Ultimate Wrestling Season 3 - Ch.7: Friday Night Clash 21: PART - 4

in #writingclub2 months ago
Authored by @MoonChild


The Tokyo Dome was electric with anticipation for the night’s final showdown: the Submission Championship match between the formidable Chuluun Bold, known as "The Great Khan," and the cunning "Sphinx," Drake Nygma. The energy in the arena was palpable, the fans buzzing with excitement as they waited for the champions to make their way to the ring.

The opening notes of "Wolf Totem" by The Hu reverberated through the arena, the deep, primal beat commanding the attention of everyone in attendance. The lights dimmed, casting a crimson hue over the Tokyo Dome as the crowd erupted in a thunderous roar. All eyes turned to the entrance as Chuluun Bold, draped in a long, fur-lined red and black cloak, appeared. The Great Khan, towering at 6'8" and weighing 295 pounds, exuded an aura of raw power and unyielding dominance.

Both the Ultimate Wrestling Franchise Heavyweight and Submission Specialist championship belts were draped over Bold's broad shoulders, gleaming under the lights. He moved with the deliberate, measured steps of a warrior who knew the strength he carried, his face set in a stoic expression that betrayed nothing but focus and determination. The crowd's cheers grew louder with each step he took toward the ring, their admiration for the Mongolian powerhouse evident.

Reaching the ring, Bold paused, surveying the sea of fans who had come to witness his latest conquest. With a swift, commanding motion, he climbed the turnbuckle and raised both championship belts high above his head, his eyes blazing with the fierce pride of a true champion. The Tokyo Dome reverberated with the cheers of the crowd, the air thick with anticipation for the battle to come.

Devin Zeagal: The Great Khan is here! Just look at him—an unstoppable force with two championship belts! This is the man who’s been dominating Ultimate Wrestling since we arrived in Japan!

Holly Hudson: Chuluun Bold is a legend in the making. But tonight, he faces one of his most cunning opponents yet in Drake Nygma. This is going to be an intense battle!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Bold’s strength is unmatched, but Nygma’s mind games and agility make him a dangerous challenger. This is going to be a clash of titans!

The lights dimmed once more, signaling the arrival of his opponent. The haunting chords of "The Devil Within" by Digital Daggers filled the arena, and the atmosphere shifted to one of eerie tension. Drake Nygma, accompanied by the enigmatic Dollia Trypp, emerged from the entrance with the Young Blood Championship belt around his waist, his presence as unsettling as it was captivating.

Nygma, with his muscular physique and menacing presence, locked eyes with Bold as he made his way down the ramp. The Egyptian Orb embedded in the Ultimate Wrestling Franchise championship belt seemed to hold his gaze, its mystical allure drawing him like a moth to a flame. Dollia, her almost otherworldly aura adding to the sense of foreboding, followed closely, her eyes never leaving the ring.

As Nygma climbed into the ring, the tension between the two competitors was almost tangible. Bold stood his ground, his imposing figure a stark contrast to Nygma's agile and calculating demeanor. The crowd sensed that they were about to witness something extraordinary—a battle not just for titles, but for supremacy.

Before the referee could signal for the bell, Nygma, ever the opportunist, lunged at Bold, his eyes fixed on the Franchise championship belt. He tried to seize the belt and wrench the orb from its setting, but Bold, anticipating the move, swung the belt with lightning speed, forcing Nygma to retreat.

The bell rang, officially starting the match, and Bold wasted no time in charging at Nygma with a ferocious Mongolian Chop. Nygma narrowly dodged the blow, using his agility to stay just out of reach. He countered with a series of sharp Palm Strikes aimed at Bold's midsection, hoping to weaken the champion's base. But Bold’s vampiric strength allowed him to absorb the hits, and with a roar, he retaliated by grabbing hold of Nygma and delivering a devastating Spinebuster that rattled the ring.

Nygma hit the mat hard, the impact sending shockwaves through his body. But the wily Sphinx quickly rolled out of the ring to regroup, his mind racing to find a way to outmaneuver his larger, stronger opponent. Dollia Trypp, sensing an opportunity, approached the referee, her ethereal presence distracting him from the action in the ring.

Chuluun Bold, seeing Nygma retreat, wasted no time in stepping over the ropes and dropping down to the floor. He stalked toward Nygma with the calm yet terrifying composure of a predator cornering its prey. The crowd roared in approval as Bold grabbed Nygma by the back of his neck, yanking him away from Dollia's side and slamming him back-first into the steel barricade.

