I just recently held a German P38 called the 480 series. It was the first military contract the German’s had produced during WWII. It was called the 480 program for secrecy. They were trying to avoid Walther being put in the lime light. I broke it down and all parts were correct and all serial numbers matched. My grandfather in law brought it back from the war. He was very tight lipped and never spoke of how he came across it. There were only 7500 placed in production before the 480 series was changed over to the just the P38. To hold a pistol as an amateur armory that most likely a German Officer during Nazi occupation was amazing. I am a giant WWII buff, from the sky to mechanized. Especially mechanized, see the difference in tech each country was employing on the tanks, but I digress. My uncle in law who has it always tol me he had a 4 digit serial number Luger. I knew immediately upon sight it was no Luger, but no clue what it was. Yet, I disassembled it without even thinking about it hopefully reassembling! You can see the the eagle and swaztica emblem above the trigger. To hold something from a time of just tremendous suffering by millions and millions who show courage and valor, not to mention bravery. It was a very special somber moment. A reminder that life been as easy as today. I say that lightly bc, not to discredit any vet of any conflict, but this day, history came alive for believer in good.
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