¡HOLA STEEMIANS! Espero que se encuentre muy bien, el dia de hoy vamos a retomar mi serie ''Your lie, my truth'' esta vez estamos en el segundo capítulo, este capítulo bastante preocupante aunque apenas estamos comenzando esta historia! espero que les guste, si les gusta mi serie pueden darle Upvote, y su opinion tambien es importate, pueden dejarmelo en los comentarios ;)
HELLO STEEMIANS! I hope that he is very well, today we are going to take again my series "Your lie, my truth" this time we are in the second chapter, this worrying enough chapter though scarcely we begin this history! I hope that they like, if they like my series they can give him Upvote, and his opinion also is matter for yourself, they can leave it me in the comments ;). The part in English this below
Después de haber llegado a la clínica, me encontré con Emma, estaba en una camilla tirada, su cuerpo, estaba destrozado, ella era irreconocible, en ese momento estaba a punto de vomitar, no podía creerlo. Estando detrás de la ventana de la habitación en donde estaba Emma, veía como los médicos hacían todo lo posible para salvar su vida, pero yo ya no tenía esperanzas de que Emma pudiera vivir, hasta que los médicos se dieron por vencidos, Emma finalmente estaba muerta... Desde aquel entonces yo no volví a ser el mismo.
4 meses después, ya no tenía ganas de hacer nada, incluso comer, no podía dormir bien, empeze a fumar y a beber todos los días, mi vida era un total fracaso. Hasta que un dia, no pude con esta presión diaria, y decidí terminar con mi vida.
Quise dar un fin a mi vida al igual como lo hizo Emma. Robe el auto de mi vecino que estaba afuera en la carretera, rompí la ventana, y rápidamente entré en el carro ya que la alarma del auto estaba encendido, encendi en carro, y me fui lo mas rapido que pude, sin saber conducirlo, trate de manejarlo, pero lo que quería era chocar en donde ocurrió el accidente.
Fuente: https://esoterismos.com/conducir-en-suenos/
Cada vez iba más rápido, pero no me importaba en lo absoluto, mientras miraba a mi alrededor, veía la cara de la gente sorprendida y asustada de la velocidad en que iba, hasta que vi un semáforo en rojo, y por la carretera iba pasando una chica, que tenía una capucha puesta en la cabeza, el cual cubría su rostro.
Ella no se había dado cuenta que un auto venía a una gran velocidad hacia ella, y al percatarme de que la chica estaba en la carretera, frene el auto lo más rápido que pude, pero no resulto, y accidentalmente, la atropelle, y finalmente choque el auto, todo había resultado en un desastre.
After having come to the clinic, I met Emma, it was in a thrown stretcher, his body, was destroyed, she was unrecognizable, in this moment it was on the verge of being sick, could not believe it. Being behind the window of the room where Emma was, it saw as the doctors they were doing everything possible to save his life, but I already did not have hopes that Emma could live, until the doctors gave each other defeated, Emma finally was dead... From that one at the time I did not return to be the same. 4 months later, already it did not have desire of doing anything, even eat, could not sleep well, empeze to smoking and to drinking every day, my life was a total failure. Until one day, I could not with this daily pressure, and I decided to end with my life.
I wanted to give an end to my life to the equal one like it Emma did. Steal the car of my neighbor who was out in the road, I broke the window, and rapidly I entered the car since the alarm of the car was ignited, ignited the car, and went away rapid mas that I could, without being able to lead it, try to handle it, but what wanted was to hit where the accident happened.
Source: https://esoterismos.com/conducir-en-suenos/
Every time it was going more rapid, but it was not mattering for myself in the absolute thing, while it was looking around me, saw the face of the people been surprised and scared at the speed in which it was going, until I saw a semaphore in red, and for the road there was happening a girl, who had a hood put in the head, which was covering his face. She had not realized that a car was coming to a great speed towards her, and on having noticed that the girl was in the road, the car stops the more rapid thing that I could, but I do not turn out to be, and accidental, knock down her, and finally shock the car, everything had resulted in a disaster.
To be continue...
Autora: @euddcass
So far, today's chapter has arrived!
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If you like you can give Upvote and comment!Here are the previous chapters:
Chapter 1: https://steemit.com/escritura/@euddcass/your-lie-my-truth-primer-capitulo-first-chapter-esp-eng
Author: @euddcass