The impact reverberated through Nygma's spine, his face contorted in pain as he slumped to the floor. Bold was relentless, lifting Nygma by his waist and throwing him like a ragdoll into the steel steps. The crash echoed through the arena, drawing gasps from the audience as Nygma's body collided with the unforgiving metal.

Devin Zeagal: Bold is dismantling Nygma piece by piece! This is the raw power of The Great Khan!

Holly Hudson: Nygma needs to regroup and fast; otherwise, this match will be over before it even begins!

Kenjiro Tanaka: But don't count Nygma out yet. He’s a master of deceit and strategy. He might be biding his time, waiting for the perfect moment to strike!

With the referee still distracted by Dollia Trypp, Bold rolled Nygma back into the ring. The Great Khan climbed onto the apron and stepped over the ropes, ready to deliver more punishment. Nygma, however, had used the brief respite to catch his breath and formulate a plan. As Bold approached, Nygma suddenly sprang to his feet and, with a quick leap, delivered a dropkick to Bold's chest, causing the giant to stagger.

Sensing an opening, Nygma swiftly capitalized by wrapping his arms around Bold's leg, trying to bring the behemoth down to the mat. Bold struggled, his immense strength making it difficult for Nygma to maintain his grip, but Nygma was nothing if not tenacious. With a surge of effort, he managed to sweep Bold’s other leg out from under him, finally toppling the giant.

The crowd buzzed with a mix of shock and anticipation as Nygma, breathing heavily, quickly transitioned into a series of calculated strikes, targeting Bold's limbs with precision. He knew that his only hope against the vampiric powerhouse was to immobilize him, to chip away at his defenses bit by bit.

Devin Zeagal: Nygma is playing this smart. He's using his speed and technique to take down the bigger man.

Holly Hudson: But can he keep Bold down? That’s the real challenge here!

Kenjiro Tanaka: If anyone can, it’s Nygma. He’s like a snake, always waiting for the right moment to strike!

Bold, however, was far from finished. As Nygma attempted to lock in a leg submission, The Great Khan's eyes flared with an otherworldly intensity. With a roar that shook the very foundations of the Tokyo Dome, Bold powered out of the hold, sending Nygma flying across the ring with a mighty kick. Nygma crashed into the corner, momentarily stunned by the sheer force of Bold's counter.

Rising to his feet, Bold's presence filled the ring once more. He advanced on Nygma, his steps deliberate and menacing. The crowd could feel the tide turning back in Bold's favor, the energy in the arena reaching a fever pitch. Bold reached down to pull Nygma from the corner, but Nygma, ever the strategist, had other plans.

In a desperate move, Nygma grabbed hold of the turnbuckle pad, ripping it off as Bold pulled him away. With the exposed steel now in play, Nygma had a potential ace up his sleeve. As Bold hoisted Nygma into the air for a Gorilla Press Slam, Nygma twisted his body in midair, kicking the back of Bold's head and causing The Great Khan to stumble forward.

The crowd gasped as Bold's head collided with the exposed steel turnbuckle. The impact dazed him, and Nygma, seizing the opportunity, immediately capitalized. He quickly slithered behind Bold, locking in a sleeper hold with a sinister smirk on his face. But Nygma wasn't content with a standard submission; he maneuvered Bold's body closer to the ropes, using his feet to push off the bottom rope, adding extra pressure to the hold while the referee's attention was elsewhere.

Devin Zeagal: No way! Nygma's using the ropes to gain leverage in that sleeper hold!

Holly Hudson: The referee doesn't see it! Bold could be in real trouble here!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Classic Nygma—he'll do whatever it takes to win, even if it means bending the rules!

With the additional leverage from the ropes, Nygma tightened his grip around Bold’s neck, trying to choke the life out of The Great Khan. The crowd watched in suspense as Bold's movements slowed, his massive frame beginning to slump as the oxygen was squeezed from him.

Devin Zeagal: This could be it! Nygma has that sleeper hold locked in tight, and with the extra leverage, Bold might have no choice but to submit!

Holly Hudson: We might be moments away from seeing Bold pass out! He needs to find a way out, and fast!**

But Bold, despite the precarious situation, began to stir. The crowd’s chants grew louder, fueling the Mongolian powerhouse's resolve. With a surge of strength, Bold used his free hand to grab Nygma’s arm, slowly prying it away from his neck. Nygma’s eyes widened in disbelief as The Great Khan, feeding off the energy of the crowd, started to rise to his feet, with Nygma still clinging to his back.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Look at that! Bold is powering out of it! This man is unbelievable!

