Ultimate Wrestling Season 3 - Ch.7: Friday Night Clash 21: PART - 1

in #writingclub2 months ago
Authored by @MoonChild


Two Days Before FNC 21

The lights were off inside President Rupert Mudcock's office, creating an eerie silence. The space was filled with luxurious, albeit slightly ostentatious, decor that screamed wealth and power. On the walls were framed newspaper articles and photographs of Rupert shaking hands with world leaders, a testament to his vast influence.

Hara sat comfortably in Mudcock's plush leather chair, while Kami perched on the large mahogany desk, her eyes scanning the room with curiosity and caution. The tension was palpable as they awaited Mudcock's arrival.

Kami: (playfully) How about we trade positions?

Hara looked at Kami and smiled, the corners of his mouth twitching with amusement.

Hara: But this chair is comfortable.

Hara slid the chair back and tapped his knee.

Hara: You can sit here, Tenshi.

Kami hopped down from the desk and walked over to the back of the desk where Hara sat. She stood beside him, reached out to the left side of his head, and grabbed the top portion of his ear.

Kami: (teasingly) How about you stand up before you start looking like an elf?

Kami slid in between Hara and the desk, sitting in the chair. She looked over to him and let out a small laugh.

Kami: I like this one.

Hara rolled his eyes and sat on the desk, his fingers drumming a restless beat. He looked over his shoulder and shot a look at Kami's way before turning back to the door.

Hara: (impatiently) You about done there?

Kami began to type on Mudcock's computer, uploading a file from her cellphone via Bluetooth and saving it on his desktop. Just then, the office door opened. Rupert Mudcock entered, wearing his Personal Protection breathing suit and riding his red mobility scooter. The whirring of the scooter cut through the silence as he reached for the light switch upon entering and looked at the two intruders with a mixture of annoyance and curiosity.


Rupert Mudcock: (glaring) Who the hell are you, and why are you in my office?

He moved towards the desk as Kami stood to her feet, her posture straightening with respect and defiance.

Kami: Mr. Mudcock, I am Kami Nakada, and this is Shingo Hara. We work for you, sir. We are your newest tag team, True Chaotic.

Rupert Mudcock: (raising an eyebrow) True Chaotic, huh? I've heard of you two.I believe Zeagal was excited about signing you two.

Kami: We have some critical information about the AAPW and their plans to try to take over this coming Friday Night Clash. They're looking to set a public challenge. AAPW vs. Ultimate Wrestling will likely be at your next big event if you accept.

Rupert Mudcock: (narrowing his eyes) Interesting. I figured they might eventually try something like this. That's why Zeagal and I have hired a major security firm. How do you two know all this anyway?

Kami: (calmly) We were hired by a well-known American family with wrestling ties here in Japan. The Yakuza also has ties to a mob family back in the U.S. that this family has us investigating. We were sent here undercover as wrestlers to get info on their connection to this American mobster. However, since you're paying our salary and because we love Ultimate Wrestling, we've decided to try to help you fight this war against AAPW.

Hara puffed out his chest and tried to look bigger. He moved slightly behind Kami and just nodded his head.

Rupert Mudcock: (leaning forward) From what you tell me, our interests align. But why should I trust you? What's in it for you?

Hara: Our benefactors want this all to go away. This Yakuza clan is trying to force its way into Texas and places it doesn't need to be. You may be involved heavily now because of Yamamoto and Tanaka, but you are just a cog in what is happening across the new world of organized crime families.

Rupert Mudcock: Young man! Rupert Mudcock has never been, nor will he ever be, a cog…

Hara: Whatever you say, gramps, we're offering help with your Yakuza problems. Take it or leave it; we will still do it anyway.

Hara stepped up and placed a silver dollar-sized coin in Rupert's hand. One side was the True Chaotic symbol, and on the other was a red and black flaming wolf.

Kami: In case you do not know, the flaming wolf is the symbol of our 'benefactors.' You may have heard of them before. They are The New Breed. The Hurst Family.

Kami stepped closer to Mudcock and his computer.

Kami: I have left a file for you to check out. Do what you wish with this info, and just know everything we show you; The Hurst Family also knows.

Hara stepped in between the two and patted Mudcock on the shoulder. Kami nodded to Mudcock, and the two walked out of the office.

Rupert Mudcock: (holding the coin, his eyes narrowing) The Hurst Family... I've heard of them. They have a great deal of influence in the American South. Fine. I'll look into this. But if you're playing me, you'll regret it.

As the door closed behind True Chaotic, Rupert sat back, staring at the coin and the file on his computer. His mind raced, contemplating the next move in this escalating conflict. The weight of the coin in his hand seemed to symbolize the gravity of the situation. He flipped it absently, deep in thought, as the wheels of his scooter hummed quietly in the background.

Rupert Mudcock (internal monologue): The Hurst Family... They were always formidable. If they have a stake in this, there's more at play here than I initially thought. The Yakuza, Tanaka, Yamamoto... they're powerful, but they've never faced the likes of me with the backing of the Hursts. This could turn the tide.

He glanced at the computer screen, where the file Kami uploaded waited to be opened. His fingers hovered over the mouse, a mixture of anticipation and dread filling him. He knew that whatever was in that file could change the course of the war between Ultimate Wrestling and AAPW.

