- basically, why unstake when the payout window for posts is 2-days instead of 7? great festive opportunity to compound pretty quickly there (if that makes your dick hard)
(funnily enough, I think I'm going to be starting an unstake soon LOL, after reading over my thoughts above I realised that I could powerdown and gift/tip people with the VYB that I'm earning daily while remaining at the 25K VYB I was airdropped, ho ho ho)
(my thinking, if VYB is indeed a long-term token and that's where the inherent value rests, then it makes more sense for me to spread tokens further to increase my "nest egg", rather than hoarding them and limiting the scope of opinion, emotion, intelligence, wisdom, humour fuck, nearly forgot that, been in serious-mode too long, time for sauna etc. Focus on the value of 1 VYB, not the value of all of my VYB in my wallet =) WYSIWYG (What You See Is What You Get) is an option in the text editor, basically removes markdown and HTML and posts the text as is (few tricks there to improve formatting, still figuring it out). I set up higher percent beneficiaries on low effort posts to justify the autovotes that people may have assigned for more fleshed-out HQ content.
I'm just thinking if I hand out lots of votes everyone will get more VYB and that will get things pumping. And it's more fun!
Yeah… I’m thinking the same thing. The quicker I get to 10 Million VYB power the quicker I can give out nice juicy VYB upvotes to good content. That will be my strategy. 10 Million VYB power here I come.
If you're thinking the same thing as frot, then there will only be 1 million VYB left and that can't be true since there was two mil in the airdrop ;)
verify my brain please! :D
Different strokes for different folks! Reassuring to hear that you're looking to give out lots of votes as the biggest stakeholder, as it is in that act where we find the flaws in the DPoS system (50/50 reward split needs work too, imo).
Enjoy the rest of your day!