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RE: So You Want To Be A Digital Nomad

in #yallapapi7 years ago

Aah, I know this feeling so well. You move from place to place and enjoy the experiences but are never quite 'happy' (no I'm not talking about in the ridiculous hallmark sense everybody fakes but just in the 'not already thinking about the next place' sense). You stay in one place, find something that resembles a real job and you just want to die because you should be traveling. The canned conversations get boring. The lack of roots feels, well, 'rootless' but the opposite experience feels like you're suddenly drowning in responsibility (just by being a 'normal' person). No, the point of this ramble isn't that I know what you should do, just that I sympathize.

Right now I'm stuck somewhere between flying off to Japan for a shit TEFL job or staying in my home country of South Africa for a job in my field that will tie me down for a while and...shit... All I actually want to do is wander around and write stuff. And not boring fucking copy. Just my own stuff. Time to go back to trying to make the crypto-millions I guess...

Enjoy Vietnam I guess and then move on. Life is too short to be boring or bored.


Thanks will do. Always wanted to visit SA, Cape Town specifically. Never been to Japan either. Sounds expensive.

You should absolutely visit Cape Town :) having travelled extensively I can now say with authority that my home city is one of the most beautiful in the world. If you are ever headed this way, drop me a line ;)