With a decisive click, he opened the file, ready to explore the information that could save or bring him down.

Later That Evening

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The night in Tokyo was unusually clear, the city's bright lights casting a shimmering glow over the vast buildings and streets. Inside the luxurious penthouse office of Rupert Mudcock, the ambiance starkly contrasted with the chaos outside. The walls were adorned with expensive artwork, and the large windows offered a breathtaking view of the Tokyo skyline. Rupert, encased in his Personal Protection breathing suit, sat comfortably on his red mobility scooter, its engine softly humming as it navigated the plush carpet.


Rupert Mudcock: (grumbling) Damn this Blovid-13 virus! If not for this cursed pandemic, I'd be back in New York, not dealing with this madness.

Devin Zeagal, his loyal Vice President, stood nearby, his posture rigid and his expression a mix of concern and determination. The television screen mounted on the wall flickered to life, displaying the familiar logo of MOX News International. The camera cut to the newsroom where Judge Pauline Firro and Parker Karlsson were poised, ready to deliver a hard-hitting report.


Judge Pauline Firro: (with a stern expression) Good evening, America. Tonight, we bring you a special report on a crisis unfolding halfway around the world in Japan. Our CEO and fearless leader, Rupert Mudcock, is trapped in Tokyo due to the draconian travel bans and lockdowns imposed by the Japanese government due to the Blovid-13 pandemic.

Parker Karlsson: (nodding in agreement) That's right, Pauline. Rupert traveled to Japan with his entrepreneurial venture, Ultimate Wrestling, to provide much-needed entertainment during these challenging times. Little did he know he would be caught in the crossfire of a violent power struggle on top of everything.

Rupert's eyes narrowed as he watched, his fingers tapping rhythmically on the armrest of his scooter. Devin stood by, arms crossed, a slight smirk playing on his lips as the anchors continued their report.

Judge Pauline Firro: (voice rising with indignation) Since arriving in Japan, Rupert and his organization have been constantly threatened by All Asia Pro Wrestling, co-owned by Haruki Tanaka and Etsuji Yamamoto. These individuals have resorted to violent attacks, leading to career-ending injuries for multiple wrestlers and, tragically, the deaths of two fantastic young athletes.

Parker Karlsson: (leaning forward) We have undeniable proof that Etsuji Yamamoto who owns half of AAPW also runs the notorious Yamamoto Yakuza clan. Their campaign of terror against Ultimate Wrestling is an attempt to drive Rupert's organization out of Japan, as Ultimate Wrestling has been outdrawing them in physical essential worker ticket sales, virtual ticket sales, advertising dollars and ratings.

Devin nodded approvingly, knowing this media blitz was just the beginning of their counter-offensive. The anchors continued, their tone growing more urgent.

Judge Pauline Firro: (holding up a document) We have a testimonial from Elizabeth Devereaux-O'Rourke, a brave wrestler who survived a vicious attack by three Yakuza members who murdered her fellow wrestler, Alice Ali, and left Elizabeth's knee career in jeopardy after a severe beating.

The screen cut to a pre-recorded video of Elizabeth, her face pale and bruised, speaking directly to the camera.


Elizabeth Devereaux-O'Rourke: (voice trembling) I was attacked by two men and a woman who identified themselves as members of the Yakuza. They killed Alice in front of me and brutally injured me. This was a direct message from Etsuji Yamamoto and Haruki Tanaka.

The scene cut back to the studio, where Parker Karlsson continued.

Parker Karlsson: (voice grave) If that isn't enough, we have an anonymous source with video footage of Yamamoto meeting with known mobsters worldwide. This is not just a local issue; it's an international crisis.

The video showed grainy footage of Yamamoto shaking hands with shady figures from around the world in dimly lit rooms. The implication was clear and damning.

Judge Pauline Firro: (voice filled with righteous fury) We call upon the Japanese government, the NPA of Japan, and the police to take immediate action. How can they let crime and violence from the Yakuza spiral out of control? How can they allow our CEO, Rupert Mudcock, to be trapped in such a dangerous situation? We're talking about one of the most important Americans on the planet!

Back in the penthouse, Rupert's eyes gleamed with satisfaction. This kind of pressure could force the Japanese authorities to act. Devin glanced at him, a satisfied smile on his face.

Devin Zeagal: (quietly) This should get their attention, Rupert. We're hitting them where it hurts.

Rupert Mudcock: (nodding) Indeed, Devin. I know this will anger them, Sato told me after his promo that he was immediately met with hostility after the accusations he made against Yamamoto on live television. I have no doubt they will retaliate. They value their public image. This is just the beginning. They wanted a war, and now they've got one.

The broadcast continued, with Judge Pauline Firro and Parker Karlsson relentlessly hammering the Japanese government and law enforcement, demanding justice for Rupert Mudcock's and his team's attacks and safety.

Judge Pauline Firro: (pointing at the camera) We will not rest until justice is served. The world is watching, and we demand action now!

Parker Karlsson: (emphatically) This is a call to arms for all our viewers. Support our cause, pressure your representatives, and ensure our fellow Americans are safe and justice is served.

The broadcast ended with the MOX News logo and a call to action for viewers to support their campaign. Rupert turned to Devin, his face set in a grim smile.

