Yes, Yes, Yes, my peeps, it is time for another Xervantes' Challenge. In the first part I challenged my fellow Steemians to write one week about a subject of their choosing but for this challenge we are going to change it up a little.

So what have I cooked up now?
This time I want to do a writing contest. Some time ago I had an idea to do a series called "It's all about style" where I would write about well-known Steemians and what made them so special. But alas it never came to be. So now I am looking for Steemians who are going to write about their favorite author on Steemit and tell me what makes that author so unique, good, wonderful, extraordinary etc.
What am I looking for?
A Minnow with a REP less than 50 preferably someone just starting out on Steemit.
For two weeks (starting now) you have the chance to submit your post (#xervanteschallenge) about your favorite well-known accomplished Steemian.
I will do a groundback check to see if you have not misbehaved on Steemit.
What do you get in return?
All the posts will get a 100% upvote from me, and a resteem. The winning author will get a 20 SBD reward!
How do you apply?
Let me know that you want to take part in the competition and drop a link to your post in the comment section. Let me know which Steemian you are going to write about and I will check out your post. I will decide on the winner Sunday 19 March.
What not to do!
- Copy-Pasta Posts- Yes I will be looking for plagiarism.
- No memes or Zappl posts- Sorry.
What you should do!
- Accept my challenge, submit one post about your favorite Steemian and let everyone know what makes him or her so special in your eyes.
add the #xervanteschallenge tag so I know which posts to look for
- Be sure to do your best because we got some talented Steemians out there!

Are you that talented and enthusiastic minnow who is just starting out and are you up for a challenge?

Hello @xervantes can i write about more than one steemian for my post
Should be interesting. I say go ahead!
Yo! I'm in, this sounds fun. I guess it will make me really have to sit down and think about who my favorite Steemian really is. Thanks, and also thanks for the nice long deadline :)
No problem, looking forward to your entry :)