
I tucked a message like that between the lines of my most recent post, but I disagree with the idea of bringing like minded types together. Worst case scenario and already proven in history; it just leads to echo chambers, cults, concentrated ideas with limited reach. I think the 'fresh thinking' you speak of involves 'unlike minds' not fearing one another to the point of establishing segregated groupthink. Certain behaviors and thought processes are only shocking to some due to lack of exposure. Society is devolving back into uncontacted peoples surrounding themselves with spiky stick walls. All acting tough and superior on the surface but totally weak and fragile, living in fear of others. I think that shit needs to go.

And while I'm still thinking about this I just want to add how interesting and fascinating it is to watch folks interact when combined with full transparency and a blockchain. It exposes hypocrisy and reveals integrity on levels never seen before in society. Don't take this personally; just a simple observation. You want to silence and poke away at your local government; you say they're doing it to you. The reality is it's people acting the exact same way to one another. Another thing I discovered today was some kind of "quack list" that was quickly destroyed and downvoted into oblivion by the very people putting on a show lately talking about how that sort of behavior should be frowned upon. The lack of honesty and integrity is exactly why these incidents drag on and on. People want to 'win' battles rather than having the courage to put their heads together and figure shit out. Like I said in that post linked above. People too busy fighting their reflections. Takes a lot of strength to be able to see through the mirror. Society is lacking in that department. Stuck in a loop and no idea how to get out.