With Nygma desperately trying to maintain the hold, Bold used his immense strength to hoist Nygma up and over, flipping him onto his back with a thunderous snapmare. Nygma hit the mat hard, the impact causing him to lose his grip on the hold entirely.

The Tokyo Dome erupted in cheers as Bold shook off the effects of the choke, regaining his composure. Nygma, on the other hand, looked frustrated but quickly rolled to the ropes, trying to regroup as Dollia Trypp shouted words of encouragement from ringside.

As Nygma tried to regroup by the ropes, Bold was already on the offensive. The Great Khan, his eyes burning with a mix of fury and determination, stalked his prey. Nygma barely had time to react before Bold charged, driving a knee into his midsection with bone-crunching force. The impact sent Nygma crashing into the corner, where Bold followed up with a series of vicious Mongolian Chops that echoed throughout the Tokyo Dome.

Devin Zeagal: Bold is unleashing hell on Nygma! Those chops could break bones!**

Holly Hudson: The Great Khan is done playing games. He wants to end this, and he’s willing to tear Nygma apart to do it!

Kenjiro Tanaka: This match has turned into a war! Nygma might have bitten off more than he can chew.

The crowd roared as Bold continued his relentless assault, each chop more devastating than the last. Nygma, gasping for breath and writhing in pain, desperately clawed at the ropes, trying to escape the onslaught. But Bold was relentless, grabbing Nygma by the hair and pulling him back to the center of the ring. With a roar, he lifted Nygma high into the air and slammed him down with a brutal Spinebuster that shook the entire ring.

Nygma hit the mat hard, the impact sending shockwaves through his body. But the wily Sphinx quickly rolled out of the ring to regroup, his mind racing to find a way to outmaneuver his larger, stronger opponent. Dollia Trypp, sensing an opportunity, approached the referee, her ethereal presence distracting him from the action outside the ring.

Nygma, barely able to stand, leaned against the barricade, trying to catch his breath. Bold, however, was relentless. He rolled out of the ring and stalked toward Nygma, who was still reeling from the Spinebuster. As Bold approached, Nygma, in a desperate move, grabbed a nearby steel chair from the timekeeper's area. He raised it high, but instead of swinging it, he threw it at Bold’s feet, a clear distraction tactic to buy himself some time.

Bob Sigro, seeing the chair, immediately warned Nygma that any use of it would result in disqualification. But Nygma had no intention of using the chair—he wanted Bold to make the mistake. As Bold kicked the chair aside, Nygma delivered a sudden, brutal kick to Bold’s knee, sending the larger man crashing into the barricade.

Devin Zeagal: Nygma playing it smart! He’s using whatever he can to gain the upper hand!

Holly Hudson: The referee’s keeping a close eye on that chair—he won’t let this match turn into a brawl!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Nygma’s got to be careful. One wrong move and he could get disqualified!

With Bold temporarily incapacitated, Nygma seized the opportunity. He grabbed Bold by the arm and twisted it around the steel ring post, using the unforgiving metal as a weapon. Bold howled in pain as Nygma yanked and twisted, trying to hyperextend the arm around the post. Bob Sigro began the count, demanding that Nygma release the hold.

At the count of four, Nygma let go, narrowly avoiding disqualification. But the damage was done—Bold clutched his arm in pain, the steel having taken its toll. Nygma, sensing weakness, didn’t let up. He climbed back into the ring, urging Bold to follow, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure.

Bold, with a snarl of determination, rolled back into the ring, cradling his injured arm. Nygma was on him in an instant, stomping on the arm and driving his boot into the vulnerable joint. The crowd winced with each blow, the violence escalating as Nygma systematically targeted Bold’s injured limb.

Devin Zeagal: Nygma’s found his target—he’s going to tear that arm apart if he has to!

Holly Hudson: This is vicious, even by Nygma’s standards! He’s out for blood tonight!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Bold’s in serious trouble. If he can’t use that arm, he’s at a huge disadvantage!

But The Great Khan wasn’t finished yet. With a roar, he caught Nygma’s boot mid-stomp and twisted it, sending Nygma crashing to the mat. Bold, despite the pain, powered through and used his good arm to hoist Nygma up, delivering a thunderous Choke Slam that shook the ring.