Rupert Mudcock: (determined) Let's see how they handle this. We're far from done, Devin.

Devin Zeagal: (nodding) They've got a storm coming, Rupert. We're going to make sure they feel every bit of it.

The atmosphere in the room was tense, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on both men. The stakes were higher than ever, and they knew that their next moves could determine the future of Ultimate Wrestling.

Rupert Mudcock: (sighing) Devin, ensure our security is on high alert. We can't afford any more of the roster ending up on injured reserve or six feet under for that matter.

Devin Zeagal: (firmly) Already done, Rupert. We've doubled the security detail around the hotel and the arena. No one gets in or out without our say-so.They’d need an army to fight their way into the Tokyo Dome.

Rupert Mudcock: (smirking) Good. We show these Yakuza thugs what happens when they mess with Rupert Mudcock.

Devin Zeagal: (clenching his fist) They'll regret ever starting this war.

The scene faded out with Rupert and Devin, united in their resolve to take the fight to the Yakuza and AAPW, ready to unleash their full power in this escalating conflict.

The Next Morning

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The morning sun struggled to break through the thick haze hanging over Tokyo, casting a muted light over the Prime Minister's Office. Inside, the tension was palpable as Prime Minister Hiroshi Nakamura stormed into the room, his face a mask of barely-contained fury. The heavy oak door slammed shut behind him, the sound reverberating through the quiet, starkly decorated chamber. The Director of the National Police Agency (NPA), Haruto Aoyama, and Tokyo Police Chief Masaru Inoue sat at the long conference table, their expressions grim as they awaited the inevitable onslaught.


Prime Minister Hiroshi Nakamura: (voice low but seething) Do you have any idea what kind of pressure I’m under? The American government is demanding answers. I spent over four hours on the phone with President McStrump. Do you have any idea what it’s like to deal with that bloated moron?

Director Haruto Aoyama: Prime Minister…

Prime Minister Hiroshi Nakamura: The world is watching us stumble around in the dark while the Yamamoto Yakuza runs rampant! For 25 years, we’ve tried to put that bastard Yamamoto behind bars, and all we have to show for it are empty promises and dead ends!

The Prime Minister’s words hung in the air like a sword poised to strike. Haruto Aoyama shifted uncomfortably, his mind racing for a way to diffuse the Prime Minister’s wrath.

Director Haruto Aoyama: (carefully, almost pleading) Prime Minister, I understand your frustration, but we’ve made significant strides recently. Our successful capture of Jeremiah Vastrix garnered international acclaim. The world saw our resolve—

Prime Minister Hiroshi Nakamura: (cutting him off, voice rising) International acclaim? Don’t make me laugh, Aoyama! If it weren’t for that 600-pound gaijin pimp, that retired German special forces agent who just happened to be in Japan, and some buffoon parading around in a lightning mask, Jeremiah Vastrix would be sipping vodka with Putin right now! And where were our forces when we needed them most? Mowed down like cattle! You were outmaneuvered by a circus act!

Aoyama’s face flushed, his usual calm and collected demeanor cracking under the Prime Minister’s onslaught. His mind flashed back to the chaotic scenes of the past weeks, the sleepless nights, and the endless meetings. He had thought they were making progress, but the Prime Minister’s words struck deep, exposing the fragility of their successes.

Masaru Inoue, sensing the need to regain control of the conversation, leaned forward. His voice was measured, but the tension in his shoulders betrayed the weight of the moment.

Chief Masaru Inoue: (with a deliberate calmness) Prime Minister, I want to assure you that our focus remains unwavering. Our undercover agent, Akane Watanabe, has successfully infiltrated AAPW. She’s gained their trust and is in a prime position to gather the evidence we need to bring down Tanaka and Yamamoto.

The Prime Minister’s eyes narrowed as he studied Masaru, searching for any sign of weakness. The room seemed to shrink, the walls closing in as the silence stretched on.

Prime Minister Hiroshi Nakamura: (skeptical, voice tinged with bitterness) And how long will this “prime position” last, Masaru? How long before we have something concrete? Because if this drags on any longer, we’re going to have an international incident on our hands. The Americans want results, not excuses, and so do I.

Masaru felt the pressure building, a knot tightening in his chest. Akane was their best chance, but even he knew the risks were astronomical. One misstep, one slip of the tongue, and her cover could be blown, leaving them with nothing.

Chief Masaru Inoue: (firmly, meeting the Prime Minister’s gaze) Akane understands the stakes, Prime Minister. She’s fully committed to this mission, and she’s already gathering critical intel. But this operation requires precision. A single mistake could jeopardize everything.

The Prime Minister leaned back, his eyes dark and unreadable. The weight of the situation bore down on him, the years of frustration and failure etched into every line of his face. The room fell into a tense silence, the only sound the faint ticking of a clock on the wall, each second a reminder of the time slipping away.

Prime Minister Hiroshi Nakamura: (voice heavy with resignation) I don’t need to remind you what’s at stake here. If Akane fails, if you fail, the Yakuza will continue to grow unchecked, and my government will be seen as weak, powerless in the face of criminal empires. You two better make sure that doesn’t happen. I want results, and I want them soon.

Aoyama and Masaru exchanged a glance, their expressions grim. The Prime Minister’s words cut deep, driving home the severity of the situation. There was no room for error, no margin for delay.

