I really enjoyed this video clip!
So, in my opinion, it is a little unfeasible to treat the Hive account as a service/business only, mainly depending on the profile of who says this, in my case it's kind of impossible because I have an ambition to be very sincere and only write what really I feel that it is naturally mine, which, as we well know, does not bring the biggest payouts. It is obvious that I hope to make a profit from my content and I dedicate myself to writing hoping for rewards, but I have a vision of being little by little creating a framework of information, of content around here that will be fixed on the blockchain for eternity, setting up a little bit of the scenario of life that I have and had, and who knows, this will be a kind of diary for the future, where my grandchildren will end up looking up my name on google and will end up in this immense social wikipedia. If all this brings me financial benefits, of course I will have more momentum to stay dedicated, but I think back to the whole pre-social media era, when we would dedicate to writing hours of content on obscure blogs with complex addresses for practically no one to read, and we would without thinking about any profit.