The crowd erupted as Nygma was laid out on the mat, gasping for air. Bold, breathing heavily, shook his injured arm, trying to regain some feeling as he circled Nygma like a predator. The violence had reached a fever pitch, and Bob Sigro was struggling to keep the match within the bounds of the rules.

Bold, eyes blazing with fury, grabbed Nygma by the throat with his good arm and dragged him to his feet. But before he could execute another move, Nygma raked his eyes with a desperate swipe. The dirty tactic caused Bold to stumble back, temporarily blinded.

Nygma, bloodied and battered, took advantage of the momentary reprieve. He ran to the ropes, building momentum, and launched himself at Bold with a brutal running knee to the gut. Bold doubled over, and Nygma quickly followed up with a DDT, driving Bold’s head into the mat. The impact was sickening, and the crowd gasped as Bold lay motionless for a moment.

Devin Zeagal: Nygma’s fighting with everything he has left! That DDT could have knocked Bold out cold!

Holly Hudson: This match has crossed into pure brutality—neither man is holding back!

Nygma got to his feet and immediately went back to targeting Bold’s arm. He dropped a knee onto the injured limb and locked in a Fujiwara armbar, wrenching back with all his strength. Bold roared in pain, his face contorted with agony as Nygma applied pressure, determined to make the champion submit.

The referee was right in Bold’s face, asking if he wanted to give up, but The Great Khan growled in defiance. With an incredible display of strength, Bold started dragging both of them toward the ropes. The crowd cheered as he inched closer, his willpower driving him to escape the hold. However, Nygma wasn’t about to let go easily. He cranked back harder, his face twisted with effort, but Bold’s resolve was unbreakable. With one final lunge, Bold grabbed the bottom rope, forcing Nygma to break the hold.

The referee stepped in, warning Nygma to back off as Bold clutched his arm, breathing heavily. The violence had pushed both men to their limits, and the Tokyo Dome was electric with anticipation, knowing that the match could swing either way in a matter of seconds.

As the intense battle between Chuluun Bold and Drake Nygma continued, the violence in the ring reached new heights. Bold, refusing to submit, had just grabbed the bottom rope, forcing Nygma to release the punishing Fujiwara armbar. The crowd was on the edge of their seats, the air thick with tension as both men regrouped, preparing for the next exchange.

Devin Zeagal: What an incredible display of strength and resilience by The Great Khan! This match is far from over!

Holly Hudson: But wait—I'm getting word from backstage that something major is going down!

Devin Zeagal: What? What's happening back there?

**Kenjiro Tanaka: Yes Holly, What on earth could be happening backstage? Hmmm…?

The cameras suddenly cut away from the ring, catching the live audience off guard. The screen filled with chaotic scenes from backstage, where the AAPW roster, led by Haruki Tanaka, was storming through the corridors of the Tokyo Dome like a rampaging army. Security guards were being overpowered, Ultimate Wrestling crew members were being knocked to the floor and beaten, and the roster of wrestlers who had already performed earlier in the night was being ambushed and taken out one by one.


Devin Zeagal: What the hell is this?! The Tanaka and the AAPW roster has invaded the Tokyo Dome! This is absolute chaos! What the hell does Tanaka think he’s doing?

Holly Hudson: They're attacking everyone in sight—security, crew, even our wrestlers! This is an all-out assault!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Laughing heartily] Oh, this is priceless! Look at them running! Ultimate Wrestling, the pride of the West, being brought to its knees by true warriors! This is what happens when you bring your circus act to Japan!

Devin Zeagal: [Shocked] Kenjiro, are you seriously laughing at this? These are your colleagues being attacked!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Mocking tone] Colleagues? Don’t make me laugh, Zeagal! These gaijin fools thought they could come to Japan and take over? They deserve every bit of this beating! This is what happens when you force us to defend our honor and pride! And look at you, Devin, sitting there, helpless, just like the rest of them!

The live feed showed Eun-Young Han and Hyun-Sik Hwang valiantly trying to fend off multiple attackers, only to be overwhelmed by the sheer numbers of the AAPW wrestlers. Gao Yun was seen brawling with several opponents at once, holding his own until he was blindsided by a steel chair to the back of the head by Kyoki Piero. Dong-Hyun Moon and Lightning Man were locked in a brutal fight with the likes of Okakebi Fuji and Yamato Ikari, both sides exchanging blows in a frenzied melee.