Director Haruto Aoyama: (quietly, a hint of resolve in his voice) Understood, Prime Minister. We’ll do whatever it takes to bring this operation to a successful conclusion.

Chief Masaru Inoue: (nodding, voice firm) We’ll ensure Akane gets everything she needs to succeed. This operation won’t fail.

The Prime Minister stared at them for a long moment, his expression unreadable. Finally, he nodded, though the fire in his eyes had not dimmed.

Prime Minister Hiroshi Nakamura: (coldly) You better make sure of that. Now get out there and do your jobs.

Aoyama and Masaru stood, bowing deeply before making their way to the door. The room felt colder as they left, the gravity of the situation lingering in the air like a storm waiting to break. As the door closed behind them, Hiroshi Nakamura exhaled slowly, trying to steady the turmoil inside him. The battle against the Yamamoto Yakuza was far from over, and the stakes had never been higher.

Prime Minister Hiroshi Nakamura: (internal monologue, his thoughts a storm of frustration and determination) I won’t let this slip through our fingers. We’ve come too far, lost too much. This has to end, and it has to end now.

He stood, moving to the window to gaze out over the Tokyo skyline. The city stretched out before him, a sprawling maze of lights and shadows, a city teetering on the edge of chaos. His hands clenched into fists at his sides, the weight of responsibility pressing down on him like never before. The fight ahead would be brutal, but he knew he had no choice. The future of his country, and his legacy, depended on it.

Later That Afternoon


The grand hall of AAPW headquarters was filled to the brim with wrestlers, managers, trainers, and staff members. The air was thick with tension—a mixture of anticipation and uncertainty. Haruki Tanaka, the president of All Asia Pro Wrestling, stood at the front, banners bearing the proud emblem of the company flanking him. His eyes, sharp and calculating, scanned the room as he waited for silence to fall. When the last murmur died away, Tanaka began.


Tanaka: All Asia Pro Wrestling. For decades, we have been the pinnacle of wrestling in Asia. We have fought, bled, and sacrificed to make AAPW not just a wrestling federation, but a symbol of pride for our Japan and the entire eastern hemisphere. We have carried the banner of AAPW, uniting all of Asian wrestling and setting the standard for excellence in this sport.

His voice was steady but carried an undercurrent of intensity that demanded attention. The wrestlers, many of whom had been with AAPW for years, leaned in, their expressions reflecting the seriousness of the moment.

Tanaka: But now, that legacy is under attack by the western gaijin. Rupert Mudcock—an American with no respect for our traditions, our history, our way of life—has brought Ultimate Wrestling to Japan and has invaded our territory. They have taken the Tokyo Dome from us with an exclusive contract and are seeking to dethrone us, to make a mockery of everything we have built!

A ripple of anger moved through the crowd, a shared sentiment that united them against the foreign invader. Tanaka allowed the emotion to simmer before continuing.

Tanaka: Mudcock comes with his dollars, his arrogance, and his disregard for the blood and sweat we have poured into these very mats. He believes he can take from us what we have built together! But he and his stooge Zeagal are mistaken if they think we will stand by and let them trample over us. They are mistaken if they believe that we, the AAPW, will not rise to defend our honor, our territory, our way of life.

He let his words sink in, the room growing quieter as the gravity of the situation settled in.

Tanaka: This is not just a battle for supremacy in the ring. This is a battle for respect. A battle for our very identity as Japanese warriors, as the standard-bearers of professional wrestling in Asia. We cannot, and we will not, allow Ultimate Wrestling to take from us what is rightfully ours.

As Tanaka’s speech built, he paused, his expression darkening. The room felt the shift, sensing that something crucial was about to be addressed.

Tanaka: But there is something I must acknowledge. Not everyone who calls AAPW home is here today. Our so-called champions from other Asian countries have decided this is not their fight. They have chosen to sit in their comfortable homes, hiding behind excuses, unwilling to defend the company that has given them everything!

The tension in the room shifted from anticipation to anger. The wrestlers who had shown up felt the sting of betrayal from their absent colleagues, a betrayal Tanaka was quick to capitalize on.

Tanaka: These cowards, these so-called champions, claim that this battle does not concern them. They say that because AAPW is run out of Japan, it is a Japanese problem. But let me tell you something—this is not just a Japanese problem. This is an AAPW problem! This is a problem that affects every single one of us who has ever laced them up and stepped foot in an AAPW ring!

The anger in the room simmered, the wrestlers exchanging looks of disbelief and frustration. Tanaka seized the moment, his voice dropping to a deadly whisper that forced everyone to listen.

Tanaka: In my eyes, it means that they have abandoned their right to call themselves AAPW. It means that they do not deserve to stand alongside the warriors in this room. It means that when we march into the Tokyo Dome tonight, we will do so without them, and we will emerge victorious without them.

The wrestlers erupted in murmurs of agreement, the anger at the absent wrestlers fueling their resolve. Tanaka knew he had them right where he wanted them.

Tanaka: We don’t need those cowards to win this war. We have something they could never understand. We have pride. We have honor. We have the spirit of Japan coursing through our veins! And with that spirit, we will show them—those who have chosen to abandon us—what it means to be true champions. So I ask you, my children, are you with me? Will you fight with me?

