Register 1 ACCT entitled 1,000 product points
after 30 days convert to 500 MSD
500MSD will be portioned as below
a. 80% (400) of MSD go to blockchain/Wallet
b. 20% (100) of MSD stay in log in system and can be converted to maintain account (renew) or use for registration
1 Account you get 1,000 Product Point
after 30 days convert to 500 MSD
3 Account you get 3000 Product Point 800EC
after 30 days convert to 1,500 MSD
Main account = 100 EC
Repurchase acct sponsor bonus = 100EC
Maximum Repurchase acct up to 50 accts only otherwise system rejectected
Your account will be process as soon as posible, upon receive payment.