He said this. They said that. This is boring. We know this. We know that. They say this. We say that. I listen to Info Wars. I love the Drudge Report. Companies can be good. You can choose to work for a company and you can leave and quit or get fired from work and jobs and careers. Kids grow up and they leave too. The husband and wife come together via a consensual agreement, something like a legal contract and commitment and smart contract, a thing we call marriage, and when a father is too bad, maybe like seen in the movie Mr. Doubt Fire starring funny comedian actor Robin Williams, and if the father is maybe too bad and abusive and is like assaulting kids and doing too bad, then the mother or others can take the kids from him. You do not like government. You have personal problems with government. That is very sad. You cannot see pass your own blind spot. You live in fear and you deflect an reflect and impose your own feelings and problems onto others by saying that they fear when you are the one that fears either accidentally and subliminally or you do know that you are in fear. You can say you have no fear but you do regardless of whether you know it or not.
WE made a horrible mistake voting for Trump. God Help America be great again.
Do you want more money?
I am sick to death of Fake misleading news. It hurts the innocent
CNN needs a punch out especially after this:
Thanks for these videos. Agreed. I hate fake news and disinformation.