As the fervor began to settle, murmurs of doubt and concern spread among the wrestlers. Some glanced at each other, unsure of the path Tanaka was leading them down. The tension was palpable, and finally, one of the more experienced wrestlers, Ryota Arakawa, stepped forward.

Ryota Arakawa: We've fought battles before, but this... this is different. We're talking about going to war with an organization backed by one of the most powerful media empires in the world. We may be strong, but are we ready for the consequences of attacking Rupert Mudcock? I for one don’t want to spend the next few years inside the cell of a prison.

His voice was steady, but there was an underlying tone of caution. The room grew silent as the weight of his words sank in. Ryota was known for his sense of valor and for his sharp mind, and his concerns were not taken lightly by the roster..

Tanaka: I assure you Ryota that our investors and my lawyers will see to it that we spend no more than a night in jail if we are arrested. They are furious at the lies Mudcock has been spreading through his news organization and we have their full support.

Saikō Sasori, the reigning AAPW Heavyweight Champion and a living legend, stepped forward. His scorpion-themed mask concealed his expression, but his voice carried a sharp edge, like the sting of his finishing move.

Saikō Sasori: The question isn’t whether we’re ready, Ryota. The question is whether we have a choice. The moment we back down, we lose the respect and admiration of the Japanese people. We’ll be seen as weak in their eyes, and in this business, weakness is death.

Tanaka: Damn straight Sasori!

Saikō Sasori ignored Tanaka, acknowledging only his fellow wrestlers.

Saikō Sasori: I know that what Tanaka suggests seems dishonorable to some who view the world in black and white but sometimes the world is more complicated than it appears. I can assure you all Rupert Mudcock is no saint and many of the wrestlers on his roster have a graveyard of skeleton’s in their closet.

The room buzzed with the tension between the two, both respected figures within AAPW, yet holding different perspectives on the situation. Before the debate could escalate, Yamato Ikari, the Storm Bearer, spoke up, his massive frame casting an imposing shadow over the others.

Otakebi Fuji: We’re talking about our livelihood here! If AAPW goes out of business we can all kiss our lucrative contracts goodbye. Some like myself and stablemates can fall back on Sumo, but for you others you may have to leave Japan to find work. We have to make a move now while we still have half the wrestling fans of Japan supporting us.

Sakura Ishikawa: Otakebi is right! I’m not going back to the slums of Tokyo because some fat white old man thinks he can come to Japan and take over the wrestling scene. True strength doesn’t come from running away. It comes from standing your ground, even when the odds are against you.

From the back of the room, a younger wrestler, Ryuji Takahashi, who had only recently earned his place on the main roster, spoke up, his voice wavering slightly as he addressed the group.

Akane Watanabe: But what if we fail? What if challenging them goes poorly and we only make things worse? We’ve all seen how powerful the Ultimate Wrestling roster is... if we go through with this, there's no turning back. If you ask me this whole idea is insane!

The room went silent, the fear in Akane’s voice echoing the unspoken concerns of others. For a moment, doubt hung heavy in the air. Then, Daichi Sasaki, the leader of "The Syndicate," stepped forward, his voice low but filled with determination.

Daichi Sasaki: We've bled for this company before and I’m ready to bleed for it again if I have to. This isn’t just about pride or honor. This is about survival. Rupert Mudcock wants to take everything we’ve worked for, everything we’ve built, and crush it beneath his boot. If we don’t fight now, there won’t be anything left to fight for later!

Daichi’s words resonated deeply with the group, striking a chord that pushed the fear back into the shadows. The room began to shift once more, the atmosphere thick with a growing resolve. Finally the often silent and rarely heard Enma Taishō spoke out loud.

Enma Taishō: They will be judged. They will be found not worthy. And they will be punished at our hands and vanquished from our home land!

The room echoes with a resounding roar of agreement, a unified battle cry that signifies their commitment to the cause. Tanaka saw the opportunity to press forward with the plan. He stepped back into the center of attention, his voice commanding the room once more.

Tanaka: Enough. We’ve discussed what is at stake, and what this war means to us. Now, it’s time to focus on what we must do—together.

The wrestlers listened intently, their earlier anger now channeled into determination. Tanaka began to outline the strategy, his tone calm but forceful.

Tanaka: We will attack the Tokyo Dome from multiple entrances. We’ll strike hard and fast, taking out the security before they even know what hit them. We will overwhelm them with our numbers and our resolve, forcing our way to the ring where Rupert Mudcock will be live on international television. There, in front of the world, we will issue our challenge—a challenge he cannot ignore.

The wrestlers nodded, some already picturing the chaos that would ensue. Tanaka continued, his tone growing more intense.

Tanaka: We’ll split into teams, each with a designated leader. Your goal is to subdue the security guards at the entrances, take out any Ultimate Wrestling roster members who try to stop us, and clear a path to the ring. Once inside, we will surround Mudcock and make it clear that AAPW is not to be trifled with. This is our territory, our legacy, and we will defend it with everything we have.

The room hummed with energy as Tanaka finished outlining the plan. The wrestlers, managers, and trainers exchanged determined looks, knowing that this was the moment that would define their future.

Tanaka: Remember, this is not just about us. This is about every wrestler who has ever stepped foot in an AAPW ring. This is about our ancestors, our children, and the future of Japanese wrestling. We will not back down. We will not surrender. We will go to war, and we will win.