Devin Zeagal: What on earth do you people hope to prove or accomplish with this behavior? This isn’t how we do business in the West! You're decimating our crew and our roster!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Gleeful] And I’m loving every second of it! This is what happens when you don’t respect the culture, Zeagal! You waltz in here with your flashy lights, your pitiful Aikido and big talk, but in the end, you’re nothing but a weakling! You’re all weakings!

Holly Hudson: Kenjiro, these are trained athletes being ambushed—this is beyond wrestling, this is an all-out attack! This is sick!

Kenjiro Tanaka: And isn’t it glorious? I can’t wait to see the look on that fool Mudcock’s face, thinking his money could protect him. Well, Haruki has just shown him who really controls the wrestling scene in Japan! The man who turned AAPW into the greatest wrestling promotion in Asia—and now he’s taking back what’s rightfully his!

The camera briefly cut back to the ring as Bold and Nygma squared off once more, the intensity between them now fueled by the escalating war outside the ring. But the live feed quickly returned to the backstage carnage, showing Riko Matsumoto being cornered by several AAPW wrestlers, fighting them off with every ounce of strength she had left. Katrielle Hale and Oswald Knight were seen holding their ground against overwhelming odds, but even they were starting to falter under the relentless onslaught.

Devin Zeagal: Your brother is going to pay for this Kenjiro! Mark my words! Rupert Mudcock is not a man you mess with!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Laughing] Oh, this is too rich! Where’s your great leader now, Zeagal? Where’s Mudcock with his big talk and even bigger ego? Probably hiding under a desk somewhere, praying that Haruki doesn’t find him! He’s probably shit his pants!

Holly Hudson: Well. That’s an image I’ll never get out of my head…

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Mockingly] This is what happens when you try to take on a legacy you could never hope to understand! Ultimate Wrestling is nothing but a blip in the history of this sport—AAPW is where real warriors are born, and tonight, they’re showing the world exactly why!

The chaos backstage continued to escalate, with more and more Ultimate Wrestling personnel being overwhelmed by the sheer numbers and ferocity of the AAPW attackers. The arena was in an uproar, fans in the stands screaming in confusion and fear as they watched the carnage unfold on the big screens.

Back in the ring, the intensity between Chuluun Bold and Drake Nygma reached a fever pitch. Bold, charged at Nygma with renewed fury, ready to finish what they had started.

Devin Zeagal: This is madness! Kenjiro, I can’t believe you’re supporting this! These are your co-workers, your peers!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Coldly] Co-workers? Don’t flatter yourself, Zeagal. The only thing I support is what’s right, and what’s right is my brother Haruki Tanaka reclaiming what was stolen from him. You, Mudcock, and all your gaijin lackeys thought you could walk in here and take over? Well, guess what—tonight, you’re all being shown the door, and it’s a one-way trip!

The camera captured Naoko Mori, her eyes blazing with fury, as she zeroed in on Streetwise Riko. The betrayal of her former protégé still fresh in her mind, Mori wasted no time launching a vicious assault. Riko barely had time to register what was happening before Mori slammed her into a stack of equipment crates, raining down a barrage of punches and kicks, her rage unchecked. The camera zoomed in on Riko's face as she tried to defend herself against her mentor's unrelenting fury, but the weight of the attack was overwhelming.

Kenjiro Tanaka's laughter filled the broadcast as he watched the chaos unfold, his demeanor taking a dark turn as he reveled in the violence.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Look at this! Naoko Mori, showing Streetwise Riko exactly what happens when you betray your sensei! This is justice, Devin! True justice!

The camera shifted to show Haruki Tanaka, the mastermind behind the invasion, orchestrating the chaos with a cold, calculating gaze. He directed AAPW wrestlers like Kuno no Senshi and Kutsu no Shisho, who were mercilessly attacking the Ultimate Wrestling tag team of Kami Nakada and Shingo Hara. Shisho used a steel pipe to batter Kami’s ribs, while Senshi locked Hara in a painful submission hold, the brutality of the assault evident on Hara's contorted face.

Kenjiro Tanaka: This is what happens when you bring a gaijin operation into sacred Japanese soil! You reap what you sow, Mudcock! And your little puppets like Nakada and Hara? They’re learning the hard way that you don’t mess with the true champions of the East!

Devin Zeagal, normally composed, looked visibly shaken as he tried to process the chaos erupting around him. Kenjiro's sudden shift in demeanor and the ferocity of the attacks left him struggling to maintain his professionalism.

Devin Zeagal: Kenjiro, this is madness!

