This is Genrik Yagoda Stalin's right hand man and biggest mass murderer of all time. He controlled the gulags that killed 45 million White Russians! He was a Jew!!! Why was he driving Hitler around? Look at his nose and Hitler's nose they're exactly the same size and shape. His profile looks identical to Hitler's and he's a 100% jew. What does that tell you about Hitler?
Ok goys.. This is going to be a huge Redpill to swallow. A lot of people are probably aware that George Soros was a Nazi during World War II. For a lot of you (((NAZI))) larpers you won't believe the evidence. But look at the evidence before you criticize. Take off your blinders and use your brain. Hitler was a crypto Jew. If the (((NAZIs))) hated Jews so much why would they name their party after them? Ashke(((nazi))) Jew??? Could it be more obvious!!!??? Why did the (((NAZI))) receive funding from New York Jews like Jacob Schiff?
This was the biggest set up of all time. They used propaganda to incite the German people to go to war. The Jews ran the propaganda. Look at the footage of (((Joseph Goebbels))) he has a Jew face if I've ever seen one. National (((socialism))) is ethno (((communism))). Socialism is a Jewish invention by Karl Marx. It's no different than communism. Stalin and Hitler were on the same team. Stalin's right hand man was even seen driving Hitler. They gained control of both countries and had them fight each other to destroy the white Christian men. If Hitler wanted to kill the Jews why didn't he just do it like Isis does? Why didn't he attack the queen's castle in England? Why didn't he kill the Rothschilds or attack their mansions? Why didn't he raid the gold in Switzerland? That would have been a very easy target for the German Army. Switzerland had no heavy artillery, tanks, or air defense. Look at the foolish waste of manpower in Stalingrad!!! Millions of Germans and Russians killed for nothing. Doesn't sound like a smart strategy to me. It sounds like a way to send good men into a meat grinder!!!
Before World War II white people were 30% of the Earth's population. Today they are only 7% of the world's population. This was done by design. It's white genocide. Read
(((The protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion))) It's the playbook for the Zionist globalist. They want to kill the white race so they can have total control of the world. They're already far along on their objective. They nearly have us wiped out. The last step is to take away the guns from the U.S. citizens. We are the last obstacle standing in the way of total world domination by the Zionist!
95% of all the Bolshevik communist in Stalin's party were Jews even though they only made up less than 2% of the Russian population. Communism is Judaism! And Judaism is (((satanism)))!
All of the people in this picture are Jews. Lenin Trotsky all Jews Ashke(((nazi))) Jews
Read the motto of the Mossad. By way of deception thou shalt make War! Who is the ultimate Deceiver? Satan! They have deceived you. 9/11 was it deception to get us into war. The buildings were brought down by directed energy weapons. Those same weapons are being used today to burn California. Look at the toasted cars in California for evidence. Cars were toasted just like 911 with paper on the ground and nearby trees did not burn.
Does this look like a face of a German or a Jew?
Oh Vey Goyim!!! Look at that nose!!!
WTF!!!! Could it be any more obvious????
This guy is a 100% Jew!!!
Oy Gevalt!!!!
How could you goys be so gullible???
That's all true. It fucking sucks that in order to expose it or even deal with it you have to place yourself in their sights so to speak, but the truth is the truth. Worth fighting for.
Important information more people should be aware of. Liked and following.
thank you great article. The veil is thinning for these occult warmongering psychopaths. like Christ said: "There is nothing hidden that will not be revealed, and there is nothing secret that will not become known and come to light."