take you all.  The sinners the saints, the whores and beggars, the dolphins and the whales.  You all swim equally in my essence.  Your soul is yours, and not yours  give.  Your spark merges with me in the majestic now.  What you seek in me is simply you realized.  That which you are and will always be."

She releases me as I emerge from her belly.   I watch wistfully as she crashes into the shore.   I turn to see the outline another one of her lovers.  Working in and out of her.  Rythmic, gentle, sensual.  I am awake for now.   I am that.  That which is me is authentic, genuine, the love which I seek.  Realized within for now, I pray when I rest again that I awake within your arms my Salty Queen.  I will return.  I am.  You are.  We are...Love.
