Evening Thoughts of a Q Reader Continued.... Karma Does a 180.

in #wwg1wga6 years ago

As a Q reader you should go back to the early posts now, because they are about what is about to happen shortly.  Q forewarned the deep state CABAL of what is coming.  Why was this done?  Because Q also tells us that: "their symbolism will be their downfall."  It is not important that we believe in Karma.  It is important to know that they do.  When this fight gets going full blast it will be important to their side that they were warned by Q.   It puts us on the moral high ground in their minds.  Winning.

News and Entertainment are under influence or controlled by the CABAL. The black hats are into the occult and because of Karma, they will warn us before they strike.  One good example, is how Hollywood makes movies that warn us all in specific ways.  The Movie "Back to the Future" is a good example.  On your favorite search engine, search: "9-11 warnings in the movie Back to the Future." The movie came out in 1984.  And the planning for 9-11 was well underway.  Makes us wonder about the 1993 attack too?

Are these deep state events role-played,  planned and put on the shelf for later?  Yes. Cell phones in 1984 cost 4k.   So the original plan would not have used them in their current form.  Talk about "future proving past," a famous Q statement.

YouTuber, Ole Dammegård has written about numerous false flag attacks and their Karma connections.  While not 100 percent accurate, he has predicted numerous false flag attacks before they occurred.  There is some fire with this smoke it seems.  Why bring this up now?  Because the proverbial "Sh*t" is about to hit the fan.  If you look at Q Post 2343 "Are you ready for arrests?"  Information is about to be massively De-classified.  Sessions and Huber are gearing up for tribunals too.

Information to that effect was given to the military on the 2nd of October by Sessions. FISA declassification is coming.  DOJ IG Inspector reports on Comey and on FISA apps are coming too.  Major players at DOJ have flipped and are talking.  The 56k sealed indictments nationwide are just 55k over the monthly average.  It is looking like rain.  Not just a light drizzle, but a freakin' storm.  Most if not all of the black hats roaming free are lawyer-ed up.  It will not help them on "treason."  Yes we are talking Sedition and Treason, Obstruction is just an appetizer.  We have to watch our backs now.  Because false flags are coming.  With the Media controlled by black hats, they will work distractions on the American people.

How do we know this is going to happen?  Because it is their M.O..  A recent example would be the day several individuals were shot escaping from NSA HQ in Maryland at around 9am.  5 hours later the Parkland HS shooting.  Coincidence?  Maybe.  What distractions will happen when Marines arrest Hillary or Obama?  Think about the stakes.  We are at war now.  Remember Q predicted the day, the hour and minute John McCain would die.  What if McCain was convicted of Treason in a military court?  It would explain the prediction.

Information does not always get out to the public on matters of National Security.  But Q has said that Hillary [and Bill] were selling our secrets to China.  It is time to roll up the spy ring.  But it gets worse.  What if terrorism is faked?  Study oil price history and there is a money motivator to keep the middle east unstable.  Pipelines for Natural Gas are behind the civil war in Syria and Ukraine.  Study the Bush family's connection to the Saudis and the corruption is bi-partisan.  Now does the picture of Obama kissing the Saudi King's ring start to make more sense now?  What other corruptions will be revealed?  Sex Slavery and Human Trafficking?  Research the executive orders of President Donald Trump.  It is being dealt with.

As an aside, I spoke to an ex special forces soldier who told me that he was "told" back in the late 80's or early 90's, sorry cannot be more specific, that higher-ups in the military were thinking about fixing the corruption.  And they were to be given a "be ready."  Was the defeat of GHW Bush orchestrated to make sure Bush Sr lost?  Did the military ask Ross Perot to run in '92?  Little did folks know at the time but the Deep State won both primaries and were "in like Flint," regardless.  Was Perot, to be Trump before Trump?

Finally, remember the real folks in charge do not have to blackmail or bribe everyone, but just 10 percent in a two party paradigm.  What if Trump made or allowed politicians to step away from the corruption?  76+ retirements in 2018.  29+ major voting fraud investigations under way.  Those who fought Trump and remained are about to be exposed.  Does this help explain the Left's absolute hysteria?  Trump Derangement Syndrome it is called.  Q tells us to enjoy the show.

The Kavanaugh confirmation may have also been a sting operation to clear the corruptniks off of the Senate Judiciary Cmte.  We have learned about the false witnesses and the "help and planning" made by Democrats on that Cmte.  Hat tip to X-22 Rpt.

One thing is known for sure.  We are in a 4 act play and the final scenes are about to unfold. Whether a Part II to this play is ever written will depend on how much of the corruption and debauchery the American people can handle.   The Democrat Party and never Trumpers may not know what hit them in the weeks before this election on Nov 6th.  But Trump will have warned them with the Q posts.  The 30 million Q followers world wide have been in the know for over a year.  WWG1WGA