Ya nay kon twel mu nint lote nyan kate sa a wa wa twin kyal aung myin yay ei adi ka tawt chat mar myan kan thaw sa kar ko tha kar kal thoe cho thar swar pyaw ywe yin yin kyae kyae pyu pyu nyar nyar sat san that chin pin phit thi.Cho thar thaw sa kar ko pyaw soe chin thin thi a yar yar ko aung myin zay naing par thi.Myat swar pha yar shin ka lal ko note na lone thone par sa lone kaung ma lu kaung tha yout phit naing kyaung .Law ka nignht cho thar thaw sa kar ko lu toe nint that kyaung sa kar ko cho thar swar pyaw soe chin thi kyi mar thaw lat kyi tha par phit kyaung haw kyar khal par thi.
lote chin sate taung ma shi tot boo.
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min toe nal nal move ya tot mal.