Kenjiro Tanaka: No Zeagal! THIS! IS! ALL! ASIA! PRO! WRESTLING! Oh, how the mighty have fallen! Look at your so-called champions, Devin! They’re being torn apart, limb from limb! And all you can do is sit there and watch as AAPW reclaims its rightful place at the top!

As the camera continued to capture the utter devastation wrought by the AAPW invasion, Kenjiro Tanaka’s laughter grew louder, his contempt for Ultimate Wrestling, Rupert Mudcock, and even his own commentary partner evident with every word.

Kenjiro Tanaka: This is just the beginning, Zeagal! Ultimate Wrestling will fall, and it will be AAPW standing victorious! The world will see that Japan, and Japan alone, is the true home of professional wrestling!

Devin Zeagal: This isn’t wrestling, Kenjiro—this is a massacre! A travesty!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Call it whatever you want, Zeagal. But the truth is right in front of you. Ultimate Wrestling is nothing compared to AAPW! This is what happens when you try to step onto our turf!

As the feed cut back to the ring, the crowd was left in stunned silence, the images of the backstage carnage still fresh in their minds. Devin Zeagal, visibly shaken and seething with rage, could barely contain his fury as Kenjiro Tanaka continued to gloat over the brutal invasion orchestrated by AAPW. The smirk on Kenjiro's face was the final straw for Zeagal.

Devin Zeagal: You think this is a joke, Kenjiro?!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Laughing dismissively] Oh, Zeagal, you delusional fool. You are the joke!

Something snapped in Zeagal. Unable to take any more, he shot up from his seat, his face twisted with fury. Without warning, he lunged at Kenjiro, attempting to unleash his Aikido skills on the veteran commentator. The crowd gasped in shock, the sudden eruption of violence catching everyone off guard.

But Kenjiro, a seasoned warrior and a legendary figure in Japanese wrestling, was more than ready. With the reflexes of a man who had faced countless battles, he sidestepped Zeagal’s attack, avoiding the Aikido maneuver with a fluidity that spoke to his years in the ring. Before Zeagal could react, Kenjiro seized him, lifting him effortlessly into the air.

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Voice cold as ice] You wanted a fight, Zeagal? Well, you’ve got one!

With a ferocious roar, Kenjiro executed a devastating Burning Hammer, driving Zeagal through the announcer's table with bone-crunching force. Holly Hudson screamed as the table exploded into splinters and Zeagal’s body crashed through it, leaving him sprawled and motionless in the wreckage. The Tokyo Dome erupted in gasps and shouts, the crowd unable to comprehend the violence they had just witnessed.

Holly Hudson: Oh my God!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Standing over Zeagal's broken form] This is what happens when you forget your place, Zeagal. Ultimate Wrestling is finished—and you’re going to feel every bit of its downfall!

The stunned audience barely had time to process the shocking turn of events when another wave of chaos surged through the arena. From the back of the stadium, "The Syndicate"—Daichi Sasaki, Isao Kurosawa, Yasuo Okada, Shinji Kobayashi, and Daiki Yamashita—stormed onto the scene. Armed with lead pipes and crowbars, they moved with deadly precision, smashing Akebi VR cameras to pieces as they bulldozed their way toward the ring.


The destruction sent the live feed into disarray for millions of viewers watching at home. The crowd, now gripped with fear and confusion, watched as "The Syndicate" reached the guardrails. With terrifying coordination, they hopped over them and swarmed the ring like a pack of wolves descending on helpless prey.

Chuluun Bold, Drake Nygma, Referee Bob Sigro, and Dollia Trypp barely had time to register the attack before they were caught in the maelstrom. Daichi Sasaki, the leader of "The Syndicate," was the first to strike, delivering a sickening blow to Bold’s head with his lead pipe. The Mongolian giant let out a roar of pain, dropping to one knee as the crowd watched in horror.

Isao Kurosawa, known for his ruthless aggression, zeroed in on Drake Nygma. With a savage swing of his crowbar, Kurosawa smashed it into Nygma’s ribs, driving the air from his lungs. Nygma, already battered from the grueling match with Bold, collapsed in a heap, his body convulsing from the pain.

Yasuo Okada, the high-flying "Street Rat," darted around the ring with a maniacal grin. He targeted Dollia Trypp, raining down kicks and stomps on her as she desperately tried to shield herself. Okada’s attacks were relentless, his twisted pleasure evident with every strike.

