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RE: Should people be allowed to kill themselves?

in #writing7 years ago (edited)

Should people be allowed to kill themselves? Sure, but they should hardly be encouraged. In fact, if there's nothing seriously wrong with them, then they probably should be discouraged as much as possible. Someone with mental health issues probably shouldn't be allowed to, but it's the old catch 22 situation, isn't it? No-one in their right mind would want to kill themselves, surely? Of course, sane terminally ill people may beg to differ, here.

I say the above having once worked on suicide prevention in a British prison. The bottom line really has to be if someone doesn't want to be alive - for whatever reason, we should hardly try forcing them to. It's just unethical otherwise. Then, there's overpopulation. The planet has more than enough humans trying to wreck it as it is. If someone doesn't mind offering a little planetary relief in this way, then how can that not be a pretty good thing? If we try to remain objective.

So, it's a tough subject.

Last but not least, it's not the time / place for anyone believing in fairy tales (ie - religious nonsense) to be offering opinions. You live, you die, that's almost certainly it. No-one sits around wondering what happened to the light when a light switch is flicked, do they? And the nonsense that is 'hell' is best considered to simply be a metaphor for what people outliving a person thought of him. Eg. Hitler was a shit. I've outlived Hitler. I think terribly of the man (as do so many others). Therefore, he can be said to be in hell.

People considering suicide have enough on their plate. Religious nutters shouldn't be trying to make them feel even worse by foisting a guilt trip on them, should they? But then religion is one of the very worst things about humanity, is it not?

Edit: And life is hardly sacred. Nothing is if we're honest. It's just a complex catalogue of chemical reactions that we've been lucky to experience. Fleeting in its existence. Ultimately, without meaning.