Big Dick's half way in....Whaaaatt? Oooh, "inn!"
But really?!?! This Place Exists?!?!

Ok, it worked. It got my attention and not only that I'm here telling you all about this. Not a big problem, things like this aren't that rare and we all know sex sells. it pretty funny.

So What's the Big Deal?
You see, for the last twenty years as I've driven between St. Louis and Springfield, Missouri, passing signs for Uranus Fudge Factory. Yes Yes, we've all heard the jokes. Thank god Futurama reported that in the year 2620 " astronomers changed the name to it's present "Urrectum" in order to bring an end to that stupid joke once and for all." So we don't have too much longer.

So, after years of desensitization on this sign in particular..seeing that a place named "Big Dick's Halfway Inn"" actually existed in a town called Gravois Mills, Missouri wasn't completely mind blowing. Like before, pretty funny...a nice joke piece of information to share with others. Still not a big deal...

Ok, so you finally want to know why I am all riled up?!?!
Do you know what happens when you go to do an image search on "Big Dicks Halfway In (or inn)"?!?!



Moral of This Story!!
Don't Google Search ANYTHING that contains the word Dick!

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Image Sources:
Big Dick's Sign
Uranus Fudge Factory
Big Dick's Website
Skinny Dick's
Dirty Dick's
Haha! I've not got the celebrity approval...yes!! :D
I know EXACTLY where that sign is. 😃
Man I love having so many Missourians on Steemit! :D
giggles on this
Thank you, lol. I'm still having way too much fun with this one.
Dick is everywhere and Tom and Harry are nowhere. :-)
Harry's here
Sometimes done well, dicky humor IS funny. :)
You know what a dickydoo belly is?
lol, I do... And I learned it from my former CEO. There is also such thing as boobie do.
Whaaa?!?! I'm
It's when your belly sticks out further than yer dickydoo. :)
Hehe, thank you! I needed to do something a little 'fun'. :)
This is absolutely hilarious. You won the internet for today.
Heh, these are always so funny.
Bathroom humor still sells Big, I was laughing my ass off. Best post of the day maybe the week.
Hehe, thank you! I can't remember the last time I did just a 'fun' post. :P
Well Dick's Last Resort comes to mind - they still have 13 locations all over the US going "sloppy." If you can't take a joke from a purposely rude waiter, don't visit. Put if politically incorrect humor is your thing - you're gonna have a blast - order the Dolly Parton - "a voluptuously grilled chicky breast"
Rofl!! I would probably enjoy it there.
I was in Beaver, Colorado a few years ago, Guess what the local place was called where you buy your wine and spirits ? Beaver Liquors of course ! Priceless.
HAHAHA!! That's freaking hilarious!!
That is definitely work appropriate. It is on a billboard.
Rofl! True True
Lol they're pretty creative and have a good sense of humor I can see. And best of all, that's just some good ol' fashioned "sign bait" - you sign a sign like "Big Dicks" or "Dirty Dicks" and if you start chortling - BANG! - you're already walking in to buy whatever's on the menu!
Need to visit Missouri soon and get my hands on some Uranus Fudge before it's too late ;)
Hehe, they definitely make use of it pretty well!
If you're coming to Missouri for the dirty sounding stuff...just head on over to Climax Springs! Lol
Wow Missouri sure doesn't hold back - sounds like my type of place! I live in Washington D.C. which is filled with people who are too uptight and politically correct. That's why I always like to travel to other places where people are more laid-back, jovial and maybe even have a darker sense of humor lol
You got me with that crab house sign :D
Hehe...taaadaaa! :P
Nice. That is definitely funny.
Hehe, thank you!
Happy day dear
Post Beautiful
Hehe, thank you! :D
My question is what the hell is a "minnow shot"?
Hehe...I'm rather glad to say I have no idea! :P
Love big dicks!! (Ha!!) You try a minnow shot?
DOH!! I totally forgot to include the minnow shot in the post! :P
Ha ha not for wimen !!!!!