Meanwhile, Shinji Kobayashi and Daiki Yamashita, the muscle of "The Syndicate," turned their attention to Referee Bob Sigro. With brutal efficiency, they grabbed him by the collar and hurled him out of the ring like discarded trash, before turning back to the carnage with a menacing glint in their eyes.

The ring, once the stage for an epic confrontation between two titans, had transformed into a slaughterhouse. The crowd was in an uproar, screams of horror and disbelief echoing through the Tokyo Dome as "The Syndicate" mercilessly dismantled everyone in their path. Lead pipes and crowbars struck flesh and bone with sickening thuds, the violence reaching a nightmarish crescendo.

Kenjiro Tanaka, standing amidst the shattered remains of the announcer’s table, looked on with a sadistic grin. His laughter, cold and mocking, echoed through the chaos.

Kenjiro Tanaka: Ahhh what a fantastic day to be a true Japanese wrestling fan!

Devin Zeagal: [Groaning in pain, still lying amid the wreckage] This… You’re all going to pay for this! We're going to sue AAPW—someone needs to call 911, dammit!

Holly Hudson: Devin, stay down! This has gone too far—someone’s got to stop this!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Sneering] Sue us? Call 911? Oh, Zeagal, you’re as weak as I thought! This isn’t some courtroom drama—this is the reality of war! And right now, you and your entire company are on the losing side!

As Zeagal writhed in agony, trying to comprehend the carnage, the brutality in the ring escalated. Daichi Sasaki, driven by pure malice, slammed Bold’s head into the bare steel turnbuckle repeatedly, each blow drawing a sickening crunch and opening his wounded forehead further. Nygma, barely conscious, was dragged to the center of the ring by Kurosawa, who began to methodically beat him down with the crowbar, each strike drawing cries of horror from the crowd.

Yasuo Okada continued his relentless assault on Dollia Trypp, ignoring her desperate attempts to crawl away. The once-proud valet was reduced to a trembling figure, her body battered and bruised. Okada, with a look of twisted glee, lifted her by the hair and threw her against the ropes, watching as she collapsed in a heap.

Shinji Kobayashi and Daiki Yamashita, the enforcers of "The Syndicate," turned their focus back to Chuluun Bold. They began to pummel him with their lead pipes, each strike more vicious than the last. Bold, despite his vampiric strength, was overwhelmed by the sheer ferocity of the attack, his body convulsing under the relentless blows.

The Tokyo Dome, once filled with the cheers of fans, was now consumed by the sounds of violence and despair. The once-great heroes of Ultimate Wrestling were reduced to broken, bleeding figures, at the mercy of "The Syndicate." The battle in the ring had devolved into a massacre, and there was no one left to stop it.

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Gloating] Look at them, Holly! This is the end of Ultimate Wrestling—no, this is the beginning of AAPW’s new reign! The Tokyo Dome is our home, and everyone watching tonight will know it!

Holly Hudson: Kenjiro, this has to stop! This isn’t a match anymore—this is a crime scene!

Kenjiro Tanaka: Crime scene? No, Hudson, this is justice! This is retribution for every slight, every insult thrown our way! And you know what? It’s only going to get worse from here.

As Kenjiro continued to gloat, the arena lights suddenly dimmed, drawing the crowd's attention to the entrance ramp. The haunting, sinister melody of Saiko Sasori's theme music echoed through the Tokyo Dome, sending chills down the spines of everyone in attendance. The AAPW Heavyweight Champion, Saiko Sasori, emerged from the back, his masked face exuding an air of dark, lethal intent. But it wasn’t just his presence that shocked the crowd—it was who he had in his grasp.

Rupert Mudcock, the owner of Ultimate Wrestling, was dragged onto the stage, his usually confident demeanor replaced with fear and humiliation. Sasori, showing no mercy, tossed the overweight media mogul down the ramp like a discarded piece of trash. Mudcock’s body rolled awkwardly down the ramp, his expensive suit torn and soiled, his face contorted in pain and embarrassment.


The crowd gasped in shock and disbelief as Mudcock’s pathetic form came to a stop at the foot of the ramp. Sasori, with a deliberate and menacing stride, made his way down the ramp after him. He grabbed Mudcock by the collar, yanking him to his feet, and with a powerful heave, tossed him into the ring like a ragdoll. The Syndicate, their faces twisted with sadistic pleasure, surrounded Mudcock as he lay helpless on the mat, the broken bodies of Bold and Nygma bleeding out beside him.

