LOL laughed really hard at the gonads. sorry about that. Zepp is indeed strong, that's why I recently got back to lifting weights so he can't outmuscle me.
And wow, didn't know that Lee is @Randomli. Together, you should be able to conquer anything you set your eyes onto. You make a good team.
Good luck on the Palanca, you'll get it soon enough. For now, enjoy your vacation and don't forget to drop by the pet store and get a leash for 2018 -- her adoption papers are ready.
Haha! So that was the ulterior motive for hitting the gym! Zepp really doesn't know how strong he has become, exactly how I envisioned Ledd. I bought a shock collar for when 2018 becomes too rowdy. Gotta show her who's boss!
The way I see it, this it the Palanca Awards
Gypsy's waiting for her pilots, and 2018 is waiting at home for her belly rub.