The wrestlers stood a little taller, their eyes locked on Tanaka, ready to follow him into the fray. The first seeds of their resolve had been planted, and now, Tanaka watered them with the full force of his passion and leadership.

Tanaka: We are AAPW. We are the pride of Japan. Tomorrow, we will show them all what that truly means."

The wrestlers erupted in a final, unified roar of approval. The decision was made, the course set, and the battle lines drawn. The attack on the Tokyo Dome was no longer just a plan—it was an inevitability, driven by honor, pride, and the unbreakable spirit of AAPW.


The atmosphere inside the Tokyo Dome was electric as "Stranglehold" by Ted Nugent roared through the sound system, setting the stage for another unforgettable episode of Friday Night Clash. The camera swept across the limited but fervent crowd of essential workers and medical personnel, their cheers and applause a powerful reminder of the ongoing global battle against Blovid-13. Tonight, their presence added a unique sense of purpose to the spectacle, making every moment resonate with deeper meaning.

The spotlight shifted to the announcer's table where Devin Zeagal, Holly Hudson, and Kenjiro Tanaka were seated. Devin, towering and impeccably dressed in his signature Armani suit, exuded a blend of professionalism and gravitas. His voice carried the weight of the evening's significance.


Devin Zeagal: Good evening, wrestling fans, and welcome to another thrilling episode of Friday Night Clash. Tonight, we have an action-packed card featuring some of the most talented and dynamic competitors in Ultimate Wrestling. As always, it's an honor to bring you the very best in professional wrestling.

Holly Hudson: That's right, Devin. Tonight's lineup showcases the incredible talent we have here at Ultimate Wrestling. We'll witness emerging superstars step into the spotlight, each eager to prove themselves and etch their names into the annals of wrestling history. It's an exciting time to be a Ultimate Wrestling fan!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Indeed, Holly. Our opening bout is a clash of styles and philosophies. True Chaotic, known for their unpredictable and high-energy approach, will face off against the disciplined and methodical Team Dojo - Z. This match promises to be a fascinating contest, highlighting the diversity of training regimens and wrestling philosophies.

Devin Zeagal: And the excitement doesn't stop there. Up next, we have a highly anticipated Triple Threat match featuring Alastor Altuist and K.D. Feigel, and the enigmatic Enterpainer. This match will not only test the competitors' physical limits but also challenge their psychological fortitude. Enterpainer's mind games, Alastor's unshakeable will, and K.D.'s raw aggression will collide in what could be the show-stealer of the night.

Holly Hudson: Following that, we have a Mid Card Match that promises to be a technical prowess and resilience battle. “Street Wise” Riko Matsumoto “The dirtiest bitch in the Game” according to her.. will take on Victoria Paulson. Both competitors are known for their skill and determination, making this encounter a must-watch. Who will outlast and outmaneuver the other in this intense showdown?

Kenjiro Tanaka: The stakes continue to rise with our second Triple Threat match. Li Wei, Jeffery James Roberts, and Gao Yun will bring their unique fighting styles to the ring, promising a bout full of unpredictability and high-impact action. Each wrestler is eager to prove their dominance and take a step closer to the top of the division.

Devin Zeagal: As we approach the climax of the evening, we have three main events that will undoubtedly leave everyone on the edge of their seats. First, Katrielle Hale will go head-to-head with Eun-Young Han in a match that will test their endurance, skill, and determination. Both women are fierce competitors, and this match will be a defining moment in the Young Blood division.

**Kenjiro Tanaka: After that crazy masked Lightning Man takes on the man who’s been a thorn in his side for weeks Mr. Penguin Oswald Knight!

Holly Hudson:Lastly, our grand main event features the Submission Specialist Championship. The incredible double champion Chuluun Bold will defend his title against the relentless Drake Nygma. This isn't just a match; it's a battle of wills, a test of limits, and a fight for legacy. Both men are known for their submission expertise, and tonight, they will push each other to the absolute brink.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Tonight, the Tokyo Dome becomes a crucible where futures will be forged and legends will be tested. These warriors aren't just fighting for victories; they're battling for their place in the future of Ultimate Wrestling. It's an honor to bring this journey to our fans, sharing every high and low as these incredible athletes push themselves to the limit.

As the announcers wrapped up their overview, the arena dimmed slightly, signaling the beginning of the first match. The anticipation was electric, the energy contagious, and as the first competitors made their way to the ring, it was clear that this night would be remembered as a pivotal moment in the evolving narrative of Ultimate Wrestling.


The lights in the Tokyo Dome dimmed, and the anticipation in the air was palpable as the crowd eagerly awaited the first match. The hauntingly melodic strains of "My Name Is..." by Once Monsters filled the arena, signaling the arrival of True Chaotic. Kami Nakada and Shingo, "The Midnight Dragon" Hara, emerged from the entrance ramp, their presence immediately captivating the audience. Kami's fierce demeanor and Shingo's calm intensity perfectly complemented each other as they made their way to the ring, exuding confidence and unity.

Miyu Kojima: Introducing first, at a combined weight of 345 pounds, from Analei, Hawaii, Kami Nakada, and Shingo "The Midnight Dragon" Hara, True Chaotic!