Haruki Tanaka, the mastermind behind the invasion, followed closely behind Sasori, his presence commanding the attention of everyone in the arena. He stepped into the ring, the intensity in his eyes burning like a wildfire. The Syndicate grabbed hold of Mudcock, forcing him to his knees in the center of the ring, his body trembling as he faced the wrath of Haruki Tanaka.

Haruki Tanaka: [Voice filled with venom] Rupert Mudcock! You thought you could come to Japan, to my land, and insult me? Insult AAPW? You and your pathetic excuse for a wrestling promotion have the audacity to challenge the might of AAPW on its home soil?!

Tanaka’s words echoed through the arena, the venom in his voice dripping with every syllable. The Syndicate held Mudcock in place, their grips tight and unforgiving as Tanaka loomed over him, his rage barely contained.

Haruki Tanaka: [Seething with anger] Look at your so-called champions, Mudcock! Look at the mess you’ve created! You brought this upon yourself, and now you’re going to pay the price!

Tanaka’s eyes flicked to the prone forms of Chuluun Bold and Drake Nygma, their blood staining the mat beneath them. He turned back to Mudcock, his face twisted in a snarl of contempt.

Haruki Tanaka: [Raising his voice, challenging the world] I challenge you, Mudcock! I challenge your pathetic champion, Chuluun Bold, to face my grand champion, Saiko Sasori, at the next Pay Per View—The Ronin Rumble! Let the world see who the true undisputed heavyweight champion is!

The crowd roared in response, the tension in the air thick with anticipation. Tanaka wasn’t finished.

Haruki Tanaka: [Eyes blazing with fury] But that’s not all, Mudcock. I challenge your entire roster to a 60-man over-the-top battle royal! A True Ronin Rumble between two wrestling clans! Thirty of my best wrestlers against thirty of your pathetic gaijin! The winner will claim a two-million-dollar purse! Think of it as a bet between millionaires! I’m confident one of my own will bring home cash, but not only that, they’ll receive a shot at the new undisputed heavyweight champion at the following super card! What do you say, Mudcock?!

Mudcock, his face pale and drenched in sweat, looked up at Tanaka, his eyes filled with a mixture of fear and defiance. With a trembling voice, he spat out his response.

Rupert Mudcock: [Voice shaking, but defiant] I… I accept! You think you can intimidate me, Tanaka?! Think again!

And with that, Mudcock mustered whatever strength he had left and spat directly in Tanaka’s face. The crowd gasped in shock at the audacity of the move. Tanaka’s expression turned from rage to something far more dangerous—a cold, calculated smile.

Haruki Tanaka: [Laughing darkly] Oh, Mudcock, you just made the biggest mistake of your life.

Without warning, Tanaka delivered a vicious punch to Mudcock’s mouth, the force of the blow dropping the Ultimate Wrestling owner to the mat, his body crumpling like a ragdoll. Mudcock lay unconscious, his blood pooling on the canvas, the arena filled with stunned silence.

Just as the situation in the ring reached its horrifying peak, the sound of sirens echoed through the Tokyo Dome. The camera panned to the entrance, revealing the arrival of the Japanese Riot Police, their presence a stark contrast to the chaos inside the ring.

Holly Hudson: [Desperation in her voice] The Riot Police are here! This madness has to end now!

Kenjiro Tanaka: [Laughing maniacally] Too late, Hudson! The damage is done! Ultimate Wrestling is finished! AAPW reigns supreme!

As the Riot Police began to swarm the ring, their batons ready, the camera feed abruptly cut off, leaving the screen in darkness. The last image the world saw was that of Haruki Tanaka, standing triumphant in the ring, the bodies of Ultimate Wrestling’s fallen strewn at his feet, and Saiko Sasori towering over the broken form of Rupert Mudcock.

Holly Hudson’s voice, filled with urgency, was the final thing heard before the broadcast ended.

Holly Hudson: [Voice cutting through the darkness] This is Holly Hudson for Ultimate Wrestling… signing off.

And with that, the feed went black, leaving the world to wonder about the future of Ultimate Wrestling and the war that had just begun.


A well written show. Our favourite moment? Had to be when Bold swung the championship. Also another stand out moment had to be the competitive drive between Nygma and Bold. Really hoping that Kenjiro gets his just desserts in future.

Obviously I'm brand new here don't know the players and the story lines and all that, but it seems like I came at a pretty major time! So much work went into this, surely there's a team of writers, otherwise, or irrespective of that even, amazing job!