Yang the Messiah

in #yanggang5 years ago

Healing Souls

"He will wipe every tear from their eyes. There will be no more death or mourning or crying or pain, for the old order of things has passed away.”

-- Revelation 21:4

Mackadee 🧢🇺🇸☂️

· Dec 29, 2019 @MackadeeGaming

"I'm trying to take away not only your pain, but all others as well".I had a dream that me & @AndrewYang was walking on a boardwalk. I explained to him the personal reason why I support him & I vividly remember the tears explaining the reason & he just grabbed my shoulder, said:

Zach Graumann🧢

A woman came up to Andrew in Clinton, IA. She said my 2 sons were depressed/angry b4 they heard about you. Now they’re actively engaged to get you elected, and our entire family is supporting you. She said, “Thank you for giving my children hope.”

I’m not crying you’re crying.

Mindset of Abundance


Yang (v): To convince someone that @AndrewYang is the right person for US President.
Continuous tense: yanging.
Past tense: yanged.

Yang (numeral): The quantity of 1000.

Yang Gang: People who will definitely vote for @AndrewYang in primaries and Presidential Election.

Yang Ganger: A member of the Yang Gang.

Yang Out: To hang out with members of #YangGang.

Yangphoria: The delightful feeling one experiences when encountering a fellow Yang Ganger in the wild.

Yangsanity (n): The mental state of being obsessed with everything @AndrewYang.

Yangsomnia: The condition of being kept awake by the adrenaline from all the rallies, podcasts, and donation.

Yangtionary: The dictionary of every vocabulary associated with @AndrewYang.


Much love to a fellow Yang Ganger!

 5 years ago  Reveal Comment