It is though. At least in my case. And you saw that, from damn near day one.
Several others as well. I've always thought it to be unfortunate people knock others down for doing well and just write it off as doing something wrong. Frowning upon any available genuine success stories with negative attitudes. I've not once enjoyed being around that element. It's like I'm not even allowed to say, "Yeah, you can get somewhere here and accomplish things. There's a future if you want it." Yet I'm living proof. Absolutely no control over what comes in and how many people show up. It just happens, like it's supposed to, by design.
When I'm out voting, I'm only voting for things I like, when I like them. I have one account, and never once used an automated service. Tried to set a good example. But at the same time, I'm not in the business of telling others what to do and how to do it.
I've been watching VYB. Closely. If it happens on VYB it's happening on Hive. It's all the same. There are no walls between communities. Just roads. Those 'dividers' are an illusion. Segregation will be your downfall if that's the goal.
I disagree with several of your points here but you like to argue and I'm a bit over it. @onealpha.vyb clearly likes your comment, and he is fully entitled to give you a surprisingly large upvote for it.
You like to knock people down. Hopefully you don't expect folks to sit there and take it. What is there to disagree with? Everything I said there is true. Every single line. But let me guess, in a couple days out of the blue you'll come call me a prick again, like you've been doing; because it's me that likes to argue?
For someone who has nothing to say in return, that was one of the lousiest excuses I've ever seen. Saying 'nothing' would have been more productive. I have no control over what onealpha wants to vote for either. You know him better than me.
Like I said I've been watching VYB. Here's your opportunity to be a 'whale' and play a lead role. Every tiny little thing you do affects the reputation of the entire brand. I'm rooting for you folks so try not to run it into the ground.
OK you argumentative prick...
PS. Thanks for firing me up to write todays post!
Do you realize I'm not even attacking you?
Do you realize the accounts that are attacking me are not you?
And I read your post. We share things in common. The arts and entertainment world has been heavily censored, cut up, chopped, had graffiti plastered over it in the form of rating systems, artists blamed for atrocities like school shootings, jokes taken seriously intentionally just to make the artist look demented nearly killing the artform and still actively trying, this list is so goddamn long and it's been going on now for centuries. All entertainment. Never meant to hurt. But it gets converted into that. And if I wanted to be a dick and compare how those with 'basic' political opinions and generic 'news' act when someone steps in to push them around, pretending like it's something new, I'd say they're acting like cowards. Artists have been under fire for centuries and never backed down. One of the most recent bits of insanity was when the FBI classified all fans of Insane Clown Posse as a gang. So with that, a tattoo could cost you your job, a shirt could be enough 'probably cause' to get stopped and frisked or have your vehicle searched and impounded. Pure insanity. And not one of these supposed freedom fighters in social media news and opinion even talks about, because they weren't the ones being inconvenienced. Social media over the past decade and a bit more turned everyone into a member of the arts and entertainment industry. Some become so shocked and appalled at this idea their work might trigger backlash. Acting like it's some new trend that shouldn't happen, while the artists sit there shaking their heads thinking 'where the fuck have you people been all these years...'
Create something that's meant to be thought provoking but not hateful, yet it's treated as hate, so that doesn't make sense. Whereas yourself and other want to hate straight up, then can't figure out why you get hate in return. So of course that doesn't make sense either because it's not even being misconstrued. Punch then pout about getting punched back? That's cowardly. The artists out there get punched for no reason, turn the other cheek, sell another million copies or sell out a stadium. They're trying to cancel Rogan, but he also has artist brain. Watch him let that shit slide right off and get a million more listeners each week. No chance of getting silenced because he doesn't offer anyone any ammo. No weak points in that armor. Not acting like a wimp.
Watch Marilyn Manson in the media after they tried to blame him for Columbine. Cooler than cold. Made anyone challenging him look like a moron for even trying.
There! Now we're even. Thanks for bringing those thoughts out in me. I could clean them up and make a post, but I've already written that post, several ways.
One of the accounts attacking me is the NZ "government" - Hive is just a playground...