The crowd cheered as True Chaotic entered the ring, their impressive physiques and coordinated movements displaying their synergy and readiness. Kami and Shingo exchanged a nod, reaffirming their bond and strategy for the match ahead.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Look at True Chaotic! Kami and Shingo have an incredible dynamic. Their blend of martial arts and wrestling prowess will make them a formidable team in Ultimate Wrestling.

Holly Hudson: Absolutely, Kenjiro. Kami's agility and technical skills, combined with Shingo's power and precision, make them a well-rounded and dangerous duo.

Devin Zeagal: True Chaotic's diverse backgrounds give them a unique advantage. They must use every bit of their training to overcome their opponents tonight. My students are not the type to lose easily!

As True Chaotic prepared in the ring, the atmosphere shifted with the powerful notes of "Dragon's Flight" by Ronin Beats. The Dojo-Z members, Takaya "The Gremlin Grappler" Shibasaki and Kojiro "The Viper" Tamura, emerged from the back, their expressions focused and determined. The crowd responded with a mix of cheers and respectful silence, recognizing the prowess of these disciplined warriors.

Miyu Kojima: And their opponents, at a combined weight of 387 pounds, from Tokyo and Osaka, Japan, Takaya "The Gremlin Grappler" Shibasaki and Kojiro "The Viper" Tamura, Team Dojo - Z!

Takaya and Kojiro walked to the ring with purpose, their movements fluid and deliberate, embodying the spirit of traditional Japanese martial arts. They bowed to their opponents as they entered the ring, respecting and acknowledging the challenge ahead.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Team Dojo-Z brings a different kind of intensity. Takaya and Kojiro's backgrounds in Aikido and Jiu-Jitsu give them a distinct edge in technical grappling and submissions.

Holly Hudson: This match will be a fascinating clash of styles. True Chaotic's unpredictable and high-energy approach will contrast with Team Dojo-Z's disciplined and methodical techniques.

Devin Zeagal: My students will be able to control the match's pace and use their technical skills to counter True Chaotic's dynamic offense. I guarantee it!

Kenjiro Tanaka: You're a confident man, Zeagal.

Devin Zeagal: Why wouldn't I be? I trained them myself!

The referee called for the bell, signaling the start of the match. Kami Nakada and Takaya Shibasaki stepped forward as the legal competitors to begin the bout. The crowd's excitement grew as the two wrestlers faced off, each ready to showcase their skills.

Kami moved swiftly, utilizing her speed and agility to deliver a series of quick strikes and kicks, targeting Takaya's midsection and legs. Takaya, however, maintained his composure, absorbing the blows and waiting for the right moment to counter. As Kami attempted a spinning heel kick, Takaya caught her leg and executed a swift Aikido flip, sending her to the mat with a thud.

Kenjiro Tanaka: What a counter by Takaya! His Aikido training is paying off, neutralizing Kami's initial assault.

Holly Hudson: Kami needs to stay unpredictable and keep Takaya off balance. His technical prowess is formidable.

Kami quickly recovered, rolling to her feet and regrouping. She circled Takaya, looking for another opening. Takaya stayed focused and advanced with caution. Kami feinted a high kick and instead swept Takaya's legs with a low kick, causing him to stumble. Seizing the opportunity, she followed up with a running dropkick to Takaya's chest, sending him into the corner.

Kami tagged in Shingo, who entered the ring with a burst of energy. He charged at Takaya, delivering a powerful, shining wizard that left Takaya dazed. Shingo quickly transitioned to a T-bone suplex, showcasing his strength and precision.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Shingo's combination of power and speed is impressive. He needs to keep the pressure on Takaya.

Shingo continued his assault, lifting Takaya for a powerbomb into the turnbuckle. The impact was brutal, and Takaya slumped to the mat, struggling to regain his bearings. Shingo tagged Kami back in, setting up for their tag team finisher, the Dragon's Breath.

As Shingo hoisted Takaya for the Burning Hammer, Kami climbed to the top rope, preparing for the Corkscrew Shooting Star Press. The crowd held its breath in anticipation, the energy in the Tokyo Dome reaching a fever pitch.

Before True Chaotic could execute their finisher, Kojiro Tamura rushed into the ring, delivering a flying forearm to Shingo, forcing him to drop Takaya. Seeing her partner in trouble, Kami hesitated on the top rope, giving Takaya a moment to recover and roll out of the ring.

Kojiro, now the legal man for Team Dojo-Z, turned his attention to Kami, climbing the ropes to meet her. The two exchanged blows on the top turnbuckle, each trying to gain the upper hand. Kojiro managed to land a series of palm strikes, disorienting Kami and allowing him to execute a top-rope Aikido throw, sending her crashing to the mat.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Incredible agility and technique from Kojiro! He's turned the tide for Team Dojo - Z.

Holly Hudson: This match showcases diverse styles and incredible athleticism. Both teams are giving it their all.

Devin Zeagal: Hahaha! Fantastic! I loved every moment of that!

Kojiro quickly followed up with his submission move, the Serpent's Bind, locking Kami in a complex armlock. Kami writhed in pain, reaching for the ropes as the crowd cheered her on. Seeing his partner in trouble, Shingo entered the ring to break the hold. Takaya intercepted him with a diving knee drop.

