Hi. This post is just a test.
Let's find out what is possible in PeakD editor
- Ctrl+Z does not working
- Can't change color of text or background (style doesn't work)
- Can't write down math equations with <math> or attach some libs to use LateX
Nice things:
The gifs!
- ∫(f(x))dx x⟶∞ Lets say, Html Entities are cool. Poor in comparison with LateX, but still :D
- 😁 Emojis based on Html Entities
<pre> with <li> looks good in numerating something :D
And some kind of description Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing Lorem Ipsum passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of Lorem Ipsum. Alright - <pre> doesn't wrap lines :D Maybe i can use it as <spoiler> mark :D Book title :D
=========================================Spoiler===============================================================> It works :D =========================================Spoiler=====================================================> You have to scroll to see the text.
Looks good as a Title
Is is just <pre> with header :D
But make this clear - We should have more freedom in creating blog notes. I remember good old times 15 years ago, when the Internet webdesign was total wild west anarchy. It was totally opposite of Facebook or Instagram. Maybe the alternative socialmedia should allow more experienced users to make things totally impossible at this big sites. A, i jestem z Polski. Więc pozdrowionka dla szanownej polskiej frakcji! |
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Założyłem konto tutaj w jakiś głupi sposób i mam za mało resource credits żeby odpowiadać od razu na komentarze :D
Normalnie nowe konta nie maja.
Oddelegowałam Ci troche HP. Powinienieś móc pisać i komentować do woli :)
Woohoo, dziękuję po stokroć :D
Nie ma sprawy :)
Pamietaj, ze masz okolo 11 pewlnych glosow dziennie do wykorzystanie, ktore sie zregeneruja w ciagu 24h. Jak zuzyszesz wiecej, to bedziesz musial dluzej poczekac do pelnej regeneracji.
Te 11 glosow zjada okolo 20% Twojego Voting power. Wiec to taka optymalna ilosc.
Tu moszesz sobie sprawdzic operacje na swoim koncie i kontrolowac VP
albo tu, ładuje się szybciej ;)
Tez mozna. Inne opcje ma, wiec co kto woli :)