Holly Hudson: Both teams are showing incredible heart and skill. This match could go either way.

As the action intensified, the energy in the Tokyo Dome grew even more electrifying, with the match's outcome hanging in the balance. The battle between True Chaotic and Team Dojo-Z was far from over, and the audience eagerly awaited the next twist in this captivating encounter.

Kojiro maintained the Serpent's Bind, but Kami's resilience shone through as she clawed at the ropes, forcing the referee to break the hold. Kojiro, showing signs of frustration, pulled Kami back to her feet and attempted a suplex. Still, Kami reversed it, delivering a sharp elbow to Kojiro's head. With a sudden burst of energy, Kami executed a stunning Dragon's Tail, her reverse roundhouse kick connecting squarely with Kojiro's jaw and sending him crashing to the mat.

Holly Hudson: Wow! What a comeback by Kami! True Chaotic is turning the tables.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Zeagal's students are struggling to keep up. Maybe they need more than Aikido to win a wrestling match.

Devin Zeagal: Easy, you two. My dojo has produced some fine athletes. She was just lucky there.

Holly Hudson: Sure, Devin. But tonight, they're not exactly living up to the hype.

As Kojiro lay dazed, Kami tagged in Shingo, who entered the ring with renewed vigor. Shingo lifted Kojiro off the mat and hit a brutal powerbomb into the turnbuckle, leaving Kojiro in a heap. Shingo didn't waste any time, pulling Kojiro up again and delivering the Coffin Nail, his inverted Death Valley Driver. Kojiro lay motionless, clearly overwhelmed by Shingo's relentless assault.

Devin Zeagal: (visibly frustrated) Come on, Kojiro! Get up!

Kenjiro Tanaka: It looks like your students are struggling, Devin. Maybe they should attend a wrestling school instead of just an Aikido dojo.

Holly Hudson: I was just thinking the same thing, Kenjiro. Perhaps they should consider a more well-rounded training regimen.

Devin Zeagal: (Unrecognizable muttering.)

The crowd's excitement grew as Shingo tagged Kami back in, setting up for their tag team finisher. Shingo hoisted Kojiro for the Burning Hammer with precision and teamwork. Kami soared from the top rope, executing a flawless Corkscrew Shooting Star Press. The impact was devastating, and the audience erupted in cheers.

Kenjiro Tanaka: True Chaotic is putting on a clinic! This is how you dominate a match.

Holly Hudson: Absolutely, Kenjiro. They're showing why they're a formidable team.

Devin Zeagal's expression turned grim as he watched his students struggle against True Chaotic's relentless assault. Still recovering on the outside, Takaya tried to muster the strength to re-enter the ring. Still, it was clear that the momentum had firmly shifted in favor of True Chaotic.

Sensing victory, Kami applied her submission finisher, the Black Dragon, on Kojiro. The double knee backbreaker transitioned into a cross-face, and Kojiro's face contorted in pain as Kami applied pressure. The crowd's cheers reached a crescendo, urging Kami to finish the match.

Holly Hudson: It looks like this might be it! Kami has Kojiro locked in the Black Dragon, and he's in serious trouble.

Kenjiro Tanaka: This is what happens when you rely too much on Aikido. It's not enough to handle the intensity of professional wrestling.

Devin Zeagal: Watch it, Tanaka! Do not talk ill of my art! Aikido is the greatest martial art of them all!

Holly Hudson: Whatever you say, Devin…

Takaya, displaying incredible heart, pulled himself up and climbed onto the apron, attempting to save his partner. However, Shingo was ready, delivering a powerful forearm that sent Takaya back to the floor.

Holly Hudson: True Chaotic is showing no mercy tonight! They're making a huge statement in their debut match.

Kojiro, his face contorted in agony, tried to reach for the ropes, but Kami's hold was too tight. The crowd's cheers grew louder, urging Kami to finish the match. Kojiro's struggles began to weaken, and it was clear that he couldn't hold on much longer.

With one final burst of strength, Kojiro attempted to break free. Still, Kami tightened her grip, bridging her opponent's back for added pressure and leverage. The pain was too much, and Kojiro had to tap out.

The referee called for the bell, signaling the end of the match. The crowd cheered, celebrating True Chaotic's impressive victory in their debut match.


Miyu Kojima: Here are your winners, True Chaotic!

Kami and Shingo stood tall in the ring, their arms raised in victory. The crowd's applause was deafening, acknowledging True Chaotic's incredible performance. Devin Zeagal watched from ringside, his face a mix of embarrassment and frustration.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Your students need to go back to basics, Devin.

Devin Zeagal: They'll be back, and they prove to the world that I am the greatest sense in the world. Just wait and see Tanaka!

As True Chaotic celebrated their victory, the camera captured the proud expressions on Kami and Shingo's faces. They had made a mark in Ultimate Wrestling, and their future looked incredibly promising.

The crowd's energy was electric, and the Tokyo Dome buzzed with anticipation for the next match. True Chaotic had set the bar high, and the audience eagerly awaited more action and excitement from Ultimate Wrestling.

As True Chaotic exited the ring, they paused at the top of the ramp, turning to face the cheering crowd one last time. They raised their arms in triumph, basking in the glory of their successful debut. The future was bright for Kami and Shingo, and the wrestling world had just witnessed the birth of a new powerhouse team.